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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 2004)
^■ember'5-2004-----------------------------**" Fortiani» (í)bseruer_____________________ Any either, who it 18 »ears old on Election Day to eligible to L X ’i» « 1 \ / PayÄS r> ■ I OUT R l! »oto. Even convicted felons can vote If not ewvently in custody of the Oregon Dept. of Corrections. If you are In any other part of the criminal Justice system, such as a county Jail, you have not lost your voting prtvlh We have a plan for college. S h SL J r *-* “ 1 zj Saving for college may not be easy but it helps if you have a plan Thats why families all over Oregon are investing with the Oregon College Savings Plan. m utton on/oy thoso Students helped with Supplies State tax deduction up to $2000 per year' Tax-free growth and w ith d raw als1 Use your savings at schools nationwide M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by Call toll free today for your free, enrollment kit. ver sort through their much-needed school supplies on the first day o f classes cils, notebooks, rulers, backpacks and other supplies were free of charge Tools for Schools," project was led by the volunteer-run Schoolhouse Supplies schools in low-income neighborhoods were helped. Oprah Surprise: New Cars for All Talk show host Oprah Winfrey sits atop a Pontiac G6 outside her Chicago studios Monday, surrounded by some o f the 276 people from her audience who each received new cars. (AP photo) Smart Park Hires McCoy M cC oy as the m an ag er o f ga r a g e o p e r a - --------------------- C h a m b e rs, _ „ said M cC oy is a g reat ad d itio n to the e x e c u tiv e m an ag em en t team w ith his y ea rs o f p ark in g ex p e rien c e. H e w ill w ork in tandem w ith o th e rs to p ro v id e a h ig h e r level o f custo m er serv ice train in g , in clu d in g c o n c ie rg e service. “ W e are e x trem ely pleased to have Paul as p art o f our m a n ag em en t team . He w as our first choice. H is vast e x p e rien c e w ill be a g reat asset as we m ove fo rw ard to ch a n g e the p e rc e p tio n o f d o w n to w n p a r k in g ,” said Jay. (AP) — Talk show host Oprah Winfrey celebrated the premiere of her 19th season Monday by sur prising each o f her 276 studio guests with a new car. The audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written to the show about their need for a new car. One woman s young son said she drove C O t t i G f SAVINGS PLAN a car that “looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had al most 4(X),(XX) miles on their two vehicles. M ak in g su re th e au d ien c e was kept in suspense, W infrey opened the show by calling 11 audience members onto the stage. She gave each o f them a car - a Pontiac G6. OppenheimerFunds _ . _ ’ t » Ony ‘W •’ Pimi I» «tinlntófcml h ( » u n i Snir I t a i u i t f R anhll Wwari, w k , tu P * P**111 in jlìUWl tw iw r in w fu n ifc Ine j nwqpral inmtniaM Atvnir diMnhii.«l tu iln » n i» iii» rfiir,s kNnNik. Inr « i*«akm j IwAer V a tr Sonr M M , ,4ì.t Iw in M * la, b a r n lo Ihnr t a t a * ,t tfr * lin M in t t . i Ì'’ "' "" **" “ " o t i X l u l ì » Ì i ’X . ' ù L J H Ì ’i” ' t I " » « * < * » » i w i t a « S flX n lta n £ H “S i^ ? fi* M l rw m pn.n .-» m ri» ,.i VU| , M » rtU ra n l, fn«r. I t a n l u » om , I t a m i « I I I ™ , ta n n i,« l a i f t a » lai» fu n i« M im i «, r iln id Ih,»» p a l a » ttanid Itiol da» Su, F illi ir», Jta „ „ « u a m ita l " T n - i U ; . * . I V » ta l U» PI.,, Ita n p ,™ , a, J a n K -w a u n ” s W p tax dniurtmn for nnitnhulRtu trf up k> JJiwo per tax filine ' fax fiw wrthdrjuah for quaWW expciun ptedtieo Tony Chiang Owner J&S Grocery, Portland PaulMcC°Y Smart Park Hiring Smart Park, the city’s most cul turally diverse parking services, is looking for seniors, retirees and people with extremely friendly cus tomer service skills, to apply for part-time jobs as cashiers and con cierges. Applications are now being ac cepted at the Alliance o f Minority Chambers Office at 610 S. W. A Ider, 12* Floor. The best person for the job will haveexcellentcommunica- tion skillsand the ability to do quick math. The job provides a uniform, has flexible hours and one of the best management teams in Port land. Apply in person between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. mote <S Lottery is important to my business and to Oregon. For me, Lottery products help increase foot traffic, with the majority of my Lottery sales coming from repeat customers who stop in to buy their Lottery tickets and also get their groceries. For Oregon, Lottery profits help our schools and the environment, and help make our state a better place.” C/iicuiy OREGON LOTTERY It does good things for your business« For more information about becoming an Oregon Lottery» retailer, call 1-8 0 0 -76 6 -6 7 8 9