Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 19, 2005, Page 10, Image 10

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    'JJürtlattÙ © bscrU er_________________________
October 19. 2005
C lassifieds /B ids
Girl Scouts
W K « r t G ir l* G r o w S t r o n g -
°« F G O ^
Program Manager
Associate Planner
Ensure qu ality GS program is
delivered to girls. Requires event
and volunteer management skills,
experience working with diverse
populations, skills in cultivating
p a rtn e rs h ip s
w ith
o th e r
o rg a n iz a tio n s and a b ility to
c o m m u n ica te
e ffe c tiv e ly .
Q u a lific a tio n s :
equivalent in education and/or
experience in event and volunteer
m a n a ge m e n t. N eed re lia b le
transportation, ab ility to work
fle x ib le ho u rs. FT @ $ 30K
+benefits. Closes 10/21/05. See
w eb site
or c a ll
503.598.6513 for more info. To
apply, forward a completed GS
employment application [found
w e b s ite
www.GirlScoutsCRC.org] to PO
Box 2427, Lake O sw ego, OR
97035. Fax: 5 0 3 .5 9 8 .6 5 5 6 .
Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r
Committed to Diversity.
$4,017 - $4,882 / month
Closes October 21, 2005
Cartographer II
$3,216 - $3,910 / month
Closes October 28, 2005
Juvenile Counselor I - Harkins
$3,297 - $4,007/ month
Closes October 28, 2005
Senior Administrative
$ 2 ,7 7 3 -$ 3 .3 7 3 / month
Closes October 28, 2005
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
our website: www.co.washington
.or.us. County application and
supplemental application forms
required. Women, minorities, and
p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Senior Management Analyst
The Senior Management Analyst
fo r the In d e p e n d e n t P olice
Review Division (IPR) within the
City of Portland Auditor's Office is
responsible for designing and
conducting research that results
in p o lic y and p ro c e d u ra l
recommendations. Duties include
serving as project manager for the
internal database utilized to
extract and analyze data and
conducting literature and best
practice reviews to help the Police
B ureau and IPR to im p ro ve
services to the public. Additional
duties include researching and
coordinating adm inistrative or
organizational studies: identifying
re c o m m e n d in g
im p ro v e m e n ts to a d d re ss
program related trends or issues
regarding the implementation of
re g u la tio n s
in te rn a l
e ffic ie n c ie s and p re s e n tin g
re se a rch re c o m m e n d a tio n s
e ffe c tive ly both o rally and in
writing. The Senior Management
Analyst is expected to carry out
their individual responsibilities
with initiative, independence and
creativity while exercising sound
p ro fe s s io n a l ju d g m e n t and
p ro b le m -s o lv in g
s k ills .
A p p ro xim a te M on thly S a la ry:
$4,633- $6,186
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Utility Maintenance. Oregon
Convention Center. $16.56/hour,
D e a d lin e :
1 0 /26 /05 .
Performs semi-skilled work in a
v a rie ty
c o n s tru c tio n ,
m aintenance and operational
functions including carpentry,
p a in tin g
ge n era l
maintenance. This opportunity is
open to First Opportunity Target
Area re s id e n ts (C o lu m b ia
Boulevard on the north: 42nd
Avenue on the east; the Banfield
Freeway on the south, and North
Chautauqua Boulevard on the
west), whose total annual income
does not exceed $25,000 as an
in dividual or $40,000 for an
entire household for the past 12
Technical Support Supervisor
The Technical Support Supervisor
Meyer Memorial Trust is re s p o n s ib le fo r p la n n in g,
Meyer Memorial Trust, a private
fo u n d a tio n
d e d ic a te d
im proving the quality of life in
O re go n
S o u th w e s t
W a s h in g to n ,
se e k s
e xp e rie n c e d fin a n c e team
member with a com mitm ent to
excellence. Responsibilities include
fin an cial statem ents, general
le d ge r, a c c o u n ts p a ya b le ,
re c o n c ilia tio n s , and a c c o u n t
Qualified candidate must have BS
in Accounting and four years of
accounting experience. Individual
must have strong computer skills
and a d va n ce d kn o w le d g e of
E xc e l. M u st a lso be d e ta il
oriented, organized, and have
s o lid c o m m u n ic a tio n
analytical skills. Send succinct
letter of interest with resume to:
A p p lica tio n s due O ctober 19,
2005. E-mail only; no phone calls
Learn more about the Trust at
Rider Advocates
Northeast Coalition of
Neighborhoods, Inc. (NECN)
p rio ritiz in g , a s s ig n in g and
m a n a g in g th e w ork of the
Technical Support Staff in multiple
locations throughout the City.
