^ J lo r tla n b öObserurr M arch 29. 2 0 0 6 S o n -I m p o r t , live. Japanese Cars • Trucks Maintenance • Service R e p a ir • R e b u ilt • Replace T IIA N II VAN S O N 1815 SE 50TH AVE. PORTLAND. OR 97215 (503) 236-3515 Rax (503) 236-4428 STATE FARM OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 286-1 103 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 i=LÏ Page B 5 Health Care Issues Raised O ver 60 people cam e together at a health care forunt at Irvington V illage in northeast Portland. The March 22 session was the third issues forum held in recent w eeks by State Rep. Chip Shields T he north and northeast Port­ land law m aker was joined by State Rep. M itch G reenlick, chief peti­ tioner of HO PE for Oregon famil ies and his wife Shelda Holmes, a pub­ lic health family nurse practitioner. H olm es shared a need for access to preventive health care, reducing costs through preventing em er­ gency room visits. Solutions were discussed, from fully funding the O regon H ealth Plan to universal health care coverage. G re en lick said his in itiativ e would put the right to health care for all O regonians into the state C onstitution. A rea re sid e n ts sh a re d th e ir health care frustrations, including those with health insurance who still struggle to pay hospital bills. Shields' next and final forum will be held on W ednesday. April 5. at 6:30 p.m. at Irvington Elementary School w hen the topic will be schools. INSURANCE COMPANIES OSU Hosts King Member HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Martin Luther King III. the oldest son of America’s best- known and most beloved civil rights leader, will speak on his father’s work and how it influ­ ences his own ac tivism today on Tuesday, April 11, starting at 6 p.m . at O regon S tate University’s LaSells Stewart WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 W ally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington Martin Luther King III 503-267-7586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249-6527 fax wtesfa1@ comcast.net 11 PROPERTIES. Multi-Million $ Service Michael E. Harper, Sr. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. 9045SWBarhr.Suit 109 Rutland, OR97219 (503)221-3050 R egis S alon Abel Specializing in Ethnic Hair Care Relaxer Color School Name Wanted Portland Public Schools has be­ gun the process o f nam ing a school under construction in the New C o­ lum bia hou sin g d ev elo p m en t in north Portland. The school will open in Septem ­ ber. M any partners, including H ous­ ing Authority o f Portland. Boys and Girls Club, Portland Parks and Recre­ ation and the City o f Portland, have w orked together to m ake this school possible. The com m unity is invited to sug­ gest nam es for the new school. Sug­ gestions will be accepted through April 12. A newly formedcommitteeis com posed o f T am ala Newsome, cur­ rent principal o f Ball Elem entary, along with a teacher, classified staff m em ber, student and com m unity member. T he com m ittee will make three to five recom m endations to the superintendent. The superintendent will recom m end one nam e to the board for approval. S u g gestio n s and co m m ent on possible nam es can be m ade via the school d is tr ic t w e b s ite a, w w w .p p s .k l2 .o r .u s , by fax at 503.916.3100. by phone at 503-916- 3304 or by mail at 501 N. Dixon, Portland. OR 97227. Church Screens ‘Passion’ V ancouver's Community AM E Zion Church is inviting the public to a free screening o f the aw ard-w in­ ning biblical film "The Passion o f the Christ" on Friday, April 10 at 7 p.m. Special m ovies and snacks will be provided for children. The church is located at 3605 E. 13* St. For more information, call 360-693- 4566. 503.282.288/8652 Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N .E . 42nd Ave. P ortland, O R 97213 I Between B roadw ay a n d Sandy B tvd .) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! Center in Corvallis. “My Father’s Dream, My Mission" is the title of King’s talk, a reflection on the civil rights movement and his father’s legacy. King will exam ine America’s progress since his father's legendary “I Have a Dream" speech, delivered at Dear Deanna! I'v e been unem ployed for 2 years from a jo b that has lim ited marketing availability . My wife has supported me both em o­ tionally and financially during this tim e. Now she com plains and no m atter how many odd jobs I take, sh e’s never satis­ fied. However, when I was gain­ fully em ployed she had a life of luxury at my expense and she claim s loss of the lifestyle isn’t bothering her. W hat can 1 do to make this situation better? — Tim C.; Denver, Colo. Dear Tim: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -2 9 1 9 w w w .northportlandbiblecollege.org Spring Term Schedule, 2006 April 3-June 15 Classes Io enhance ministry, fo r anyone, any night Monday O TS 103 O ld Testament Survey. HI Jim Sellers, M . D iv Isaiah th ro u g h M a la c h i U M 20I Understanding the C ity D r. R ichard W h ite . P H .D A c lo se r look a t the dynam ics o f the co n tem p o ra ry city a nd the im pact o f an effective C h ris tia n presence Tuesday PM 222 LayCounseling:CaringforPeopleGod’ sW ay,III U N 204 * M in is try to U rban Y outh Carol Chism. MSSA *F red W oods. M . D iv. P rogram s an d strategies fo r m eeting needs o f yo u th in the urban setting N T 103 New Testament Survey I I I Dan H o ffm a n . B .A . Hebrews th rough Revelation W ritin g Research Papers C onnie Stanton. B. A. C ollege level w ritin g