Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 08, 2004, Page 2, Image 2

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Page A2
SEPTEMBER 10,11 &12
F r id a y 4 p m - 1 0 :3 0 p m
r d a y n o o n to 10 :3 0 pm
S u n d a y n o o n to 7 :0 0 p m
The Beet BBQ ars in the Region!! Sauce G Bib Competitions
★ C annon’s Rib E xpress
★C ousin K enny’s BBQ
★ D’Max BBQ
★G oldie’s Texas Style BBQ
★ H og Wild BBQ C om pany
★ My B ro th e r’s Bar-B-Q
★R ogue Ales Public H ouse
★ S m o k in ’ Sw ine Publick H ouse
★ S tro m b o li’s B arb ecu e R e s ta u ra n t
★T en n essee R ed’s
★ U ncle W ally’s BQ
★S o u th e rn S tyle Soul Food
★ Yam Yam’s S o u th e rn Style BBQ
Fun Eclectic Mix of Live Music
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Thirst Quenchin’ Band-crafted Ales
Listen to Bones & Brew Radio &
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Proceeds Benefit
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Oregon Uve.com
5 0 3 .2 5 5 .4 2 0 5
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w w w .b o n e s a n d b r e w .c o m
a'*K ’P o rtlan d (0hsvruer Established 1970
USPS 95 9-6 80
4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211
Charles H. Washington
E dito r : M ichael L eighton
R e p o r t e r : Jaymee R. Cuti
D istribution M anager : Mark W ashington
C reative D irector : P aul N eu feld t 1
O ffice M anager : K athy L inder
E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher :
Clinton Recovering After Surgery
Former president
rests after
quadruple bypass
being said, the president has had
major, major surgery, and it'sa sig -
nificant recuperation that h e’s
about to undergo."
Clinton underwent the four-hour
(AP) — Form er President Bill
Clinton was described as doing well
Tuesday, breathing on his own as
he recovers from an operation to
relieve arteries so severely clogged
that he was in imminent danger o f a
major heart attack.
Bill Clinton
He was taken o ff his respirator
M onday night - a crucial step in his quadruple bypass operation M on­
recovery. Dr. Bob Kelly, a member day at New York Presbyterian Hos-
o f C linton’s surgery team, said pital/Columbia. His heart disease
was extensive, with blockages in
"Everything is going very well,” some arteries well over 90 percent,
Kelly saidonN B C ’s'T o d ay .’’ "That doctors said.
"There was a substantial likeli­
hood that he would have had a
substantial heart attack," Dr. Allan
Schwartz, chief o f cardiology, said
Monday. Doctors called C linton’s
operation successful and said he
could leave the hospital in four or
five days and return to full health in
"These past few days have been
quite an emotional roller-coaster
for us," Clinton’s wife. Sen. Hillary
Rodham Clinton, said in a state­
ment. “The president’s optimism
and faith will carry him through the
difficult weeks and months ahead -
o f that we have no doubt.”
Schwartz said in the future, it will
be possible for Clinton to lead an
"extraordinarily active lifestyle.”
Muslim Leaders Deliberate Endorsement
No outside food, beverages or pets allowed in festival gates
N o rth w e s t
N a tu ra l
September 8. 2004
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(AP) — As both Democrats and
Republicans sought their support,
American Muslim leaders wrapped
up their com m unity’s largest con­
vention still debating whether to
endorse a presidential candidate.
And despite bitter feelings over
how President Bush has conducted
the war on terror, Muslim leaders
said an endorsem ent for his chal­
lenger, Democratic Sen. John Kerry,
was not guaranteed.
Independent Ralph Nader trav­
eled here Saturday and made an
aggressive pitch for their backing
in a closed-door meeting held sepa­
rately from the conference.
“ W e are s till d e lib e ra tin g
am ongst ourselves,” said Salam al-
Marayati, head of the M uslim Pub­
lic Affairs Council, a public policy
group based in Los Angeles. A
decision is expected next month
fro m th e A m e ric a n M u slim
Taskforce, an umbrella group for
major Muslim organizations.
Army chaplain Capt. Yusuf Yee, center, talks with convention
attendees following a panel discussion among Muslim chaplains
in the military Sunday at the Islamic Society o f North America
convention in Rosemont, III. (AP photo)
American M uslims hold special dorsement in a presidential race,
importance this election year be­ choosing Bush over Democrat A1
cause they have strong com m uni­ Gore. The Texas governor had indi­
ties in battleground states such as cated he was sympathetic to their
Michigan, Ohio and Florida. Also, concerns about using secret evi­
immigrant M uslims tend to be edu­ dence in immigration hearings.
cated professionals - an attractive
The Muslim leaders who had
dem ographic for both parties.
organized the 2(XX) Bush endorse­
In 2000, leadersof majorMuslim ment said openly they had made a
organizations made their first en- mistake.
The Pi inland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should
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publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the
client has purchased the composition of such ad. 0 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER.
The Portland Observer -Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Pubhcatiun-is a member of the
National Newspaper Association-Founded in I $85, and The National Advertising Represen­
tative Arhalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York. NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers
Association, Serving Portland and Vancouver.
Former Port I and Pol ice Officer James
Seiy shot Jam es Jahar Perez in a
traffic stop last March. A headline
from last w eek’s issue referred only
to the victim as James, confusing
readers with another victim o f a po­
lice shooting Kendra James. The
Portland Observer regrets the error.
The Next Stage"
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