Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 18, 2004, Page 10, Image 10

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<r,!‘‘^¡Jortlanò © b serv er
August 18. 2004
Every Day
B eginning Sunday, A ug. 29, all
M ultnom ah C ounty libraries will be
open seven days a w eek, w ith o p en ­
ing and closing tim es varying d e ­
p ending on location.
T o create the new schedule, li­
brary staff carefully review ed c u r­
rent usage patterns and evaluated
the days and tim e periods that are
m ost popular at each library. In
addition, com m unity m em bers pro­
vided extensive input. M ore than
4 ,0 0 0 library users filled out a sur­
vey this spring, giving concrete
inform ation about their hours p ref­
eren ces.
C lassifieds
B ids
Director of Maintenance
Recruitment No. 04-133
Approximate Annual
Salary: $87.651 $116,750
Help reduce traffic. We're looking
fo r e n th u sia stic, part-tim e
em ployees to promote public
transit, w alking and cycling.
Applicants should be personable
on the phone (no telemarketing!)
and a va ila b le 4 to 8 PM
weekdays. To apply, come to our
office weekdays between 9 A M -
5 PM. Socialdata America, 1020
SW Taylor, Suite 800, Portland, OR
97205; 503-245-9630
The City of Portland, OR, is seeking
q u a lifie d applican ts for the
D ire cto r
Maintenance. The Director of
Maintenance leads and directs an
organization of 425 employees
with an annual budget of $47.6
million. Responsibilities include
preserving the public investment
of o ver $5.8 b illion in
transportation facilities and $1.5
billion in sewer infrastructure by
inspecting, cleaning, maintaining
and repairing all transportation
and sewer related infrastructure
within the City of Portland. See
com plete job announcem ent,
requirements and application at
www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
call Lynda Lewis, Employment &
Development Manager at 503-
A m ong other results, the sur­
veys indicated that M onday hours
are highly popular and that m o rn ­
ings, afternoons and evenings are
all desirable to different m em bers o f
the com m unity. “ It’s clear that in
o rd er to fully respond to the d e­
m and, w e w ould need to be open 24
hours a day, seven days a w eek ,”
said D irector o f L ibraries M olly
R aphael. “S ince th at’s not possible
ex cep t for the services w e offer
Completed applications must be
o nline from the library’s w ebsite,
received by 4:30 p.m. Monday,
w e’re pleased that the new hours
October 04, 2004.
address a diverse range o f u sers’
needs with the resources available.”
City of Portland is An Equal
Jackson Family Support
Michael Jackson s siblings, Janet Jackson (from left), LaToya Jackson and Jermaine Jackson,
make their way through security screening before a pretrial hearing Monday in the Jackson
molestation case in Santa Maria, Calif. Inside the courtroom, defense attorney Thomas
Mesereau Jr. grilled district attorney Tom Sneddon for three hours, attemping to show that
Sneddon violated Jackson's rights by searching the office of a private investigator hired by the
entertainer's former attorney. (AP photo)
Advertise with
diversity in
a ‘!l g lo r ila n h
C a ll 5 O 3 -2 8 8 -O O 3 3
Opportunity Employer
Expressions o f Love
Poison Scare
Closes Park
m any art form s in w hich they can learn
and counteract the negative influences
that com e their w ay d aily .”
She recen tly jo in e d w ith R en a D avis
in ‘W h ere I’m F rom P ro d u c tio n s’ and
W ith over 20 years o f experience in
h o p es to b eg in tra v e lin g as e arly as
the perform ance arts, actress Shalanda
th is fall to fu rth e r h er th e a tric a l ta l­
S im s says she en jo y s stage p erfor­
en ts. S he alre a d y has th ree trip s a l­
m ances far m ore than any o th er form
read y p lan n ed ; L o s A n g eles, L o n d o n
o f artistic expression.
an d N ew Y ork.
B om and raised in Portland, Sim s
C urrently, Sim s is hosting h er first
credits her beginnings at Jefferson
one-w om an sh>
s a fundraising event
Shalanda Sims
H igh School w here her love for acting,
for h ertrav elin g ex p c..ses titled "E x p res­
dancing and singing w ere first birthed.
sions o f L ove,” on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 7 p.m . at the
She shares her love for the arts by teaching Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 N. Inter­
E nglish through theater in local elem entary state.
schools and to inner city youth.
T he show is a ‘serio u s’ com edy about the m any
“ I believe it is im portant for o ur young people w ays we all view love. The characters are sure to have
to know they have a voice and learn how to use y o u r em otions all over the place.
it effectively,” said Sim s. “D ram a is one o f the
For ticket inform ation, call 503-997-8589.
Actress shares
love of drama
n uni*
i h ih
P ortland
I ransportation
;u I s («’ pi in landob sen er.ci in i
o l i l i I III
Theoff-leash area at Portland’s Willamette
Park ju s t o ff Southw est M acadam and
Sub-bids Requested
N ebraska has been tem porarily closed
after several w hole chickens and as­
sorted m eat products w ere found hid­
den in som e bushes.
