Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 11, 2004, Page 12, Image 12

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August II. 2004
R eligion
C lassifieds
Immediate full time and part-time
openings. Seeking dependable,
well groomed, positive individuals
Advising Specialist, W o o d b u rn
Cam pus; 100% tem p, assign.
$ 2 ,0 3 3 .0 0 /m o . R eq. A s s o c ,
degree w/course work in related
field, ly r . Exp. In educ., counseling
or related field. Exp. Working with
diverse populations. Knowledge ACCOUNTANTI
o f lim ite d E n g lis h la n g u a g e Part-time
students and their needs. Working $18.42-$22.38/hour
knowledge of Access database Closes August 20, 2004
and s p re a d s h e e t s o ftw a re .
Subm it CCC app., cover letter,
$5,361 -$ 6 ,5 1 5 /month
re su m e & tra n s c rip ts , (s e e
Open continuous
announcem ent for m ore info.)
Open until filled.
Solid W aste & Recycling
Instructional Specialist, E a rly
$4,l88-$5,09 0 /m o n th
Childhood Educ. Program; 50%
Closes August 20, 2004
acad em ic yr. Assign. $ 1,2 20 -
$ l,7 1 9 .5 0 / m o . Req A s s o c , MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES
degree in ECE or related field: 1 SUPERVISOR
yr. Exp in a d e v e lo p m e n ta l $5,229-$6,357/m onth
program setting (additional educ. Closes August 20, 2004
May substitute for exp.) Subm it
CCC app., cover letter, resume, 2 R EC R U IT
Itr. Of ref., transcripts & supp. app. $3,037/m onth
(see a nnou ncem ent fo r m ore Closes August 20, 2004
info.) Closes 08/13/04.
E d u c a tio n :
Alternative High School Instructor.
W o o d b u rn C a m p u s; 100 %
academic yr. Assign. Req. Master's
degree in educ. Related field such
as math, reading or English or
equiv. Combination of educ. and
exp. Teaching exp. In an educ.
s e ttin g . E xp .w / a v a rie ty of
instructional delivery system s.
Proven ability to d evelop high
s ch o o l cu rric u lu m . P re fe r B i­
lingual English/Spanish. Submit
CCC app., cover Itr., resume, 3 Itrs.
of ref., transcripts & supp. app.
(see a n n o u n ce m e n t fo r m ore
info.) closes 8/20/04.
GED Options Instructor, Develop­
mental Educ. Program, Woodburn
C a m p u s; 100% a ca d e m ic yr.
Assign. Req. Master’s degree in
e d u c. o r re la te d fie ld or
expectation of earning within one
ye a r o f h ire . Two y e a rs ’ exp
teaching GED prep including GED
pre/post assign. Teaching exp w/
adults nad youth. Exp. W/multiple
delivery methods in a variety of
s e ttin g s . Exp. P la n n in g and
im p le m e n tin g In s tru c tio n a l
program s. GED prep softw are
applications exp., Exp. In working
with/responding to students high
s c h o o l a g e , d iv e rs e c u ltu ra l
backgrounds and abilities. Prefer
Bi-lingual English/Spanish. Submit
CCC ap p ., co ve r Itr., resum e,
transcripts (see announcem ent
for more info.) Closes 08/20/04.
Please Contact us at:
Chemeketa Comm unity College
Human Resources Department
PO Box 14007
Salem, OR 97309
Chemekata Comm unity College
is an equal opportunity Institution,
values diversity in its workforce,
and is committed to affirmative
action; we encourage minorities,
w o m e n and p e rs o n s w ith
disabilities to apply.
Job Announcement
CHILDCARE; Head Teacher for the
T o d d le r R oom at P e n in s u la
C h ild re n 's C enter a n on -p rofit
c h ild c a re c e n te r in N orth
Portland. Must have CDA, at least
one year center-based experience
with infant/toddlers. Experience
with Early Head Start preferred.
Competitive wages and benefits.
Call 503-280-0534.
CHILDCARE; Part-time Teaching
Assista n t/V a n D river in A fte r-
School Care program. Must have
at least 6 months experience with
children 5-12 yrs in a group setting,
cu rre n t d riv e r's lice n s e . CD L
preferred. Com petitive w ages.
Call 503-288-0534.
$26.66 $32.41/hour
Open continuous
Public Land Com er
$3,302-$3,999/m onth
Closes August 20, 2004
$4,739 - $5,759 / month
Open continuous
$3,438 - $4,177 / month
Closes August 20, 2004
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
a pplication and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
O re g o n H e a lth & S c ie n c e
U n iv e rs ity (O H S U ) is s e e k in g
career minded applicants to fill
current vacancies as Public Safety
Officers. Officers are responsible
fo r p ro v id in g p ro fe s s io n a l
customer service and emergency
response support to employees,
patients, and visitors on both the
m ain ca m p u s and th e W e s t
Cam pus in Hillsboro.
