Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 10, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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    November IO. 2004
C lassifieds
Request for Proposals
Information Technology Division
The In fo rm a tio n T e ch n o lo g y D ivisio n o f th e Fin a n ce and
Administration Department of Metro, a metropolitan service district
organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro
Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue. Portland. OR 97232
2736, is requesting proposals for a plan to reduce document
printing expenses.
Proposals will be due no later than 3 p.m PST.. Dec e m b e r 17th
2 0 0 4 in Metro's Purchasing and Contract Office at 600 NE Grand
Avenue. Portland, OR 97232-2736.
Potential Proposers may obtain proposal documents by contacting
Information Technology at 503-797-1814 or via our website at
Printers, fax machines, scanners and copiers have been placed
in the Metro Regional Center on an expedient basis. Metro would
like to develop a managem ent plan based on efficiency, print
traffic, volume and cost. Currently, the Regional Center has 114
devices in use and prints approxim ately 5,000,000 pages per
year. In addition to desktop printers, networked printers and
shared departmental devices, the Regional Center has a dedicated
print shop and bindery with several networked color printers
copiers and 14 satellite devices.
A recent inventory indicates that many of these devices are
unevenly and inefficiently deployed. The inventory also indicates
that the Print Shop is under used.
A large number of manufacturers are represented at both facilities,
including HP, Epson, Okidata, Lexmark, Apple, Tektronix, Brother
and Compaq. These printers serve both PC and Mac desktop
computers. Print volume is tracked in the Print Shop and at the
satelite copiers. Departm ents currently purchase their own
supplies. Printer maintenance and repair is centrally managed;
the 14 satelite devices have their own maintenance contracts.
Metro will provide a guided onsite survey to interested parties on
Wednesday, December 1“ 2004 from 1:30 pm until 3:30 pm.
Please notify Richard Am es at 503-797-1814 or by em ail,
iesr@ m etro.dst.or.us. Attendance is not m andatory nor a
requirem ent to subm it a proposal.
All information submitted by Proposers shall become public record
and will be subject to disclosure under the Oregon Public Records
Act, except those portions of the proposals for which Proposers
request exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law.
Each proposal must be submitted in a form as described in this
proposal document.
All proposals must conform to the RFP form at and be complete
including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or
reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not
affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed In the public
M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or
marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access
and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and
New Columbia Houghton / W oolsey
Housing and Common Greens
Portland, Oregon
INCLUDING: 307 Units of Housing and Associated Sitework
Bid Date: December 14 by 2:00pm
Three Informational Pre-bid meetings have been scheduled:
ÏJnrtlanb ©bserucr
I B ids
Legislative Assistant
Chip Shields, Dem ocratic state
representative-elect in District 43
(N/NE Portland) seeks legislative
assistant. The legislative assistant
gives legislative support, performs
constituent casework, manages
the office and coordinates media
and general communication. Also
su p e rvise s th e a d m in istra tive
assista nt and coordin ates the
a c tiv itie s o f o ffic e in te rn s or
volunteers. Position is in Salem.
A n tic ip a te d ra n g e $ 2 1 0 0 to
$2600 per month with health
in s u ra n c e .
P o s itio n to run
approximately January 7,2004 to
Ju n e 3 0, 2 0 0 4 and m a y be
continued. Requires excellent oral
and written communication skills,
o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills , b a sic
research skills and editorial skills.
Bachelor's degree or equivalent
com bination of experience and
education. Typing and computer
skills required. ACT! Software,
Astro 2000 Software and Quicken
Software helpful. Legislative and/
or political experience helpful.
Le ga l re s e a rc h e x p e rie n c e
h e lp fu l. E x p e rie n c e a n d / o r
e x p e rtis e in is s u e s b e in g
a d d re ss e d by th e le g is la tu re
helpful. Experience in the district
and knowledge of services in the
d is tric t h e lp fu l. P le a se m ail
resume and cover letter received
by November 22, 2004 to: Chip
Shields, 6606 NE Mallory Ave.,
Portland, OR 97211. Full job
d e s c rip tio n
w w w .chipshields.com .
9 a m - 11am
November 10
9 a m - 1 1 am
Walsh (Blocks 15 & 2 0 Only)
November 12
9 : 3 0 - 1 1 : 3 0 am
W e strongly encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises,
Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises
and Woman-owned Business Enterprises to subm it bids on this
OMWESB companies MUST be certified In the scope of work they will be bidding.
