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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 2004)
August 25, 2004 <ri’1 IJortlanb © bseruer Page B3 Latin Women Rock in Music Scene Ladies break from glamour mold (AP) — Anyone concerned that traditional machismo would stifle Latin American women who want to rock need look no further than Colom bia's Andrea Echeverri and Mexican songstress Ely Guerra. $34.99 Phone w/60 Mins. Included No Contract - No Credit Check (5 0 )) 235-1M22 Their headliner performances at the recent Latin Alternative Music Conference dem on strate that Latina musicians have broken free of the glam our mold that still shapes the images of many female performers. Historical Fleming Building NOwP Jimmy's Merchant The Latina rockers evoked a panoply of images: Fringed ponchos and pigtails, elegance with a retro-diva afro. Their videos and lyrics did the same. The fifth annual conference drew fans, per formers and industry insiders to a series of panels, exhibitions and concerts in Los Ange les, New York and Toronto. Echeverri and Guerra, who performed in a seaside night concert on the Santa Monica Pier, are part of a generation of Latina musi cians - among them, the gravelly voiced rocker Alejandra Guzman, the accordion-wielding Julieta Venegas and the seemingly spirit-chan neling Lila Downs - who express themselves with a freedom that shatters old ideas of how women “should” behave on stage. ...A Business Incubator 3508 N. William Avenue, Portland, OR 97227 “ We are artists with the heart and mind open,” Echeverri said. "I believe that machismo is some thing from, perhaps, past generations, or o f people who still have their minds a bit closed.” Guerra, 32, says it was easier to find artistic acceptance in the United States than in Mexico. “The people didn’t really understand what 1 was offering when I first began to do this profes sionally,” she said. “And when 1 came to the United States, well, oddly enough, it was ac cepted from the start.” While Guerra says she didn’t grow up think ing ot herself as beautiful, saying her mother and sisters are far prettier, her looks were som e thing of an initial obstacle in the industry. “They doubted my professional ability,” she said. "In a way, it was a challenge I had to face and carry until I could feel secure in myself, and until everyone else realized that physical Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha speaks with the media after he announced at a news conference that a powerful drug gang leader was arrested at a house in Mexicali, across the border from Calexico, Calif. (AP photo) Arellano Felix o f Tijuana. Macedo said Higuera split with the Arellano Felix gang late last year to join Zambada, and that split (A P )— Though Sergio Sanchez came to the Uni ted States fi ve years ago, h e's struggled to learn English and perform academically. Hisolder brothers, who immigrated when they were young children, are hav ing a much easier time. “It’s difficult to pronounce the words, and people laugh,” said Sanchez, 17. “If I were younger, it would be easier.” The difference between Sanchez and his brothers’ experiences is common, according to a study re leased last week on im m igrant youth by the Public Policy Institute o f California. It looked at U.S. D e partment of Labor data on im m i grants ages 13 to 24, focusing on Hispanics who make up the m ajor ity o f this group. The study of more than 11 ,(XX) immigrant youths showed H ispan ics who came to the United States at a young age assimilated quickly and demonstrated academic and English fluency levels sim ilar to native-bom Hispanic children. But triggered a series of bloody con frontations between the two gangs in the Tijuana area. those who came in their teens face many more problems. O f those who immigrated before age 10, 33 percent had attended college, compared to 4 1 percent of native-born Hispanic youths. O f those who arrived later, only 13 percent had attended college. “We are doing something right because kids who come under the age of 10 are doi ng almost as we 11 as their native-born counterparts,” said Laura Hill, the study’s author. “T hey're in school, and that seems to be associated with good out com es.” Mexican Flag Draws Protest (A P ) — C ritic ism o v e r a M ex ican flag h u n g in a D en v er c la ssro o m has led sch o o l o ffic ia ls to c re a te a p o licy th at say s the d isp lay o f fo r eig n b an n ers m u st be te m p o rary an d re la te d to w h at is b ein g ta u g h t in class. O ff ic ia ls at N o rth H ig h S c h o o l, w h e re th e stu d e n t p o p u la tio n is 84 p erc en t H is p anic, said they receiv ed co m p la in ts o v e r a p h o to g rap h in th e R o ck