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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 2004)
i,|e ^ortlanh (Dhseruer MED Week September 29. 2004 Advertise with diversity /// J J n r t l a n ò ( O h s m u 'v Focus COMItyiLIjS K e e p in g y o u in PageA7 Touch Prepaid Cell Phone Service I f / o r f f I f f i f cl SaffKOft ffpfoccf Airvioce $39.99 Free Activation +60min i f you mention ad! Salmon 503-286-6070 317 NFL Killingworth, Ptld Festival returns to Marfin Cleaning Service Oxbow Park Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Jr»_______ ' » e» « ( 5 - . .. . Ä íJS'j'/ PÍ1IC25 = rr= c ri7 s JAíJ'JA;;/ 2UÍW 5 CARPET COUPON 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 Small Hall included CARPET COUPON 1 CLEANING AREA Pre-Spray Traffic Area $40.00 Small Hall included STAIRS (WITH SERVICE) $ 7 . 5 0 EACH UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69.00 Loveseat $40.00 Sectional $99.00 and up Chair or Recliner $25.00 and up Throw Pillows $5.00 each CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS F503J 28 I-39 49 CANNON'S The Salm on Festival turns 21 this year with a celebration o f the annual return o f fall C hi nook salmon to the Sandy River at Oxbow Regional Park east o f Portland. The Saturday, O ct. 9 and Sunday. Oct. 10 festival takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, offering a fun and inform ative way for all ages to better understand the salm on's struggle for survival and what can be done to help ensure that salmon continue to be part of the Pacific Northw est. Visitors can pick up a map, a ch ildren’s activity passport and an event schedule at the festi val w elcom e center. N ear the w elcom e center, visitors also will find exhibits, art, music, storytelling, ch ildren’s crafts, gam es and food. A short walk or horse-draw n wagon ride from the main fes tival area will take visitors to the W y-K an-U sh-Pum Village above the shores o f the Sandy River. In the native Sahaptin language o f many C olum bia Basin Indian tribes, W y-Kan- U sh -P u m m e a n s “ sa lm o n people.” Other features are the “School o f Fish,” where children and adults can participate in hands- A woman tends to a fire to cook salmon in the traditional Native American style at the Salmon Festival. The annual event returns Oct. 9 and Oct. 10 to Oxbow Regional Park east o f Portland. on activities to learn about the salmon life cycle and healthy watersheds. Special river walks allow visitors of all ages to wit ness wild salmon return to the tree-lined streams in which they were hatched. Here, salmon lay thousands of eggs in nests of gravel-lined beds in order to pro duce the next generation. The opportunity to witness a part of the salmon life cycle as they return to their birthplace is what m akes the Salm on F estival unique. A dm ission to the festival is $7 per vehicle in advance and $8 per veh icle at the gate. Sorry, pets are not allow ed in the park. For tickets and more inform ation, call Metro at 503- 797-1850 or visit M etro’s web site at w w w .m salm onfestival. Oxbow Regional Park is a l,200-acre natural area m an aged by M etro and located eight miles east o f G resham on the Sandy River. To reach the park, take I-84 to exit 17, turn right on 257th Street, then left of D ivision Street. Follow signs to O xbow Park. RIB EXPRESS = - Come celebrate our connection to salmon and nature (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON'S) 21st annual Catering & Take-Out Salmon FESTIVAL O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Rihs • Beef Ribs Festival admission CATERING ALL EVENTS Low Carb Special: HOURS: Sunday 11 am - 8 pm Monday 11 am -9 pm Tuesday closed Wed-Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm Fri. & Sat. 11 am - 10 pm (1 carb) Chopped Pork w /side sm. greens Protect w ild life - leave pets at hom e. M e tr o ’s O x b o w R egional Park $5 00 * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 10:30 a.m . to 5 p.m . S atu rd a y and S unday Oct. 9 an d 10 • $7 pei velu Je in advance • $8 «t the qate 503-288-3836 M etro PEOPLE PLACES O P F N SPACES Sponsors • Metro • Oregon Truul • Mt Hood National Forest • Portland Water Bureau • Columbia Rivet Inter-Tribal Fish Commission • Portland General Electric • Bureau of land Management • Portland Family Magazine • Columbia Sportswear For tickets and more information, call Metro at (503) 797-1850 or visit Native American village • Guided river walks Your 300 Headquarters r z ¿ HfJN0 1^9^! J Won-fr/ H o iin T TUN-THURT I1AM-9PM Come Test Our Chrysler 300 Series FRI& FAT IIAM-I0PM B eaverton C hrysler 3 .4 6 0 5*2 5 9 5 3&Ö6 N. W illia m s - P o rtla n d Addressing Stereotypes #! Chrysler Store In The Pacific Northwest 1-866-547-4301 10760 S.W. Canyon RD Critically acclaimed book debunks myths about beauty Can looksreally kill who you are? The shocking answ er is exposed in “Pretty P ainful,” a striking new book by A fri can-A m erican author Kachelle Kelly. The book addresses the is sues of low self-esteem , depres sion, em otional distress that the public does not freely associ ate with attractive women. Kelly delivers a message o f hope, help and healing to the unspoken hurt often hidden beneath a beautiful appearance. Straightforw ard in tone yet diverse in an approach to reach all women, she draw s on the e x p e rie n c e s o f h e r s e lf and countless other women to d is cuss key issues relating to se lf esteem , fem ininity, re la tio n ships and spirituality. In addi tion, the reading is enhanced at the conclusion with dynam ic q u e stio n s and e x e rc ise s d e signed to h ig h lig h t the key points o f each chapter and to further speak life into the lives of women. “Pretty Painful" is currently a v a ila b le fo r $ 9 .9 5 at w w w .