Sub-Bid Requested
Headwaters at Tryon Creek Apartments
SW 30,h and Marigold Street, Portland, Oregon
Bid Deadline: Monday, November 29, 2004 by 2:00 PM
R&H Construction Co. ORCCB #38304
1530 SW Taylor Street
Portland, OR 97205
Office: 503/228-7177
Fax: 503/224-3638
Estimator: Rick Smith
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B u r e a u o f P u rc h a s e s
Program Educator
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204
$3,523 - $4,281 / month
Closes Decem ber 3, 2004
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
a p p lica tion and sup p lem e nta l
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
W om en, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Request for Proposal No: P05-8367
Request for Proposal Name: RYAN WHITE CARE ACT: HOUSING
Request for Proposal due by 4:00 PM on: December 20, 2004
Pre-Proposal Conference: Optional, November 18,2004 @10:00
AM at the Multnomah Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Oak
Room, Portland, OR
Proposals will not be publicly opened and read aloud.
Proposals must be sealed In their entirety, and the packaging clearly marked
with the Proposer’s name, address, and RFP number. Proposals will be
received until, but not after, 4:00 PM, by Multnomah County
Central Procurement and Contract Administration (CPCA), 501
SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland. OR 97214, for:
FT E x ecutive A s sistan t
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drug test/Background check
New hires must have acceptable
docum entation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
& Thurs at City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland.
M ultnomah County Health Departm ent HIV Care Services is
seeking qualified agencies to provide services in three separate
areas: H ousin g S ervice s, S u bsta n ce Abuse S ervice s, and
Alternative Health Care Services. These services will be available
to low-income Persons Living with HIV/AIDS who live in the five
Oregon counties of the Eligible Metropolitan Area - Multnomah,
Washington, Clackamas, Yamhill and Colum bia counties - to
enable them to access and remain in primary medical care.
Substance abuse treatm ent services will include intensive
o u tp a tie n t tre a tm e n t (a ssessm e n t, ind ivid u a l and group
treatment) and alcohol and drug free housing for clients who
otherwise could not access outpatient treatment.
Alternative health care will include acupuncture, naturopathic,
massage, herbs and supplements.
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals
if not in com pliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP)
procedures and requirements.
Specifications may be obtained from: Multnomah County CPCA,
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214. Phone
503) 988-5111, Fax (503) 988-3252. Bid list and occasional
Bid/RFP downloads are available at web address:
288-2891; PCRI, 4829 NE MLK,
Portland, OR 97211. Competitive
s a la ry and g re a t b e n e fits
“Le a d in g fin a n c ia l in s titu tio n
a p p ro v in g s m a ll b u s in e s s ,
mortgage personal and vehicle
loans. Immediate response. Give
us a call at 186 6 228 7328,” Or
a p p ly
o n lin e
Sub Bids Request
BID DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2004 AT 2:00 PM
Work From Home or Office
International Com pany needing
Supervisors and Assistants
Full-Time and Part Time
positions available.
Residual income. Full one-
onOone training included.
Please visit for details
e £ D U IS N
Phone (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 -0 8 0 0 • Fax ( 5 0 3 ,9 7 8 -1 0 3 1 * C C B #84045
W e a re an eq u al op portunity em plo yer an d actively se ek participation
from S m all, S m all D isadvantaged , M inority, W om en-O w ned, HUB Zone,
S e r v ic e D is a b le d V e te ra n -O w n e d , a n d V e te ra n -O w n e d B u s in e s s
C on cerns.
• Research Analyst 3
Research Analyst
Salary range: $3.060 $4,265/m onth
• Permit Analyst
Salary $2.207 $3.061/m onth
Announcement »0CDT4673 Salem
Announcement »LEHS4659 Portland
Position closes November 10. 2004
r W "
• Quality Control Compliance Specialist
• Program Technician 2
Diabetes. Heart Disease A Stroke Health Systems Coordinator
Salary range: $3.208 - $4.476/m onth
These are just a lew ol the current job openings available
with the State ol Oregon. A more complete announcement
listing, application forms, and additional job information are
available at a) local Employment Departm ent Held offices,
or b) the Oregon jobs page at: w ww oregonjobs org. The
State ol Oregon oilers employees com petitive salaries and
comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health
insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave;
membership in the Oregon Public Service
Retirem ent Plan (OPSRPj and opportunities to
participate in the Oregon Savings Growth
Plans The State ol Oregon and all its divisions L "flB t.S i
are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
. ,
OREGONIANS by joining the Oregon Department o l Human
Services (DHSj, the statewide health and human services agency.
