Page B4 s a fundraising event Shalanda Sims H igh School w here her love for acting, for h ertrav elin g ex p titled "E x p res­ dancing and singing w ere first birthed. sions o f L ove,” on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 7 p.m . at the She shares her love for the arts by teaching Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 N. Inter­ E nglish through theater in local elem entary state. schools and to inner city youth. T he show is a ‘serio u s’ com edy about the m any “ I believe it is im portant for o ur young people w ays we all view love. The characters are sure to have to know they have a voice and learn how to use y o u r em otions all over the place. it effectively,” said Sim s. “D ram a is one o f the For ticket inform ation, call 503-997-8589. Actress shares love of drama n uni* i h ih P ortland I ransportation TT ;u I s («’ pi in landob sen in i o l i l i I III Theoff-leash area at Portland’s Willamette Park ju s t o ff Southw est M acadam and Sub-bids Requested N ebraska has been tem porarily closed after several w hole chickens and as­ sorted m eat products w ere found hid­ den in som e bushes. O fficials are testing the m eat to m ake sure it has not been poisoned. Last sum m er, 17 dogs died aftereating tainted m eat at L aurelhurst Park. A nyone with inform ation is urged to contact M ultnom ah C ounty A nim al S er­ vices at 503 988-P E T S . D og ow ners are urged to keep their dogs leashed and not allow them to eat anything o ff the gro u n d . David Douglas Intermediate School Building Shell and Interiors 3955 SE 112th Ave, Portland, OR 97266 New 2-Story 96,000 SF Middle School Pre-Bid Meeting; Monday, August 1 6 ,2 0 0 4 1 0 :0 0 am at Earl Boyels Elementary located at 1 0 8 22 SE Bush Street. Mandatory for Concrete, Masonry, Sheet M etal, Drywall/Celllngs/Flreprooflng, HVAC & Plumbing and Electric Sub Bids Due: Tuesday, August 2 4 ,2 0 0 4 ,3 :0 0 PM a t Skanska's office, 2 5 5 5 SW 1S3"1 Ave., Beaverton, OR 9 7 0 0 6 by delivery or fax 5 0 3 -6 4 3 -0 6 4 6 2555 S.W. 153"* Ave. Beaverton, OR 97006 503-641-2500 Fax: 503-643-0646 SK A N SK A O r e g o n D iv is io n Visit our website: *3 o h n i Scott* BUSINESS Contact: Blain Grover (503) 526-3117 Plans Available at: Precision Images (503) 274-2030, local plan centers and may be viewed at Skanska's main office. Harold Strong ffl â -ft m l Rt Atro« » m . . , » . , » F a x : ( 5 O 3 ) 6 7 l- O I 2 1 _________ Broker We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#153980 > (503)780-4094 • O f fic e : ( 5 0 3 ) 6 7 1 -0 2 2 1 'A d d r e s s : W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f f ic e ; 9 0 2 0 S W W a s h in g to n S q . D r tt 100; P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 2 3 E - M a il: h a ro ld s @ io h n s c o tt.c o m J o h n L . S c o tt PT1. • W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f fic e T h is o f f ic e is in d e p e n d e n tly o w n e d a n d o p e ra te d W e a r e a g r a p h ic d es ig n L L C s e r v in g Personal & Group Photo Collages Photo Retouch & Restoration c o m m e r c ia l REAL ESTATE Columbia Resources, Inc. MORTGAGE GROUP w w w .h o m e - le n d e r s .c o m and r e s id e n tia l c u s to m e rs in the Kevin Foster P o r t la n d M e t r o p o lit a n L o a n O f f ic e r a re a . 7830 SW 40**’Ave. Suite 7 Portland, OR 97219 Office 503-892-9581 Fax 503-892-9680 Cell 360-907-5124 Toll Free 888-226-1064 • Company Identity (Logos, Business C ard & Letterhead) Photo Colorizing • Brochures, Flyers & Programs Commercial & Ad Design • Desktop Publishing Contact M a r k Leggett Office 5 0 3 *2 8 1 *3 5 5 2 Cell 5 0 3 *4 7 5 *6 6 9 9 E m a il John IL Scott zy x z l@ n e tz e ro .c o m RIRUOIŒ T o r ( /< m o rtg a g e co n s u lta n t (503)262-2626x155 cell (503) 348-2824 • fax (503) 262-2650 » MEAT S p e c ia l O r d e r s G la d ly A c c e p te d ! Paul H o u g e LomhOnroWaMvmSûSamb 'B'Cooi kunnin^ Cafe"0- .41 IO NE Fremonl, 503-282-2118 REMODELING, CERAMIC TILE INSTALL HOME REPAIRS. DRV ROT, FENCES. DECKS, ECT. 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Cost in N/NE Area Available Shared Utilities & Corridor Location “ L e t Us S a tis fy Your M u s ic a l N e e d s ’ • S ong W riting & A rranging • Production • R e c r d in g • C onsulting Call: 503-280-5243 ouU • • • • M usic T racks Beats M usic for S pecial Events L essons & m ore... R a d a M u s ic -A S C A P M e m b e r