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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 2005)
(Eh Page B6 el September 14, 2005 ‘’IJortlanb (Dbseruer O bservador International Art Showcases Heritage Christina Acosta's “La Conquistadora. ’ ‘Love Now’ exhibit at Nordstrom seriesof paintings and illustrations. N ordstrom began its “L ove" themed exhibits in 2003, celebrat ing Black History M onth in Febru ary with a collection o f photographs from A frican-A m erican photogra p h ers, and H isp a n ic H erita g e Month in Septem ber with artw ork The dow ntow n N ordstrom store by Hispanic painters and illustra will open a 3 0 day exhibit this week tors. Both exhibits celebrate diver cal led “El Amor Ahora (Lo ve N ow),” sity and artistic expression. “W e are excited tocelebrate His a bold and inspiring exhibit o f art work from a group o f talented H is panic Heritage M onth by focusing panic artists reflecting their unique on the tim eless theme o f love,” said and personal ideas o f love in a D elena Sunday, ex ecu tiv e vice Beto Alvarez’ “Love Birds. ' Ed Martinez's “I Love You, Mommy. ' president o f N ordstrom ’s H um an Resources and D iversity. "W e are privileged to have a diverse group o f em ployees and custom ers, and w e w ant to continue to find unique and creative w ays to celebrate d i versity.” The exhibit will feature 27 inter- national artists, including C ristina A costa and T im othy Fernandes- Parsons from Bend. T he exhibit will run from T hurs day, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and will be displayed in P o rtlan d 's dow ntow n N ordstrom location at 701 S.W. Broadw ay St. Get Paid To Learn No skills required, just a willingness to learn Construction Trades Mexico Sends Disaster Relief Mission Operation first on U S soil since 1846 (A P )— A M exican army convoy crossed into the United States near Laredo, Texas on Thursday to bring aid to hurricane victim s, becom ing the first M exican m ilitary unit to operate on U.S. soil since 1846. T he 45-vehicle convoy w as ca r rying w ater treatm ent plants and m obile kitchens to San A ntonio, w h ere the so ld ie rs a p p a re n tly planned to feed and provide other help for evacuees from the New O rleans area. The first green trucks, with M exi can flags attached to the sides, crossed the international bridge at Laredo, Texas w ith another 12-ve- hicle aid convoy on the way. A M exican navy ship has also been sent tow ard the M ississippi coast with rescue vehicles and helicop ters. Radio talk show s and new spa pers in M exico buzzed with excite m ent over new s that this country, long on the receiving end o f U.S. disaster relief, was sending a hurri cane aid convoy north. M exico has sent disaster relief aid m issions to other Latin A m eri can nations, but not to the United States. In 1846, M exican troops briefly advanced ju st north o f the Rio G rande in Texas, w hich had then recently joined the U nited States. M exico, how ever, did not then recognize the Rio G rande as the U.S. border. T he tw o countries quickly becam e m ired in the M exi can-A m erican W ar, w hich led to the loss o f half o f M exico’s territory in 1848. T he convoy has “a very high sy m b o lic c o n te n t," said Ja v ier O liv a , a p o litic a l s c ie n tis t at M ex ico ’s N ational A utonom ous U niversity. “T his is a very sensi tive subject, for historic and politi cal reasons.” The convoy includes tw o m o bile kitchens that can feed 7,000 people a day, three flatbed trucks carrying m obile w ater-treatm ent plants and 15 trailers o f bottled w ater, blankets and applesauce. T he 195 M exicans taking part in clude m ilitary engineers, doctors and nurses. click on orientation This is the first tim e that the U nited States has accepted a m ili- work, said Javier Ibarrola, a new s- paper colum nist w ho covers m ili tary m ission from M exico” for such tary affairs in M exico. We can help! 503-493-6027 m eineke V m g th e L ittle Things Ipoin Make a Big V that Difference* V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. c a r c a re c e n te r MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE _ f CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING i Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING F T7 ’ i 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Mike and Chris w ill help you with your autom otive needs. R ig h t S e r v ic e . R ig h t P r ic e 503-283-9170 4 45-vehicle caravan from the J u s t A sk fur: Mexican Army heads crosses the border into Texas to distribute aid to Gulf Coast survivors o f hurricane Katrina. (AP photo) M ik e M c M ille n M anager T Itui THE COLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 23. Chiropractic And Knees: Knees neet to know how Chiropractic helps too. Q A STAIRS (with other service) Each Area $35.00 $1.50 Each Dr. Billy R. Flowers My right knee hurts terribly all o f the tim e. It has been , swoll len several tim es to the point o f needing to be drained. Can Chiropractic help? : Y our case sounds familiar. It rem inds me o f one case in particular. A man once came to my office for C onsultation. He w anted to show m e his knee but his slacks w ere so tight from sw elling in his knee that he could not pull his pant leg up to show m e. I talked to him about his knee and showed 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $25.00 ger and healthier than it had been in years. His headaches d isap peared. In short, he got that healthy happy feeling o f C hiropractic. If you have knee pain or if you have any question co n cern in g your the Sw elling w as out o f his knee. health at all, call us today. Isn 't it Like so m any patients, he had an time you stepped u p ,o C h iro p ra c added bonus. His back w as stro n tic? Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO/ B O A T/R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $69.00 SOFA----------------------- $49.00 LOVESEAT ------------ $99.00 SECTIONAL ------------ $35.00 CHAIR OR RECLINER - $5.00 THROW PILLOWS — him graphs o f the nervous system and how it affects the knee. He decided to becom e a C hiropractic patient and has had no problem with his knee since. W ithin days Flowers' Chiropractic Office COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL. LOVESEAT A CHAIR _______ $135.00_______ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland, Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 2S7-5304 \d \c iiis c i n iri" }Jiuifentii<Db«?nwr 503 2ss m u