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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 2005)
FOCUS page C4 zn It’r :|Jo rtla n i> (iftbaerucr August 17, 2005 Rare Monk and Coltrane Recording Lost tape of jazz performance found O n N o v . 2 9 , 19 5 7 , ja z z le g e n d s Thelonious M onk and JohnC oltranejoined to g e th e r at C arn eg ie H all in N ew Y ork fo r a triu m p h an t p erfo rm an ce. T h an k s to new ly d isco v ered , p reserv ed reco rd ing o f the ev en in g . B lue N ote R ecords will give listeners the ability to transport th em selv es b ack to that classic night w ith the alb u m “T h e lo n io u s M onk Q u artet w ith Jo h n C o ltra n e at C a rn e g ie H all," to be released Sept. 27. M onk an d C o ltran e had been w orking to g e th e r fo r a solid fo u r m onths by the tim e they set foot on stag e at C arn eg ie Hall that night. By all acco u n ts, C o ltran e had been ten tativ e early on in the Five S pot Run. ch allen g ed by M o n k ’s q u irky m elo d ies an d ch o rd c h an g es, but the 51 m in u tes o f m usic c a p tu re d here in p ris tine so u nd q u ality p resen t the q u artet at the height o f th e ir pow ers. U ntil now , rem ark ab ly little reco rd ed d o c u m e n ta tio n o f M o n k ’s q u artet w ith C o ltra n e h as b een av ailab le, a fact that m ak es th is fin d in g all the m o re sig n ifi cant. T h is alb u m is the o n ly fu ll-len g th p ro fessio n al reco rd in g kn o w n to e x ist o f th is p iece o f ja z z history. John Coltrane (from left), Shadow Wilson, Thelonious Monk and Ahmed Abdul-Malik in 1957 at the Five Spot Café in New York City. DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED Fully Guaranteed Taxes, Mounting & Balancing Included Ask about our stock rim with purchased. Limited to stock on hard. Now Dealing In New Rims! We will try to meet or beat any price on tires & wheel packages. Call for pricing on other sizes and brands. Used tires $15 A up Elephant Man Out of Control Crystal Ballroom performance set Hailed as an “Energy God” and de scribed as the “Punk Rock of Dancehall”, Elephant Man is out o f control, unpre dictable and always entertaining. Jam aica’s most exciting entertainer, formerly of the notorious Scare Dem Crew, performs W ednesday, Aug. 24 at M cMenaminsCrystal Ballroom,down town. Tickets are $20 in advance at $22 the day of show. Doors open at 9 p.m. with showtime at 10 p.m. Elephant Man oozes individuality Elephant Man is considered one of from his trademark yellow-orange hair, Jamaica's most exciting entertain to4iis custom designed ride, his out ers. He performs next Wednesday landish jew elry and a stew of signature at McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, downtown. utterances: “You know how we roll” ! On stage, he is a whirlwind of activ ity: launching himself high into the air, climbing monitors and running from stage side to stage side in an attempt to express him self to his people. It’s hard to forget Elephant, who at 24 has left an indelible mark in the dancehall community and on the reggae music charts. Hisalbums 'L ogO n’ and 'Show down' will ensure his meteoric climb to fame will continue. The support act for Elephant is Abijah, the son of Wins,on Smith, drum mer of the Mystic Revelation of Rastafari. During his younger years, Abijah participated in his father- s band. In 2000, Abijah, along with the support of Mikie Bennet, and an array of Jam aica’s best began recording, and the stage name “Abijah” was bom.