We help Oregonians be independent, healthy and safe
We arc
absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of
services, and we are com mitted to recruiting, developing and
retaining a diverse workforce
Announcement »LEHS4493A - Portland
Position closes November 1 2 .2 0 0 4
in terested firm s including d isad van tag ed , m inority, w o m en , veterans
• District 5 Manager
Salary $4,099 ■ $6.048/m onth
Announcement 4LEHS4666 - Portland
Position closes November 15. 2004
Announcement »0CDT4756 Springfield
• Project Manager
■ Environmental Health Specialist 3
Drug Lab Cleanup Program Specialist
Salary range $3.208 $4.476/m onth
Salary $3.720 $6.035/m onth
Announcement F0CDT4682 Coquille
Announcement »LEHS4667 Portland
Position closes November 16. 2004
• Management Analyst
Salary $2,664
■ Epidemiologist 2
$3.698/m onth
Announcement »0CDT4655A
Immunization Surveillance Coordinator
Salary range: $3.529 - $ 4 .9 2 l/m o n th
Announcement »LEHS4643 Portland
Position Is Open Until Filled
• Access Management Planner
Salary $3.486 $4 991 /m o
To obtain detailed job announcement and application materials,
Announcement 40CDT4660 Salem
• Transportation System Planner
Salary $ 3,486 ■ $4.991/m onth
Announcement H0C0T4457A Roseburg
• Contract Management Analyst
Salary $3.208 $4.476/m onth
Project Manager
Salary range: $ 3.720 $5.486/m onth
Announcement »LEHS4656 - Salem
OOOT People drive Oregon s Department of Transportation
Position closes November 10, 200 4
great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation,
w w w
Multiple limited duration positions
Oregon E mplovment office. Information is available by referencing
the announcement number.
Announcement »LEKS4651 Salem
Position closes November 1 2 ,2 0 0 4
• Systems/Data Analyst
Announcement #OCDT4 8 2 2
• Research Analyst 3
Research Analyst
Salary range: $3.060 $4.265/m onth
Announcement HLEHS4627A - Salem
• Principal Executive Manager C
Office Vocational Rehabilitation Field Services Manager
Salary range: $3,223 $4 745/m onth
Announcement 40CDT4736 Portland
Salary $ 4.038 $5.570/m onth
visit the OHS website: www dhs.state or.us/jobs/: call the OHS job
line at (503! 945-5742; TTY (503) 945-6214 or contact any local
Klamath Falls
Salary $4.236 - $6,070/m onth
• Principal Executive/Manager C
Diabetes. Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program
Salary range: $3,223 $4.745/m onth
• Information Systems Specialist 4
Programmer Analyst
Salary range: $3.053 $4,210/m onth
Position closes November 8. 200 4
• Principal Executive Manager C
Salary $2.865 $4.101/m onth
Announcement *0CDT4511
■ Region Accese Management Engineer
Announcement »LEHS4642 - Portland
Position closes November 1 2 ,2 0 0 4
Announcement »0CDT4823 Salem
and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to OOOT.
Current recruitments Include:
Working id ODOT. The Way to Go. Detailed job announcements
include qualifications. requirements, and instructions on how to
apply for these lobs
Go to www.odot or.state us/iobs fo i a
complete copy ot call 5 0 3 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 |TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 1 to
request by mail. OOOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer Announcements will be made available
• Administrative Services Coordinator
Salary $2,019 $2,790/m ontti
in alternate form at upon request
Announcement »0CDT4717 Salem
W e a re a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r a n d re q u e s t b ids fro m all
an d em erg in g sm all business en terp rises
NOTE: JE Dunn Construction
intends to submit a proposal
for this bid package.
2905 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201
Fax 503-274-7676
Contact: Larry Robertson
ORCCB# 1476267
Plans Are Available on November 8 after 9 a.m. A t:
Walsh Construction Co./Oregon,
Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME),
Housing Development Center,
McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge,
Daily Journal of Commerce,
Oregon Contractor Plan Center,
African-American Contractors Federation,
and Reed Construction Data.
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
,TO \,
needed for nonprofit affordable
h ousing organization . Prepare
board minutes, grant writing and
reporting, carryout special events,
p rep a re A n nua l R eport, w rite
press releases, coordinate office
move, supervise Adm inistrative
Assistant, provide support for all
d e p a rtm e n ts a nd
p ro v id e
executive assistance and report
d ire ctly to Exe cu tive D irector.
Experience with W ORD, EXCEL
and POWER POINT necessary, as
is an ability to manage multiple
Equal O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm a tive ta s k s and w o rk w ith d iv e rs e
g rou p s. E xp e rie n ce in all the
Action employer.
a b o v e fu n c tio n s p re fe rre d .
E x c e lle n t w ritte n a nd o ra l
$250 to $500 a week
com m unication skills required.
Will train to work at home
B a c k g ro u n d in n o n p ro fits /
Helping the U.S. Governm ent file a ffo rd a b le h o u s in g h e lp fu l.
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
Minimum of an Associates degree
No experience necessary
in B u s in e s s A d m in is tra tio n
Call Toll-Free 1-866-537-2907
required. Please send cover letter
and resume to Maxine Fitzpatrick
by 5PM on 11/19/04. NO CALLS
IN S .
November 9
Page B5
e g o n
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