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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 2005)
March 30, 2005 ÎIîe Jlortlanb ©bserue Page B6 The House o f Prayer R eligion 4936 N .E. Skidmore Portland, O R 97218 Take N.E. Prescott, Heading East (toward 60lh) to N.E. 49th and Turn Right, Go Two Blocks and Turn Lett Sunday School Sunday Morning Service Wednesday Prayer Wednesday Evening 1 PHOTO BY M A R K W a SHINGTO n ATHE PORTLAND OBSERVER 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:00 Noon 7:00 pm Everyone is Welcome! Pastor Marcia L. Taylor Founder/Counselor Tel: (503) 284-9959 \\on/d xon like to own your <>wn home? Would van like to re/i tut nee yo u rtu t rent home. to lower your monthly payments? ' Good Credit ■ Bad Credit ■ Mortgage Late o.k. ■Refinance -Purchase "First-Time Buyer 100% Financing Option Available & No up front fees! I DO IT ALL! I f / ca n ’t do it - N O B O D Y C A N ! C all me today ! 503.722.8878 Charlotte Martin 222 N .E . P ark Plaza D r. S u ite 115 V ancouver, W A 98684 Portland's Ainsworth United Church of Christ. LIFE is the name of the campaign. [Ü ■ HOM ELOAN S O U R C E Church Kicks Off LIFE Campaign save BIG at P o rtlan d ’s A insw orth U nited Church o f Christ has quietly become accustom ed to making history. T w enty years ago, tw o churches, o ne A frican -A m erican and one C aucasian, cam e together to form A in s w o rth U n ite d C h u rc h o f Christ. T oday, as Sunday w orship in many parts o f the country re m ains the m ost segregated hour o f the w eek, A insw orth U CC is m ulti BIG o n l’BODtJCE In Store Specials This Week: • Yams or Sweet Potatoes 59 cents per lb • Local Grown Mustard Greens & Collared Greens 2 Bunches For Only $ 1.00 Acclaimed Gospel Group Performs BIG CITY PRODUCE 722 N. Sumner, P D X 503 460 3830 good 3/30/05 thru 4/5/05 Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! G ospel sensations “A Royal Priest hood” will present a prem ier Portland concert, on Saturday, A pril 9 at 6 p.m. at M aranatha C hurch o f G od at 4222 N.E. 2 0 0 5 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICES R e fu n d s to g o o d u s e this y e a r CARPET CLEANING $ 2 5 .0 0 Each Area • INCLUDES 1 HALL 1CLEANINGAREA.......... .................... m ents. “A Royal Priesthood,” is a perform ing arts m inistry driven by the passion for excellence in the areas o f m inistry sanc tification as w ell as vocal excellence. Their ministry perform ance includes mild choreography and an engaging p resen tation by a passionate group o f individu als, passionate about their gift and even m ore passionate about the giver o f the Lam ont D aym on. A native o f Rochester, NY, DaNell $ 3 5 .0 0 • PRESPRAY TRAFFIC AREAS HOLY LOCKDOWN • SMALL HALL FREE STAIRS (w ith service)......... .............. H is passion fo r directing G ospel and choral m usic is evident in the perfor m ance. H e has becom e w idely know n and acknow ledged for anthem s and his im pressive array “old school” arrange 12* Ave. T his concert will create a grow ing music partnership betw een Portland and S eattle gospel artists and m usicians, boosting the appreciation for prom oting and preserving gospel m usic as an origi nal and vibrant A m erican art form . The concert will feature a High T im e in Praise on that evening, and is sum m oning all “T am bourine Specialist” and V ibrant Praisers w ho will have reserved seating. T he founder and director o f “A Royal P riesth o o d ” is C h o ir M aster D aNell P u t Your In c o m e Tax • PRESPRAY TRAFFIC AREAS originated this m inistry after seeking G o d ’s will for his life. He has been m entored by som e o f the m ost renow ned m usic m inisters both local and national such as E lder Jesse W illiam s Jr., Bro. Julius Dicks, and Bro. Malcolm W illiams. ‘A Royal Priesthood’ comes to Maranatha Open M onday-Friday 7:30 am till 7:00 pm Sunday 9am till 6pm Saturday 9 am till 7pm 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE... conviction and approach to its m in Burnham H ouse adjacent to the istry that “G o d ’s Love Is For E very church; and com plete the ch u rch ’s affirming. $60,000 pledge to the U CC C entral Now, the church has em barked on one.’’ T he goal is to raise $400,(XX) Pacific C onference’s W idening our its first com prehensive capital cam by April 2008. Specific cam paign projects in W elcom e m inistry, w hich seeks to paign, a three-year effort to improve su p p o rt ex istin g co n g re g atio n s, and expand facilities while continu clude: installation o f an elevator to ing its com m itm ent to nurture and access all three floors o f the church start new U CC churches and sup building, and rem odeled rest room s port church cam p activities. support the regional U CC church. For more inform ation please con L IF E is the nam e o f the cam to assist senior citizens and physi tact Pastor Lynne Sm ouse Lopez at paign; w ith the w ord LIFE used as cally challenged individuals; se 503-284-8767. an acronym to declare the ch u rch ’s c u re th e c h u r c h ’s u se o f th e cultural, m ulti-racial and open and $1.50 Each gift. For inform ation, call 206-839-3277. Author Book-signing Author Signs Book on Black Church D espite a plet hora o f churches in the Black co m m unity, there still seem s to be a lot o f Does the Church L im it 4lU uck Progress? so c ia l p ro b le m s fa c in g A fric a n - A m e r ic a n s in m odem tim es. Is there a correlation b e tw e e n h ig h praising and low p ro ductivity? Jerem iah C am a ra , a u th o r o f Jeremiah Camara “ H o ly L ock- dow n; D o es the C h u rch L im it B lack P ro g re ss? ” raises th e se issu es in his w ork. W h y , he asks, are B lack s am o n g st th e m ost faith fu l p eo p le in th e w o rld y et are the m ost fra g m en ted an d HOLY Lockdow n e c o n o m ic a lly d ep e n d e n t? C a m a ra be at a free b o o k sig n in g e v e n t on T u esd a y , A pril 5 from 6 to 8 p.m . at th e T alk in g D rum B o o k sto re at 446 NE K illingsw orth. F»r m ore inform ation,call 503-288- 4106. B O O K E R TAYLO R Presentation & Discussion Lawn Service "C o m lb» Church Umrt » • < * Progre»«? HOLY Lockdow n • AREA& ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • A U T O / BOAT / RV CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREATMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE Does flu I liuriii I twit ¿tíD a PnNreas4 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ............................................ .... $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT ......................................... .... $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL.............................................. .... $9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECUNER.............................. .... $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS................................... .....$ 5 .0 0 Tuesday, April 5'h. 6:00-8:00 pm. BOOK ON SALE NOW!!! 503-284-1047 CELL 503-804-6851 ÇOFA 1 UPHOLSTERY C O U P O N SPECIAL $119.00 SOFA • LOVESEAT • CHAIR (White Upholstery Extra) M A R TIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service CALL (503)281-3949 b’rt ini.ih ( jituu Talking Drum Bookstore 446 N.E. Killingsworth...(503) 288-4106 I Prepaid Cell 1 _i Phone Service 5035 NE Mallory Ave., Portland, OR 97211 Michael E. Harper, Sr. Airvoice $39.99 Free Activation +60m in i f you mention ad! 503-286-6070 317 NE Killingworth, Ptld iH tw e a H C i 9015 SWBartir. Surte 109 Pl rtkndOR97219 (503)221-3050 STATF.FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON.