Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 26, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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    il!r5ßortlan& ©bseruer
October 26. 2005
Home Heating Costs Sting
con tin u ed
fro m Front
W ith the local average being be­
tw een $2.60 to $2.74 per gallon,
Portland area residents can expect
to pay betw een $650 to $685 to fill
a 250-gallon tank, w hich should
heat a fam ily-size hom e for about
tw o m onths during winter.
L ehr said he has lost a few cu s­
tom ers w ho had hoped that natural
gas w ould be a less expensive way
to heat their hom es, but it seem s
those fam ilies will also be catching
the brunt o f the recent increases.
T he cost o f natural gas is up 15
percent locally. A round the nation
natural gas prices are 50 percent
higher and electric heating is up
about 11 percent.
W ith the w in ter m onths ap ­
proaching, elderly residents and
low-income families may find it hard
to stay warm.
T he federal governm ent does
offer som e help through its Low
Incom e H om e Energy A ssistance
Program . L IH E A P is a federally
funded program to help eligible low-
incom e households meet their home
heating and cooling needs.
O fficials are currently taking ap­
plications from senior and disabled
residents. T he energy assistance
opens to the general public on Dec.
1 on a first-com e, first service basis
until funds run out.
Pacific Power funds the C om m u­
n ity E n e rg y P r o je c t, In c . o f
M ultnom ah C ounty, w hich pro­
vides senior and disabled citizens
with energy education and energy-
efficiency program s.
Portland G eneral Electric spon­
sors the Com munity Energy Project,
w hich assists low -incom e seniors
and persons with disabilities co n ­
serve energy in their homes.
F or in d iv id u als w h o look to
m ake a long-term co m m itm en t to
energy e fficien c y , th e state o f­
fers lo w -in te re st en erg y loans to
in d iv id u a ls o r b u s in e s s e s fo r
p ro jects that co n serv e en erg y or
p roduce energ y from ren ew ab le
reso u rces, use recy cled m aterials
to c re ate p ro d u cts o r use a lte rn a ­
tive fuels.
There is also a tax credit avail­
able to residents for m aking your
hom e m ore energy-efficient and
helping preserve O reg o n ’s envi­
To find out more about LIHEAP,
phone 1 -800-453-5511 and leave a
m essage on an energy assistance
m essage line or contact one o f the
follow ing nine com m unity service
centers: A lbina M inisterial A lli­
ance, 503-285-0493; Catholic Chari­
ties, 503-669-8350; H um an S olu­
tions, 503-548-0200; A sian Family
Center, 503-235-9396; Native Ameri­
can R eh abilitatio n A sso ciatio n ,
503-224-1044; Portland Impact, 503-
988-6000; St. Vincent DePaul, 503-
595-0288; Salvation Arm y, 503-239-
1264and the YMCA, 503-721 -6760.
For m ore about Pacific Pow er’s
Com m unity Energy Project, phone,
1 -888-221 -7070or visit the W eb site
at w w w .pacificpow er.net/N aviga-
tion/Navigation 1356.html.
For m ore inform ation on Port­
land General Electric’s Com munity
Energy Project, phone 503-284-6827
o r v is it its W e b s ite at
Inform ation on low -interest en ­
ergy loans and tax credits may be
found at http://egov.oregon.gov/
ENERG Y /orby phoning 1 -800-221 -
Page A5
Southeast Pool Saved by City Council
Portland C ity C om m issioner
D an S altzm an received u n an i­
m ous ap p roval O ct. 19 from
the C ity C o u n c il to re p a ir
B uckm an Pool.
“ N eighbors and ch ild ren o f
inner S ou th east P o rtland will
be sw im m in g a g a in by the
spring o f 2006,” S altzm an said.
“T his has been a g re a t c o lla b o ­
ration, and 1 thank the n eig h ­
bors, the school district, o u r ow n
p a rk s sta ff and the en tire C ity
C o u n c il fo r th e ir e ffo rts.”
B u ckm an pool is an 80,000-
gallo n , 8 3 -y e a r-o ld p o o l located
in the b asem en t o f B uckm an
E lem en tary S chool at 320 S.E.
16‘h A ve.
P ortland Public Schools ow ns
the pool and pays the utility costs,
w hile P o rtlan d P arks and R ec­
reation is resp o n sib le fo r o p ­
eratio n s an d staffing.
T he pool clo se d last spring
after d isc o v e ry o f a m a jo r leak.
F u rth er te stin g re v e a le d e x ­
tensive cra c k s in the pool shell,
but no th re a t to the integ rity o f
the bu ild in g . T he pool now sits
em pty w ith the tiles re m o v ed ,
ready fo r re p a ir a n d re n o v a ­
Ingredients for life.
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Leaders Fight Racial
Health Disparities
Local conference addresses issues
State Sen. Avel G ordly, Portland
M ayor T om P otter, M ultnom ah
C ounty C hair D iane Linn and more
than 200 health professionals and
com m unity m em bers addressed
com m unity-w ide solutions to end
racial health disparities at a historic
Portland event.
The “Health Disparities: W e Can
M ake a D ifference” conference on
Oct. 14 sponsored by the A frican
A m erican H ealth C oalition also
drew representatives from Gov. Ted
K ulongoski’s office and the staffs
o fO reg o n ’stw o U .S . Senators, Ron
W yden and G ordon Smith.
Sen. 4ve/ G o r d ly
Dr. Brian G ibbs, director o f the
P rogram to Elim inate Health D is­ nity m em bers talked about w ays in
parities in the D ivision o f Public w hich they confront health dispari­
H ealth P ractice at the H arvard ties and m ade com m itm ents to sup­
School o f Public H ealth, inspired port the w ork o f the A A HC.
Regardless o f w ho spoke or the
the crow d with a keynote address.
G ibbs encouraged the audience segm ent o f the com m unity he or
to fight health disparities by inte­ she represented, the m essage was
grating public policy and com m u­ clear: G ood health is a basic right
nity advocacy. H e very eloquently that we all should enjoy and it is
gave a historical context o f health e v e ry o n e ’s resp o n sib ility to be
disparities am ong A frican A m eri­ concerned.
That them e was echoed through­
cans in A m erica.
He explained how African Ameri­ out the conference by individuals
cans experienced 365 years o f seg­ w ho talked about the need to im ­
d is p a r i tie s
regation in various hospitals and p ro v e
facilities and have only had 39 years hom eo w n ersh ip , ed u catio n , the
o f full access to practice m edicine ability to earn a livable w age, and
in all m edical facilities in America. racism . Each person recognized
The political leaders, policy m ak­
con tin u ed
on p a g e A 6
ers, corporate heads, and com m u-
j ,
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