y M o u n tain N ew s tak en on M o n d ay , th e first d ay o f sch o o l. T h e p h o to sh o w ed a M e x i can flag d isp la y e d in a c la ss ro o m n ex t to a U .S. flag. A n d rew F ox, w ho teach es E n g lish to S p a n ish -sp e ak in g stu d e n ts, said he w an ted his L atin o stu d e n ts to feel m ore w elc o m e . S c h o o l s u p e rin te n d e n t J e rr y W a rtg o w sa id so m e p e o p l e c o m p la i n e d th e r e sh o u ld n ev e r be an y n o n -U .S . flag s d isp lay e d in the sch o o ls. In re sp o n se to th e c o m p la in ts , sc h o o l p rin c ip a l D arlen e L eD o u x rem o v ed the M ex ican flag an d an o th e r one d is p la y e d in th e s c h o o l ’s lo b b y n ex t to a p o ste r o f the S tatu e o f L ib erty . Lowest Sq. Ft. Cost in N/NE Area Available Shared Utilities & Corridor Location Hundreds of homeless people, including women and children, sleep on Sao Paulo’s streets, ac cording to city officials. During a demonstration held in front of Sao Paulo’s Roman C atho lic cathedral to protest the killings. Mayor Marta Suplicy decreed three days of official mourning. “I call on all of you to join forces to defend the homeless,” Suplicy told a crowd estimated by police at about 5,(XX) people. ”We must put an end to this distressful situa tion." FREE HOMEBUYER WORKSHOP Before You Look At Another House, There are 10 Things You Should Know About Buying In Portland “I f you don't it could cost you Thousand o f dollars ” Free Recorded Message Stober M . Davis (896)592-1133 Ex 09 Direct: (503) 262-2626 Ex 155 Fax: (503) 262-2650 Free Consultations Allied Mortgage 10011SE Division St. #207, Portland, OR 97266 EMAIL: "Your Mortgage Consultant for Life” Northwest Cooking Woods 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Sugar Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Call For Appointment - Ask for Paul P.0. Box 20741, Portland, OR 97294-0741 503-254-0774 We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (B etw een B roadw ay an d Sandy Blvd.) • • • i=J opportunity FAST TRACK MARKETING Dr. Marceline Failla Chiropractic Physician (503)228-6140 Groups join forces to protect city’s poor The attacks were similar to those last Thursday in which four hom e less men were bludgeoned to death and six were injured seriously, Pereira said. All the victims have been 40-50 years old. One o f the six injured died in the hospital last Sunday, city spokes man Jose Roberto M ello said. Police said they were investigat ing whether the attacks were a set tling o f accounts among the hom e less themselves or the work of vigi lante groups or skinheads. No ar rests have been made. Exciting Contempary/lnternational Business Environment ~ Galleria - 2 Space Remaining ~ Business Suites - 4 Semi-furnished Spaces Available Your Care Our First Priority Homeless Killed in Brazil (AP) — Another homeless per son was found bludgeoned to death in Rio de Janeiro, South Am erica’s biggest city last weekend, the sixth such killing in Sao Paulo within the past several days, police said. Four other homeless people - three men and a woman - were seri ously injured in sim ilar attacks shortly before dawn Sunday. “The attackers used iron bars or wooden clubs to beat the woman repeatedly in the head and face until she died,” police inspector Francisco Pereira said. Business Suites & Galleria Spaces Available Ask for: Joice A. Taylor, Global Management Strategies beauty and talent aren’t in conflict.” Culture Shock Varies for Newcomers Study finds young assimilate quickly (503) 284-6884 Mexican songstress Ely Guerra is receiving world-wide acclaim for her performance at the Latin Alternative Music Conference. Drug Gang Suspect Caught (AP) — An alleged leader of a powerful drug gang was caught near the border with California, Mexican officials announced M on day, calling it a blow to a syndicate they say is smuggling nearly half the illegal drugs crossing the U.S.- M exico frontier. G ilberto Higuera G uerrero was arrested before dawn Sunday at a house in the border city o f Mexicali, Attorney General Rafael M acedo de la Concha said at a news confer ence. He described H iguera as the "principal operator” for drug boss Ismael “El M ayo"Zambada, whose Mazatlan-based gang is said to be increasing its control o f drug traf ficking along M exico’s western border with the United States. “H e’spractically a legend in drug trafficking,” Macedo said. The U.S. State Department last year offered a $2 million reward for Higuera’s capture, although that was well short o f the $5 million it offered for his alleged bosses at the time - brothers Javier and Eduardo niRMoice We specialize in: Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140