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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 2004)
November 17. 2004 ¡(Jortlanò © bseruer Page B3 R eligion ___________ \ih c rtis e w uh diversity in ^ I J o r t k u t b <Dl, s e m e r Call 503-288 -0053 ads (3> port landob killingsw orth St. Johns Lom bard Little Chape! o f the Chimes Hot Meals and Good Fellowship Cordially invites you to attend "PRECIOUS MEMORIES' Dog D ave (left) o f th e h o m e le s s c a m p Dignity Village re ce ive s a heartw arm ing b o unty from Larry Collins a nd h is Corner S to n e C om m unity Church o f God in Christ. Each N ovem ber, th e n o rth e a st Portland church re a c h e s o u t to h elp low -incom e a n d h o m e le s s p eo p le with a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. A Holiday Memorial Service Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 5 00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m Maranatha Church of God 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland. Oregon * Dr T Allen Bethel, Host Pastor * Dr LeRoy Hay nes, Jr - Keynote Speaker * Local musical artists, groups and dancers * Memorial video presentation * Reception to follow For information call Rev. Renee' Ward: (503) 283-1976 • Big City Produce photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ort land O bserver 722 N. Sumner at Albina 503 460.3830 From Soup s to Nuts.. /y M other D elores J a m e s a n d h er daughter, R obin J a m e s B e s t co llect fo o d d o n a tio n s for th e Corner S to n e C o m m u nity Church o f C hrist pre- T hanksgiving Dinner, which w as la st S a tu rd a y a t th e church in n o rth e a st Portland. Holiday Memorial Service Saturday ‘Precious Memories’ helps families cope On S atu rd ay , N ov. 20 at 5 p .m ., Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes will host a holiday memorial service called "Precious M emories." a celebration o f life worship service for bereaved families. The event will take place at Maranatha Church of God, 4222 N.E. 12lh and Skidmore, where Dr. T. Allen Bethel serves as the senior pastor. A potpourri o f local musical guests, in cluding choirs, singers, groups, soloists and dancers w i 11 set the stage to ce lebrate I i fe through traditional Christmas carols and other inspirational music. Special invited guests include keynote speaker Dr. LeR oy H aynes Jr., president o f North Portland Bible C ollege; P astor W illiam T. Turner Jr. o f Trinity Full Gospel Pentecostal C hurch; the Rev. M ary L. G reen o f A llen T em ple C M E C hurch; the Jackson S isters, M en o f Praise, rapper O .C ., harpist M aureen B riare, the De L aSalle N orth C atholic High School G os pel C hoir, Signs o f Praise and vocalist Kirk Green. "W e want to express our sincere ap p re ciation to all o f the fam ilies w ho have entrusted us with the care o f the fam ily m em ber and let them know that we are here to help you through the h u rtin g ,” said D avid E. H inton, general m anager for Kil lingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chim es. Rev. Renee' W m unity relations d irecto r for the chapel, encourages p ar ticipation in the celebration to help ease the void that many fam ilies feel with the loss o f a loved one w hether it has been one day, one w eek, one m onth or one year or more. Big City has everything for your Holiday meals! Open M-F 7:30am-7pm, Sat. 9am-7pm, Sun. 9am-6pm VICTORY Middle School Af the Blazers Boys & Girls Club 5250 NE MLK (Near Killingsworth) (503) 789-9099 6th & 7th Grade Come Join Us Today Adding 8th Grade Next Year (2005-06) Landscaper, Fatf ?r, Grandfather Dies Alcohol Free A funeral service was held Tuesday, Nov. 9 for Clyde A. Phillips at St. John Baptist Church in Tacoma, Wash. He was bom on Feb. 12, 1940 in E nid,T exastoC luster Phillips and Dorothy Bell, who preceded him in death. He had retired from his land scaping busin ess and loved spending time with his children. He was a devoted father to each Clyde A. Phillips one of his kids. He is survived by the mother o f five o f his children, Yvette Hudson; sons Muhammad Raoof, T yrone H udson, Clyde Phillips Jr. and Dominique Phillips; daughters Shannon Branch, Tonya Brown, Marlene Phillips, Andrea Phillips and Ebonika Phillips; sis ters Dorothy Brewster,Carol Rice, Elsie Fields and Laura Guyton; b ro th e rs F ran k P h illip s and Maurice Phillips; 16 grandchildren, twogreat-grand-children and many nieces and nephews. Thanksgiving fo r A ll U nion G ospel M ission p ro v id es a tra d itio n a l T h a n k sg iv in g D in n er on T h u rsd a y . N ov. 25 from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . at 15 N .W . T h ird A ve. F ree and open to the pu b lic. P ortlan d R escue M issio n w ill begin se rv in g tra d itio n a l T h a n k sg iv in g d in n er at 5 p.m . on W ed n esd ay , N ov. 24 at I I I W. B urnside St. F ree and all are w elcom e. L o av e s & F ish e s, th e M eals on W h e e ls P e o p le , h o sts an all ag e s T hanksgiving dinner from 11 a.m .to 2 p .m . on T hursday, Nov. 25 in the dining room atth eS tu h rC en ter,at5 5 5 O S .W . Hall Blvd. in B eaverton. T urkey dinners for seniors are served at the Elm Court Loaves & F ishes C en ter, 1111 S.W . 10th A ve., Belm ont Loaves & Fishes C enter. 4610 S.E. Belm ont and Cherry Blossom Loaves & Fishes C enter, 740 S.E. 106th Ave. St. Francis D ining Hall, at 330 S.E. 11"’ A ve., se rv e s a free T h an k sg iv in g d in n e r on T h u rsd a y , N ov. 25 at 3 :3 0 p.m . Club Ignite N ew B eg in n in g s C h ristia n C e n ter, 7600 N .E. G lisan , o p en s C lu b Ignite each third F riday o f the m onth fo r an ev e n in g o f live b an d s, c o m edy e n te rta in e rs and e s p re sso in an alco h o l and drug free e n v iro n m en t. T he ta rg e t a u d ie n c e is you n g ad u lts, age 18 an d ov er. A d m issio n is free. F or m ore in fo rm atio n call the church at 5 0 3 -256-6050. Birth Announcement Nicolas Mutsuo Brown-Amii Nicolas M utsuo Brown-Amii was born at 6a.m . on Friday. Nov. 12 ,2(X)4. the first child of Margot P. Brown-Amii and James M. Amii of Tigard. He arrived at 2 1.5 inches long and weigh ing 8 pounds, 13 ounces. His grandparents are Duane and Char lotte Brown of Fairview and Thomas and Choky Amii of Campbell, Calif. Great Academics! We showed 8 months of gin In just over 4 months last spring! Parents bring Families to Victory for a Great Learning Experient We educate children from ‘‘Where they are now!” We address strengths to meet every child’s needs. 15:1 Student to Teacher Ratio! Certified teachers team with registered teachers Even one classroom teacher has a doctorate degree! Tuition is FREE! Excellent Behavior! Come see for yourself Come in anytime: 8;3O AM to 3:00 PM For Regular Students! Most special needs students arc also accepted All LuudQppoiluililyl'ur All Victory M iddle School admits students o f any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin to all the rights. privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school