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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 2004)
O ctober 27. 2 0 0 4 JJortlawò (©bserucr Page B5 R eligion CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS ^ = - (FORMERL Y CHUCK HINTON’S) “Jam Night,” a one o f a kind, comedy and live music show, is celebrating its grand re-opening on Friday, Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. in the brand new 200 seat theater at Celebration Tabernacle Hall at 8131 N. Denver in the Kenton district. Celebration Tabernacle Hall is the first Christian theater of its kind in Portland. Admission is free, but reser vations are suggested as Jam N ight has a history o f selling out. Following the grand re-opening. Jam Night will be held every Fri day at 9 p.m. with tickets priced at $7 for adults, and $4 for kids 12 and under. For information and reserva tions, call 503-285-7234, visit www.Jam or e-mail In 1994, Kirk Franklin made mu sic history when his debut album “ Kirk Frankin and the Family” was the first gospel album to sell more than a million copies. O ver the past decade he has went on to win nine Dove, 33 Stellar and three Grammy awards in the gospel music field. Now Franklin has debuted as an entrepreneur with his own enter tainment venture, Fo Yo Soul En tertainment. An enterprise with a full service youth outreach initiative, an adver tising agency and a production company, has a multi-tiered rela tionship with Zomba/BM G, which includes a new record label and producer. "A fter 12 years in this in d u s try, I’ve learned so m uch,” said Franklin. “ I w ant to take those lessons as w ell as my ow n ex p e riences o f a man w ho grew up Great-Great Grandmother Dies M in n ie W ashington was bom on Oct. 1 2 ,1915inK iam icha,Texasto the late Charlie and Gencie Wilson. She was a very independent woman, who always tried to help others She enjoyed crocheting, needle-pointing, raising her own food, canning and gardening and liked to learn new things. Minnie was a Baptist who enjoyed going to church to praise the Lord Preceding her in death was a son. Tommy Lee Liggins; daughter G eraldine Kemp; sisters Bessie W ilson, Luberta Roberson and Louis Hawkins; brothers L.G. Wilson. W oodrow Wilson and W illie Wilson She leaves to cherish her memory her husband W illie Washington daughters Charlene W oodward and Nina McCully; son-in-laws: Spen cer M cCully and Al Kemp; daughter-in-law Lela Liggins; sister Bessie Marshall; brother John H. W ilson; sister-in-law Velma Dennis; 32 cherished grandchildren; a host o f great and great-great grandchildren nieces and nephews. Sierra Leone Native Dies M oham ed K a lifa Ja b b ie w a sb o m o n Ja n .2 ,1971 in Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. He moved to the United States in 1996 to join his family in Portland. Kalifa grew up in a very loving environm ent in Sierra Leone where he made many friends, dozens o f whom are in many states in the U.S. today. He was a very devoted Muslim who was able to recite the Quran by the time he finished high school. His positive attitude, friendly demeanor and genuine smile touched many people and made him lots o f friends in Portland and Southwest W ashington. He had made plans to visit Sierra Leone in December 2(X>4 but God had different plans for him. He will be sorely missed. Kalifa is survived by his parents, many uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, a brother and three sisters. Parkrose High Athlete Dies R oyal Jon es III was bom on June 15,1984 in Portland to Rhonda Ford and Royal Jones Jr. He was a star athlete at Parkrose High School where he played varsity football and track and lettered in both sports, graduating in 2003. He was a very caring person, who was always the life o f the party. He worried about everyone else’s happiness, rather than his own. Royal had several nicknames; to Aunt Wilmoth, he was Smokie and to his cousins, he was Ro-Ro. He was loved by many and we will all miss him. Preceding him in death were his grandfathers Robert Ford Sr. and Royal Jones Sr. He leaves behind his mother and father; sister MarKeeda; brother Anthony; niece Martieonna; special girl Nicole W ashington; grandmothers, Ellie Mae Ford and Mrs. Bill; and a host o f aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Early Head S t a r t /H e a d S ta rt Work under su p e rvisio n of Head S tart teachers to provide safe, quality care to children ages six- (6) w eeks to five - (5) years in accordance with Head Start and Child Care Division regulations. Must have AA in ECE and/or one- year experience w orking in a classroom setting with children in this age group. Ideal candidate has obtained th e ir C h ild - Development Substitute (s)-O n -C a ll. Credential (CDA). Successful candidates must pass criminal record check; have current First Aid/CPR and Food Handlers cards; provide proof of negative Tb screening and current physical. $8.00 per hour. Applications available at Albina head Start 3417 NE 7,h Avenue. Positions open until filled. $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the U.S. Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll-Free 1-866-537-2907 Catering & Take-Out Gospel Star Launches New Label Re-birth of Jam Night w ith one foot in the church and one foot in the streets, and use that to connect with a generation th a t’s not really listening to g o s pel m usic an y m o re.” The label’s first project will be Franklin’s fifth album, slated for re lease in summ er of 2 0 0 5 , an d w ill search for gospel performers to sign to the label. “W e’re search- , ing for a young squad o f talented people— but being starcan’tbetheirnum- ber one p rio rity ,” F ra n k lin sa id . “T h ey ’ve got to have a connection to m in istry . T h e r e ’ ll be a R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • S a n d w ich es • S alad s • C h ick en • P ork R ihs * B eef Ribs H O IR S : CATERING ALL EVENTS Low Carb Special: Gospel singer Kirk Franklin launches a new entertainment enterprise. Sunday M onday T uesday Wed-Thurs, Fri. & Sat. (lc a r b ) Chopped Pork w /slde sm. greens 11 am - 8 pm 1 la m -9 pm closed I la m -9 p m I I am - 10pm $5 00 * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 Who Will Speak for Me? Martin Cleaning Service