Officers’ responsibilities include
being first responders to all levels
o f in c id e n ts , ra n g in g fro m
providing directions and other
assistance to investigating crimes
a n d a p p re h e n d in g c rim in a l
suspects. Applicants must be 21
y e a rs o f a ge w ith a v a lid
W ashington or Oregon Drivers
lic e n s e . T h e h irin g p ro c e s s
includes completion of an OHSU
application, full criminal justice
b a c k g ro u n d
in v e s tig a tio n ,
adherence to all Department of
P u b lic S a fe ty S ta n d a rd s and
T ra in in g (D P S S T ) s ta n d a rd s ,
w ritte n te s tin g , o ra l p a n e l
in te rvie w , a p h ysica l a b ilitie s
assessment, a physical exam and
psychological testing prior to hire.
A ll n e c e s s a ry tra in in g and
equipm ent will be provided on
is a ls o
a c c e p tin g
a p p lica tio n s for Public S afety
dispatcher positions.
To be c o n s id e re d fo r th e s e
v a c a n c ie s p le a s e go to o u r
website www,oh$uJPb»CPni, to fill
out an on-line OHSU employment
application, or submit a hard-copy
OHSU employment application to
O re g o n H e a lth & S c ie n c e
University, Attn: HR, 3181 S.W.
Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland,
OR. 97201-3098.
CHILDCARE: Part-Time Teaching
A ssista n t in After-S chool Care
Program in NE Portland. Must
h a ve at le a s t 6 m o n th s
experience with children 5-12 yrs
in a group setting or at least 30
credits college level training in OHSU is an affirmative action,
elem entary ed or related field. equal opportunity institution.
C o m p e titive w ages. C a ll 503- Federally excluded or debarred
persons are ineligible.
M etro
R e lie f F a cility S e cu rity Agent,
On C a ll, O re go n C o n v e n tio n
Center. $12.65/hour, Deadline:
8-13-04. Scheduled on an on-call
basis to provide protection to
M etroERC facilities, users and
staff against trespass, vandalism,
theft, fire or other potential harm
and/or threat through patrol of
S ta g e d o o r
W a tc h p e rs o n ,
P o rtla n d
C e n te r fo r th e
Performing Arts. $9.83/hour, PT,
Deadline 8-19-04. Monitors stage
door during load-ins, rehearsals,
performances, load-outs; Informs
g iv e s
d ire c tio n s
employees, promoters, artists and
the general public.
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
application m aterials you may
visit our website at www.metro-
region.org/jobs or you may pick up
a c o m p le te p a c k e t at M etro
H um a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
G ra n d
P o rtla n d .
Resumes are not accepted.
A/\/EEO Employer
Birthing Your Dreams
Area residents are in­
vited to hear a motivational
sp e a k e r w h o c o a c h e s
women to give “birth” to
their dream s utilizing the
process o f birthing.
New hires must have acceptable
D aw ne K irkw ood, au ­
docum entation to confirm both
thor o f “G iving Birth to
identity and eligibility to work.
M e,” w ill be speak on
Aug. 21 at 5:30
Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed
Sharon SDA
& Thurs at City Center Parking
C hurch, 5209 N.E. 22nd
130 SW Stark, Portland.
A ve. T hrough her p er­
sonal ex p erien ces, she
‘ •» IM M E D IA T E O P E N IN G ** *
began to see that giving
birth to a baby is the same
h o u r /w e e k p o s itio n to o v e rs e e
giving birth to a dream.
Incom ing stream o f wom en visitors to
For more information,
C ath o lic C h a rities' Rose Haven day
the church 503-558-
shelter program In Old Town. Assess the
n e e d s o f th e w o m e n an d r e fe r to
$8.00 + starting wage
Overtime/advancement potential
Medical & Dental, 401k avail.
Drugtest/Background check
a p p r o p ria te se rvices (w ith in Rose
H aven's own s ta ff or resources In th e
outside comm unity). Position requires
m astery o f m ulti ta skin g and d e alin g
well u nder pressure. B ilingual a plus)
M ust
c u lt u r a lly
c o m p e te n t.
Concert Rings in School Year
Stars Christian rap artist The Infamous Te’Luvv
B achelor’s degree preferred. M in . of 2
St. M ark B ap­
tis t C h u rc h lo ­
cated on 103 N.E.
M o r ris S t., is
sponsoring a free
b a c k -to -s c h o o l
co n c ert fo r area
te e n s on S a tu r­
day, A ug. 21 at 6
T he event fea­
tu re s T h e In fa -
m o u sT e’Luvv.H e
is a p r o m in e n t
C h ristian rap a rt­
ist staring on the
“ M ade Up My
M ind” tour.