D u tie s in c lu d e e s ta b lis h in g
s c h e d u le s and m e th o d s fo r
providing inform ation system s
s u p p o rt: s e rv in g as p ro je c t
m anager
a ssig n e d
implementation projects related
to technical support, participating
in the development of policies and
p ro ce du re s: m o n ito rin g w ork
activities to ensure compliance
w ith established policies and
p ro c e d u re s :
m ake
recom m endations for changes
and im provem ents to existing
policies and procedures: and
p e rfo rm som e o f th e m ost
technical and complex tasks of
the work unit. Additional duties
include supervising the Technical
Support section, recommending
th e s e le c tio n o f a ssig n e d
inform ation system s staff and
working with employees to ensure
q u a lity c u s to m e r se rv ic e .
A p p ro xim a te M on th ly S a la ry:
$5,489- $7,315
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
City of Portland - Aerial Tram Project
Kiewit Pacific Co.
Bruce Patterson, Project Manager
CCB No. 63471
Bid Documents Available at
Willamette Blue Print www.wpbinc.com
3461 NW Yeon Ave. 503-223-5011 &
0AME Plan Center. 4134 N Vancouver Ave. 503-249-7744
For more information www.kiewit.com/patp or
We are releasing packages on website fo r
M etal Decking on 1 0 /2 1
Building Finishes on 1 0 /2 1
Application deadline is 4:30 pm,
Monday, October 31, 2005
Site Utilities on 1 0 /2 4
Kiewit is seeking to develop new subcontracting partnerships
and encourages minorities, women and emerging small
businesses to bid this project.
MWESB Project Coordinator, FM Burch and Associates,
503-735-9455 or 503-936-6898
The Rider Advocate will assist Tri-
Met operators and customers in
m aintaining a pleasant riding
e n v iro n m e n t.
P re vio u s
experience in working with diverse
groups preferred, knowledgeable
as re la te d to In n e r N o rth /
N o rth e a s t
P o rtla n d ,
p re fe rab ly b ilin g u a l (E n glish/
Spanish) or multilingual. Full-time,
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., $15.00
hr. B e n e fits o ffe re d a fte r 3
months satisfactory employment.
Resumes are not accepted in lieu
of a completed NECN application.
No phone calls please. Apply in
person at NECN, 4815 N.E. 7th,
P o rtla n d , b e fo re 5 :0 0 p.m .,
October 20, 2005.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Drugtest/Background check
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
Minority w/Million $ Mind?
Apply 1 2 :00 -1:00PM.
805 SW Broadway, Suite 21 00 - Portland, OR 97 20 5 - CCB License # 28417
Sow action to reap $$$ results.
2-min msg: 800-366-
1375 X2316
Mon, Wed, Blurs &Frl;
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women,
disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other
W illa m e tte University Kaneko Common
o penin gs. S ee kin g d ep en d a b le,
Bid Package #2 - Final Build Out
Pre-Bid Meeting: October 24,2005 at 1:30pm
Fire Protection Bids Due: October 27,2005 at 2:00pm
All Other Bids Due: November 3,2005 at 2:00pm
well-groomed, positive individuals.
