5^e JJortlanh CObserurr Page A2 HuGUE BONES & BREW 3 ANNUAL BBQ COMPETITION S LIVE MUSIC TOM MCCALL WATERFRONT PARK ★ SEPTEMBER 10,11 &12 F r id a y 4 p m - 1 0 :3 0 p m r d a y n o o n to 10 :3 0 pm S u n d a y n o o n to 7 :0 0 p m The Beet BBQ ars in the Region!! Sauce G Bib Competitions ★ C annon’s Rib E xpress ★C ousin K enny’s BBQ ★ D’Max BBQ ★G oldie’s Texas Style BBQ ★ H og Wild BBQ C om pany ★ My B ro th e r’s Bar-B-Q ★R ogue Ales Public H ouse ★ S m o k in ’ Sw ine Publick H ouse ★ S tro m b o li’s B arb ecu e R e s ta u ra n t ★T en n essee R ed’s ★ U ncle W ally’s BQ ★S o u th e rn S tyle Soul Food ★ Yam Yam’s S o u th e rn Style BBQ Fun Eclectic Mix of Live Music FRIDAY 3 leg torso ellis paul j ackstraw SATURDAY Portland youth jazz orchestra foghorn string band amelia richmond foutaiuq Stephanie schneidenuan the bobs SUNDAY django’s tigers the bad plus natalle macmaster Thirst Quenchin’ Band-crafted Ales Listen to Bones & Brew Radio & get coupons for BBQ restaurants at w w w . o r e g o n ll v e . co in /b o n e sa n d b r e w See the music schedule on our website Proceeds Benefit Cotters sponsors: 0 Tonic Industries Oregon Uve.com 5 0 3 .2 5 5 .4 2 0 5 J<1 KM7 ¿K..3r¡, ... ★ $ 5 SUGGESTED DONATIM I w w w .b o n e s a n d b r e w .c o m a'*K ’P o rtlan d (0hsvruer Established 1970 USPS 95 9-6 80 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E dito r : M ichael L eighton R e p o r t e r : Jaymee R. Cuti D istribution M anager : Mark W ashington C reative D irector : P aul N eu feld t 1 O ffice M anager : K athy L inder E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher : Clinton Recovering After Surgery Former president rests after quadruple bypass being said, the president has had major, major surgery, and it'sa sig - nificant recuperation that h e’s about to undergo." Clinton underwent the four-hour (AP) — Form er President Bill Clinton was described as doing well Tuesday, breathing on his own as he recovers from an operation to relieve arteries so severely clogged Former that he was in imminent danger o f a President major heart attack. Bill Clinton He was taken o ff his respirator M onday night - a crucial step in his quadruple bypass operation M on­ recovery. Dr. Bob Kelly, a member day at New York Presbyterian Hos- o f C linton’s surgery team, said pital/Columbia. His heart disease Tuesday. was extensive, with blockages in "Everything is going very well,” some arteries well over 90 percent, Kelly saidonN B C ’s'T o d ay .’’ "That doctors said. "There was a substantial likeli­ hood that he would have had a substantial heart attack," Dr. Allan Schwartz, chief o f cardiology, said Monday. Doctors called C linton’s operation successful and said he could leave the hospital in four or five days and return to full health in weeks. "These past few days have been quite an emotional roller-coaster for us," Clinton’s wife. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, said in a state­ ment. “The president’s optimism and faith will carry him through the difficult weeks and months ahead - o f that we have no doubt.” Schwartz said in the future, it will be possible for Clinton to lead an "extraordinarily active lifestyle.” Muslim Leaders Deliberate Endorsement No outside food, beverages or pets allowed in festival gates N o rth w e s t N a tu ra l September 8. 2004 P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P 0 B o x 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid In Portland. OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year 503-288-003 ’ FAX 503-288-0015 news