HIV/AIDS video stirs faith community Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning “ W ho W ill Speak for M e,” a 30-m inute docum entary profiling the lives o f Pacific N orthwest resi dents w hose lives are affected by HIV and A ID S, will play S atu r day, N ov. 6, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Interstate F irehouse C u l tural C enter, at 5340 N. Interstate A ve. Rev. R enee' W ard, executive d irecto r and founder o f C hrysalis M inistries, will host the event w hich includes a m orning and afternoon show ing o f the d o cu m entary, talkback sessions and w orkshops. B reakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost, how ever pre-reg istratio n is required. “W ho W ill Speak for M e” was produced in part by the A frican A m e ric a n s R each an d T each H ealth M inistry, the N orthw est AID S E ducation and T raining C enter o f the U niversity o f W ash in g to n an d d ir e c to r /p ro d u c e r John Hill from the Seattle-Tacom a are a. T h e p ro d u c e rs o f th is project intend to utilize this film as a venue to stim ulate dialog am ong m em bers o f the A frican- American com m unity and particu- Cone Hone Revivoi The public is welcome to attend a free Fall Revival, Wednesday, Nov. 3 to Friday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. each night, at Fellowship M ission ary Baptist Church, 4009 N. M is souri Ave. with host pastor Dr. Johnny Pack, IV. Dr. R. L. Rogers, pastor o f the Harvey Avenue Bap tist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, will serve as guest evangelist. The theme of the revival is “I’m Coming Again” from John 14:3. For information, call 503-249- O537or503-249-0377. C lassifieds Community Strategic Training O ur S pecialty : m otto on the wall w h en y o u w alk into o u r offices: No stars. No c e lebrities. Servants o n ly ." “Leading financial institution Initiative (CSTI ) Coordinator approvin g sm all business, mortgage personal and vehicle Western States Center is seeking loans. Immediate response. Give an e ven t c o o rd in a to r to us a call at 1866 228 7328." Or coordinate the Center's major, apply online at an nu al, tra in in g event. Our successful candidate must have previous non-profit experience VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT w orking with grassro ots and recruitment information meeting. progressive organizations and the Find out more about the job of a ability to coordinate all aspects of police officer, including salary and a conference. The coordinator will benefits. Friday November 5,h possess strong event planning, 4pm -8pm and S a tu rday interpersonal, com puter and November 6,h 10am-2pm at the Access database skills. Must Luepke C e nte r (10 09 E have the ability to multi-task and McLaughlin Blvd in Vancouver). work effectively with deadline Call (360) 696-8138 to reserve demands. Bi-lingual, preferred. a space. The next Vancouver test This is a limited duration (January date will be on November 14, through August), part to full-time 2004, applications are being position. Excellent benefits. Send accepted through Public Safety cover letter/resume/references Testing at to: A d m in istra tive D irector, or W estern States Center, POB at 1 -86 6-4 47 -39 1 1. For 40305, Portland, OR 97240. additional information visit the Women and people of color are Vancouver Police w ebsite at: encouraged to apply. larly the faith com m unity. T h e v id e o a d d re s s e s how the ro le o f c h u rc h e s and r e li g io u s o rg a n iz a tio n s can p lay a su p p o rtin g ro le to th o se w ho a re liv in g w ith H IV , th e ir c a re g iv e rs and lo v ed o n es by c re a tin g a safe sp ace fo r s h a r ing id e as and to e n su re the d isse m in a tio n o f a c c u ra te in fo rm a tio n ab o u t th e d ise a se am o n g c o m m u n itie s o f co lo r. Participating sponsors o f the event include C hrysalis M inis tries, A bbott V irology L ab o ra tories, Sabin CD C , L ittle Chapel o f the C him es, and Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter. It focuses on personal stories o f local northwest residents in cluding Rev. Ward, an ordained Methodist minister and national speaker and advocate for HIV/ AIDS education and prevention residing in the Portland-Vancouver area.W ard’s husband, Joseph suc cum bed to AIDS in 1998. For more information or to re serve your seat, call Rev. Ward at 5 0 3 -3 0 1 -2 1 7 2 or e -m a il chrysalisministries I @ ercial & Residential Services ÍJ3W PH1CS3 =FF=Gfl'J= J Ä M M C 2üîk 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 Small Hall included CARPET COUPON 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 « Small Hall Included STAIRS (WITH SERVICE) $7.50 EACH UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69.00 Loveseat $40.00 Sectional $99.00 and up Chair or Recliner $25.00 and up IO each Throw Pillows CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Í503J 281-3949 Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-4891 The Im portance o f P re-A rranging 1. Being Prepared for the unexpected 2. Decisions at a more thorough relaxed pace. 3. Peice of mind for you and loved ones near or far away, knowing that everything is taken care of. Being prepared for the unexpected, O R expected is som ething to think about. Leaving your loved ones w ithout financial g rief is the sam e as if Y O U were still here to look after them . I believe in giving the family the utmost honest, compassion and respect in theirtim eof need. I w ant everyone to be prepared in the event o f a loved o n e ’s death. W hether you choose Cox & Cox Funeral C hapel or a larger co rporation o f funeral hom es, your affairs need to be in order. And the only way to get them in o rd er is to m ake arrangem ents before that time. It’s tim e to prepare for the loss o f a loved one. Som eone so precious and d ear to our hearts. Rem embering them with loving m em ories, without the financial burden. If you w ould like to go over w hat pre-planning is all about, feel free to give me or Jerom e a cal I to discuss several options o f pre-arranging. W e believe in preparing for the loss o f a loved one. And we will be there in your tim eofneed. Shan na Tanner (Apprentice Funeral Director & Practitioner) .1