Bid Documents - Precision Images (5 0 3 /2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 ) orwww.bxwa.com
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
$ 8 .0 0 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 4 0 1 k avail.
3 : 0 0 -4 :0 0 P M Tues.
City Center Parking,
Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
130 SW Stark, Portland.
To a c c e ss the co m p le te jo b
a n n o u n cem e n t and required
Application deadline is 4:30 pm, application m aterials visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
Monday, October 31,2005
jobs or pick up a complete packet
To learn more about this position, at Metro Human Resources, 600
or to apply online, visit our website
NE G rand Ave n ue , P ortlan d .
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
Resumes are not accepted.
pickup an application at 1120 SW
AA/EEO Employer
5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
• Principal Executive/Manager G
Human Services Delivery Area Manager
Salary: $5,334 - $7.857/month
Announcement 4LEHS5501 Salem
Position closes October 2 1 ,2 0 0 5
SYSTEM (PERS) - Tigard
PERS covers nearly 300,000 members and administers
retirement, disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred
compensation plans statewide.
• Human Resource Analyst 3
Provide professional human resource expertise to the
management and staff of PERS.
Salary: $3.617 $5.078/month
Announcement #LE050631
Close Date: October 2 6 .2 0 0 5
Materials Science Institute
Officer of Administation Position Announcement
The Materials Science Institute is currently recruiting for a
Full Time (1.0 FTE) Assistant Director, Internship/Master’s Program
(Officer of Administration)
The person fillin g this position will coordinate all aspects of
administration of the Materials Science Institute Master's/lnternship
program s in Sem iconductor Device Processing, Polymers and
Coatings, and Organic/Organometallic Synthesis.
Salary range: $50,000-$65,000
Duties Include:
• Recruiting students, designing brochures, web pages, posters,
conducting recruiting seminars, publicize programs.
• Recruiting new company partners, develop corporate relations,
plan and host industry appreciation events
• Publicize Programs
• Identify new funding opportunities to support graduate education,
adm inistration of grants and fellow ships from industry and
governm ent. Write grant proposals, participate in cultivation
activities to secure corporate funding.
Preferred Background:
• Familiarity with Higher Education Programs
• Background in marketing, physical sciences or engineering
• Bachelor’s Degree required, Master's preferred
• Superior written and communication skills
• Experience working with large groups
• Highly developed personal interaction skills
• Com puter skills in cluding web site developm ent, desktop
publishing, data management, graphic design
• We invite applications from candidates with a demonstrated
com mitm ent to creating a more inclusive and diverse institution
and seek candidates with demonstrated commitment to achieving
that goal.
To apply send a letter of application, resume, and contact information
for three references to: Lucy Biggs. Materials Science Institute, 1252
University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403.
For earliest consideration, submit your application by October 28,
2005. The position is open until filled. The University of Oregon is
an AA/EO/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity.
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete
announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment
s Department of Transportation If
great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation,
and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT.
Current recruitments include:
O DO T P eople drive Oregon
Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The S tate of
Oregon otters employees com petitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes
employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership
in the Oregon Public Service Retirem ent Plan (0PSRP): and opportunities to participate In
the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be
w .-,,-A pgt1' *
i f '?
• Natural Resources Admin Specialist
equal opportunity employers.