O fficials are testing the m eat to m ake
sure it has not been poisoned. Last
sum m er, 17 dogs died aftereating tainted
m eat at L aurelhurst Park.
A nyone with inform ation is urged to
contact M ultnom ah C ounty A nim al S er­
vices at 503 988-P E T S . D og ow ners are
urged to keep their dogs leashed and
not allow them to eat anything o ff the
gro u n d .
David Douglas Intermediate School
Building Shell and Interiors
3955 SE 112th Ave, Portland, OR 97266
New 2-Story 96,000 SF Middle School
Pre-Bid Meeting; Monday, August 1 6 ,2 0 0 4 1 0 :0 0 am at Earl Boyels
Elementary located at 1 0 8 22 SE Bush Street. Mandatory for Concrete,
Masonry, Sheet M etal, Drywall/Celllngs/Flreprooflng,
HVAC & Plumbing and Electric
Sub Bids Due: Tuesday, August 2 4 ,2 0 0 4 ,3 :0 0 PM a t Skanska's office,
2 5 5 5 SW 1S3"1 Ave., Beaverton, OR 9 7 0 0 6 by delivery or
fax 5 0 3 -6 4 3 -0 6 4 6
2555 S.W. 153"* Ave.
Beaverton, OR 97006
503-641-2500 Fax: 503-643-0646
O r e g o n D iv is io n
Visit our website: www.skanskausa.com
*3 o h n i Scott*
Contact: Blain Grover (503) 526-3117
Plans Available at: Precision Images (503) 274-2030, local
plan centers and may be viewed at Skanska's main office.
Harold Strong
ffl â -ft m l
Rt Atro«
» m . . , » . , »
F a x : ( 5 O 3 ) 6 7 l- O I 2 1
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids
from minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small
business enterprises. CCB#153980
> (503)780-4094
• O f fic e : ( 5 0 3 ) 6 7 1 -0 2 2 1
'A d d r e s s : W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f f ic e ; 9 0 2 0 S W W a s h in g to n S q . D r tt 100;
P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 2 3
E - M a il: h a ro ld s @ io h n s c o tt.c o m
J o h n L . S c o tt PT1. • W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f fic e
T h is o f f ic e is in d e p e n d e n tly o w n e d a n d o p e ra te d
W e a r e a g r a p h ic d es ig n L L C
s e r v in g
Personal & Group Photo Collages
Photo Retouch & Restoration
c o m m e r c ia l
Columbia Resources, Inc.
w w w .h o m e - le n d e r s .c o m
r e s id e n tia l c u s to m e rs in the
Kevin Foster
P o r t la n d M e t r o p o lit a n
L o a n O f f ic e r
a re a .
7830 SW 40**’Ave. Suite 7
Portland, OR 97219
Office 503-892-9581
Fax 503-892-9680
Cell 360-907-5124
Toll Free 888-226-1064
• Company Identity (Logos,
Business C ard & Letterhead)
Photo Colorizing
• Brochures, Flyers & Programs
Commercial & Ad Design
• Desktop Publishing
Contact M a r k Leggett
Office 5 0 3 *2 8 1 *3 5 5 2
Cell 5 0 3 *4 7 5 *6 6 9 9
E m a il
John IL Scott
zy x z l@ n e tz e ro .c o m
T o r ( /<
m o rtg a g e co n s u lta n t
cell (503) 348-2824 • fax (503) 262-2650
S p e c ia l O r d e r s G la d ly A c c e p te d !
Paul H o u g e
'B'Cooi kunnin^ Cafe"0-
.41 IO NE Fremonl, 503-282-2118
Ph 5 0 3 -6 2 4 5 0 6 8
Fax -5 0 3 -6 2 4 0 3 2 2
P g r-503-204-9003
6301 S hakespeare
Lake Grove, OR 97036
8 2 3 8 N D e n v e r A v e n u e , P o rtla n d , O r. 97217
(5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 - 1 1 0 3
( 5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6
P h o n e: (803) 28 9 -3 418
Historical Fleming Building
Jimmy's Merchant
Business Incubator
6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
35 0 8 N. William Avenue, Portland, OR 97227
(503) 284-6884
Business Suites & Galleria Spaces Available
Ask for: Joice A. Taylor, Global Management Strategies
Exciting Contempary/lnternational Business
- Galleria - 2 Space Remaining
~ Business Suites - 4 Semi-furnished Spaces Available
C a r i b b e a n ir C a j u n C u i s i n e
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10011 SE Division, STE 207 • Portland, OR 97266
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(503) 235-1422
nnRinc Ditcnns or noncowncmmr conr mun
Stöber M. Davis
E m a il: jk fo s te r @ h o m e - le n d e r s .c o m
Phone w/60 Mins. Included
No Contract - No Credit Check
A llied M ortgage
0A M
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www.producst4health.com, (503) 77-8333, 5829 SE
Powell Blvd, Portland, 97206.
Lowest Sq. Ft. Cost in N/NE Area Available
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Call: 503-280-5243
M usic T racks
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R a d a M u s ic -A S C A P M e m b e r