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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 2004)
PaSeA2________________________________________________ îl!l ^Jortlanò (©bsvruer________________________ October 13,2004 Election Tied to Civil Rights Struggle Kerry asks black voters and the Almighty for help ( AP) W ith ju s t three Sundays left less than 10 percent o f black voters n a tio n ," K erry said at F riendship M is n ationally supported George W . Bush have fought fo r, marched fo r, gone to s io n a ry B a p tis t C h u rc h , as m any in 2<MX). But K e rry’ s campaign says there ja il fo r — some died fo r — could be congregants waved fans handed out by have been efforts to turn religious blacks reversed i f the w rong people are put on the campaign w ith his slogan, "H ope is against him based on his support fo r the Supreme C o u rt.” on the w ay.” abortion rig h ts and c iv il unions fo r "N e ve r again w ill a m illio n A frica n same-sex couples. Am ericans be denied the rig h t to exer Jackson to ld w orshippers th e ir po cise th e ir vote in the U nited States o f litic a l concerns are issues that touch Former Rep. Carrie Meek said Kerry is black voters and the A lm ig h ty . A m e rica ." Kerry promised, referring to th e ir everyday lives, not gay marriage. "fig h tin g against liars and dem ons.... He challenges the man who walks with ajaunty church, but he was in d ire ctly v ilifie d . The D em ocratic presidential n o m i the disputed Florida recount in the 2(MK) “ I see disturbing signs today that some nee attended tw o church services Sun presidential race. As he often does be o f our churches have been confused by step." She rocked her hips in an imitation day, instead o f his usual one, w o rs h ip fore black audiences. K erry said he has wolves in sheep’ s clo th in g," Jackson said. o f Bush's swagger as the congregation ping in M iam i firs t w ith H aitian C atho a legal team that w ill aggressively re "H o w did someone else put their agenda cheered and Kerry laughed from his high- lics and then w ith Baptists, where the spond to any allegations o f disenfran in the front o f the line?” backed seat behind the pulpit. Rev. Jesse Jackson and A1 Sharpton chisement. B lack turnout is key to K e rry ’ s plan fo r vic to ry in F lorida and elsewhere — “ Novem ber 2, the pow er is in your Kerry was in New M exico Monday to hands, hands that once picked co tto n ,” prepare for the third and final presidential Jackson said. debate on Wednesday in Tempe, A riz. Gala Honors Women of Achievement The International CenterforTraditional Childbearing has announced that film and television actress Yvette Freeman w ill be the keynote speaker at the group's gala and awards banquet Oct. 16at6p.m. inthe Smith Memorial Ballroom at Portland State University. Freeman w ill talk about her dram atic weight loss o f 120 pounds and her ad vocacy w ork in diabetes prevention education in black and poor co m m uni ties. In 2003, she was named National Advocacy Ambassador fo r the D iabe Speakers avoided c ritic iz in g Presi dent Bush by name, since they were in asking fo r all the help he can get from struggle. Activist actress to give keynote address Added Sharpton: "E v e ry th in g we before E lection Day, Sen. John K erry is tied his election to the c iv il rights Sen. John Kerry "W e have an unfinished march in this P ro ce e d s fr o m the tes Association. event w ill support the Freeman continues to programs and services o f perform her award-win the International Center ning role o f Dinah Wash fo r Traditional C hildbear ington in "Dinah Was ing. The center provides and acting on the NBC free pregnancy testing, series ER where she has r e fe r r a ls , advocacy, p la ye d N urse H aleh breastfeeding prom otion Adams fo r the last 12 and s u p p o rt, baby years. clothes exchanges. Bless The gala and awards ing Ways ( honoring preg banquet includes presen nant wom en) and spon tation o f the 2004 Unsung sorship o f the Sister Care Hero Award to Mariah high school retention Taylor, registered nurse program fo r female stu and founder o f the North Yvette Freeman dents interested in pursu Portland Nurse Practitio- ing health careers. nerCommunity Health Clinic. The award is Tickets for the gala and awards ban given to a person who has impacted ex traordinary health changes in their com quet are $50. For more information, call munity. 503-460-9324. Black Midwives and Healers Gather The International Center for Tra ditional Childbearing will present the third annual Black Midwives and Healers Conference, from Oct. 15 through 17 at the University Place Hotel, 310 S.W. Lincoln. This conference focuses on oral histories, symbolism and quilting - bringing together practical skills, community networking and strate gic planning to support midwives and healers. Special emphasis con nects current practices to past tradi tions, which are essential to the creation of healthy birth outcomes - h o listic h e a lth , in cre ased breastfeeding and the reduction of infant mortality. This year, the African W omen’s Coalition, comprised of immigrant African women, will provide work shops on the traditional naming cer emonies, baby washing, head and baby wrapping and share the sto ries of their birth practices. Health activist and actress Yvette Free man is a keynote speaker. For in fo rm a tio n , v isit or call 503-460-9324. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. 5 0 3 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 • FAX 5 0 3 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 • EMAIL: Please Join Us in Saying “ NO” to Unequal Treatment. Vote NO on Constitutional Amendment 36. Putting Unequal Treatment in Our Constitution Would Be a Giant I I jvo Step Backwards for Civil Rights O ur nation was founded on high ideals of liberty, equality, and the basic rights due to all people. While we have not always lived up to those ideals, we must always strive to move forward and not backwards. Many of us may be uncomfortable with the idea of gay marriage, Oregon Assembly on Black Affairs Vanessa Gaston, CEO, Urban League of Portland Senator Avel Louise Gordly Jim Hill, former Oregon Treasurer The Rev. John W. Garlington, III The Rev. Lynn Lopez The Rev. Cecil Charles Prescod Art Alexander Jo Ann Bowman Antoinette & Keith Edwards Sandra Ford Johnnie Gage Calvin 0. Henry Stephan Herrera Cliff Jones Rupert Kinnard Paul Knowles Paul Knowles Jr A. Halim Rahsaan Yugen Rashad Kathleen Saadat Lurlene Shamsud-Oin Alisa Simmons Anne Sweet Floreid Walker Jerry Walker The Portland O bserver-O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Repre sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Ine, New York. NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. but we must not allow that discomfort to be used to change our Constitution to deny rights to our gay and lesbian neighbors, family and friends. Whenever we allow the rights of a minority to be put to a vote of the majority, we take a giant step backwards in the struggle for equality of all people. ^ “All forms o f bigotry and discrimination are equally wrong and should be opposed by right-thinking Americans everywhere—I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King J r ’s dream to make room at the table o f brotherhood and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people. ” —Coretta Scott King “This discrimination is wrong. We cannot keep turning our backs on gay and lesbian Americans. I have fought too hard and too long against discrimination based on race and color not to stand up against discrimination based on sexual orientation. I've heard the reasons fo r opposing civil marriage for same-sex couples. Cut through the distractions, and they stink o f the same fear, hatred, and intolerance / have known in racism and bigotry' ” —Congressman John Lewis “/ see this as a civil rights issue. That means / support gay marriage. ” —Julian Bond, Civil Rights Leader Paid for by No on Constitutional Amendment 36 « «