Salary $2,069 $2,846/month
Announcement #OCDT5992 Salem
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Systems Analyst/QC Analyst
• Principal Executive/Manager C
Project Manager
• Senior Drafter
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Senior Systems Analyst -
• Operations & Policy Analyst 3
Requirements Coordinator
Salary $2,783 - $3,989/month
Announcement #OCDT5922 Roseburg
• Traffic Analyst
Salary $3,223 - $4,616/month
Announcement #0C0T5805 White City
Salary: $3,719 - $5,132/month
Announcement #LEHS5523A Salem
Position clones October 27,2005
Salary: $3.617 - $5.078/month
Announcement »LEHS5543 Salem
Position closes October 21,2 00 5
• Assistant Project Manager
Salary $3,734 ■ $5,347/month
Announcement #0CDT5964 Corvallis
• Information Systems Specialist 7
Senior Systems Analyst/QC -
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Senior Systems Analyst -
• Inspector
Salary $2,922 - $4.183/month
Announcement #OCDT5959 Springfield
Salary: $4,119 • $5.681/month
Announcement »LEHS5524A Salem
Position closes October 27,2005
Salary: $3.719 - $5.132/month
Announcement #LEHS5548 Portland
Position closes October 24,2 00 5
• Quality Control Compliance Specialist
Salary $2,922 - $4.183/month
Announcement #0CDT5965 Springfield
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Senior Systems Analyst -
Primary Java Developer
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Senior Systems Analyst -
• Survey Crew Leader
Salary $2,922 - $4,183/month
Announcement #0CDT5966 Salem
Salary: $3.719 - $5.132/month
Announcement #LEHS537OB Portland
Position closes October 2 8 ,2 0 0 5
Salary: $3.719 $5,132/month
Announcement »LEHS5547 Portland
Position closes October 2 4 .2 00 5
• Traffic Systems Service Unit Manager
Salary $3,794 $5.596/month
Announcement »0CDT5993 Salem
• Principal Contributor 1
Patient Safety & Research Lead
• Information Systems Specialist 7
Senior Systems Analyst -
• Salem Repair Facility Manager
Salary $2,979 $4.394/month
Announcement »0CDT5958 Salem
Salary: $3,617 $5.078/month
Announcement #LEHS5428A Portland
Position closes October 2 1 2 0 0 5
Salary: $4.119 $5,681/month
Announcement 4LEHS5546 Portland
Position closes October 2 4 ,2 00 5
• Crossing Safety Section Manager
Salary $4,181 ■ $6,169/month
Announcement 40CDT5818 Salem
• Public Health Nurse 2
Early Childhood Nurse
• Information Systems Specialist 5
Systems Analyst - Limited-Duration
• Relocation Reviewer
Salary $3.556 - $5.O91/month
Announcement «OCOT5997 Salem
Salary: $3,529 $4,921/month
Announcement »LEHS5545 Portland
Position closes October 24. 2005
Salary: $3,478 $4,797/month
Announcement «LEHS5552 Salem
Position closes October 27,2005
• Incident Response Specialist
• Principal Contributor 1
Health Alert Network (HAN)
Project Manager
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Computer Center Support Analyst
Salary $2,252 ■ $3.121/month
Announcement »OCDT5853 Portland
Salary: $3,617 $5.078/month
Announcement »LEHS5540A Portland
Position closes October 2 6 .2 0 0 5
Salary: $3.719 $5.132/month
Announcement »LEHS5551 Salem
Position closes October 27,2005
to Go. Detailed job announcements
include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to
apply toi these iobs. Go to www odot.state.or us/jobs for a
complete copy or call 503-986-4030 fTTY 503-9883854) to
request by mail OtXJT s proud to operate as an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer
Announcements will be made
available in alternate format upon request: (503) 3788202, TTY
W o rk in g ® ODOT. The W ay
• Principal Contributor 2
Medical Health Physicist
• Information Systems Specialist 6
Systems Analyst - Limited-Duration
Salary $3.981 $5.596/m ontb
Announcement #LEHS5549 Portland
Position closes October 27,2005
Salary $3.719 $5.132/montb
Announcement »LEHS5521A Salem
Position closes October 27, 2005
Salary $2.783 - $3.989/month
Announcement #0CDT5801A White City
Salary: $3,719 - $5.132/month
Announcement »LEHS5522A Salem
Position closes October 27. 2005
Salary: $3.794 - $5,596/month
Announcement 4LEHS5487A Salem
Position closes October 18,2 00 5
• Survey Technician
r e