S p e c ia l lo c a l
g u e s ts in c lu d e
G N C an d R e al
R ecognize Real.
F or m ore infor­
mation call R ever­
end R obert Kelley
at 503-287-7457.
y e a rs e x p e r ie n c e w o rk in g w ith a
m a rg in a lize d p o p u la tio n . E xcellen t
com m unication skills. $ 1 2 /h o u r w tth
ex c e lle n t b e n efits. A pp lication form
available a t 2 3 1 SE 1 2 th , P ortland, or
w w w .c a th o lic c h a rltie s o re g o n .o r g .
“Nobody Bakes It Better”
SEI Is co m m itted to achieving and
m ain tain in g a drug-free w orkplace
The fo llo w in g p o s itio n (s ) are
currently open at the Center for
S e lf E n h a n ce m e n t, Inc. Job
descriptions and applications are
a v a ila b le at 3 9 2 0 N. K erb y,
P o rtla n d , OR
97227 o r
www.selfenhancement.org. You
may fax your resum e to (503)
2 4 9 -1 9 5 5
e -m a il
d e b is @ s e lfe n h a n c e m e n t.o rg .
Positions are open until filled.
Transport Driver/Dock Loader
$20.39 HR, Requires a Class A
CDL with airbrake endorsement,
2 years over the road with double
(trip le s a plus) in all w eather
conditions. Excellent DMV record.
S table work history. M ust join
Teamsters Union & be available
to w o rk a ll s h ifts . E x c e lle n t
b e n e fits . A p p lic a tio n s a re
a va ila b le at the No. Portland
Emp. Ofc., 30 No. Webster, (job
reference #: 252952) EEO/AAP
Subsidized Units M ay Be A vailable A t This Time
If not, q u alified a p plicants w ill be placed on W aitin g list.
F O U N D A T IO N / C O R P O R A T E
R en tals range b etw een $ 3 2 6 to $ 5 1 5 a m onth.
G uardian M a n ag em en t, LLC Is com m itted to
“Equal Housing O pportunity”
Arends P lace II
(4 full-time positions)
1 6 1 5 9 * C t. # 4 9
Hood River, OR 9 7 0 3 1
time classroom positions)
full-tim e positions)
5 4 1 -3 8 6 -6 6 0 7
TD D # 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 9 0 0
Living Faith Ministries
4434 N.E. 131 Place ( Sandy Blvd. )
SEI offers an excellent benefits
package for eligible em ployees
that includes:
Service Times
Sunday 10:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Everyone Welcome!
• Paid medical/dental/vision for
e m p lo y e e , o n e -h a lf p aid fo r
• 401k Retirement Plan - up to
3% com pany match.
P.O Box 11648
Portland, OR 97211
125 Plan (Health Expense
Reimbursement Account).
• 4 weeks accrued vacation.
•• Accrued sick leave.
David & Sherrie Littleton
“The Just Shall Live
By Faith ” Romans 1:17
Back to
A Back to School Summer Jam is
on the Vernon Elementary School
playground from noon to 5 p.m. on
Saturday, Aug. 14.
The Safe Place, a nonprofit faith-
based organization, is holding the
4"’ annual event. Some highlights
include a free barbeque meal, an
inflatable slide, live entertainment,
a basketball tournam ent, health
screenings, a school supply give­
away and more.
Vernon is located at 2044 N.E.
Advertise with d ivenii} zzi
].1o rtla n i> (© bsevurv
Call 503-288-0033
ads («■ pou landob sen ci.com
• Paid life and disability
insurance (after waiting period).
• Employee Assistance Program
Fiscal Manager
Celebrating 50 Years Together
Large non-profit childcare center
is seeking a fiscal m anager to
oversee the financial operation
($ 1 .2 M + ) o f th e C e n te r.
Responsibilities include but are
n ot lim ite d to : p re p a re and
maintain the general ledger and
th e fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts ,
a c c o u n ts p a ya b le , p a y ro ll,
em ployee benefits and oversee
the receivable and third party
billings. This position is 32 hours
per hours per week and has a
c o m p e titiv e s a la ry and fu ll
b e n e fits .
C o m p a ra b le
responsibilities and experience
w ith n o n -p ro fit a c c o u n tin g
m anagem ent is preferred. Send
a cover letter and current resume
to M a rcia @ p e n ch ild .o rg to be
James (J.D.)
and Lonzella Lambert
Happy 50th Anniversary
Mom and Dad
With All Our Love
Zenobia (Kathy) Noble
Janice Lambert-Gordon
Brenda Lambert-Smith
James (J.T.) Lambert
Dwayne Lambert
Loretta Lambert
Jennifer Lambert