Page B6 August II. 2004 R eligion C lassifieds PARKING FACILITY Operator Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals Qcn«uL: Advising Specialist, W o o d b u rn Cam pus; 100% tem p, assign. $ 2 ,0 3 3 .0 0 /m o . R eq. A s s o c , degree w/course work in related field, ly r . Exp. In educ., counseling WASHINGTON COUNTY or related field. Exp. Working with diverse populations. Knowledge ACCOUNTANTI o f lim ite d E n g lis h la n g u a g e Part-time students and their needs. Working $18.42-$22.38/hour knowledge of Access database Closes August 20, 2004 and s p re a d s h e e t s o ftw a re . ADMINISTRATIVE MAN AGER Subm it CCC app., cover letter, $5,361 -$ 6 ,5 1 5 /month re su m e & tra n s c rip ts , (s e e Open continuous announcem ent for m ore info.) Open until filled. MANAGEMENT ANALYST II Solid W aste & Recycling Instructional Specialist, E a rly $4,l88-$5,09 0 /m o n th Childhood Educ. Program; 50% Closes August 20, 2004 acad em ic yr. Assign. $ 1,2 20 - $ l,7 1 9 .5 0 / m o . Req A s s o c , MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES degree in ECE or related field: 1 SUPERVISOR yr. Exp in a d e v e lo p m e n ta l $5,229-$6,357/m onth program setting (additional educ. Closes August 20, 2004 May substitute for exp.) Subm it CCC app., cover letter, resume, 2 R EC R U IT Itr. Of ref., transcripts & supp. app. $3,037/m onth (see a nnou ncem ent fo r m ore Closes August 20, 2004 info.) Closes 08/13/04. SENIOR PLANNER E d u c a tio n : Alternative High School Instructor. W o o d b u rn C a m p u s; 100 % academic yr. Assign. Req. Master's degree in educ. Related field such as math, reading or English or equiv. Combination of educ. and exp. Teaching exp. In an educ. s e ttin g . E xp .w / a v a rie ty of instructional delivery system s. Proven ability to d evelop high s ch o o l cu rric u lu m . P re fe r B i­ lingual English/Spanish. Submit CCC app., cover Itr., resume, 3 Itrs. of ref., transcripts & supp. app. (see a n n o u n ce m e n t fo r m ore info.) closes 8/20/04. GED Options Instructor, Develop­ mental Educ. Program, Woodburn C a m p u s; 100% a ca d e m ic yr. Assign. Req. Master’s degree in e d u c. o r re la te d fie ld or expectation of earning within one ye a r o f h ire . Two y e a rs ’ exp teaching GED prep including GED pre/post assign. Teaching exp w/ adults nad youth. Exp. W/multiple delivery methods in a variety of s e ttin g s . Exp. P la n n in g and im p le m e n tin g In s tru c tio n a l program s. GED prep softw are applications exp., Exp. In working with/responding to students high s c h o o l a g e , d iv e rs e c u ltu ra l backgrounds and abilities. Prefer Bi-lingual English/Spanish. Submit CCC ap p ., co ve r Itr., resum e, transcripts (see announcem ent for more info.) Closes 08/20/04. Please Contact us at: Chemeketa Comm unity College Human Resources Department PO Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309 503-399-5009 Chemekata Comm unity College is an equal opportunity Institution, values diversity in its workforce, and is committed to affirmative action; we encourage minorities, w o m e n and p e rs o n s w ith disabilities to apply. Job Announcement CHILDCARE; Head Teacher for the T o d d le r R oom at P e n in s u la C h ild re n 's C enter a n on -p rofit c h ild c a re c e n te r in N orth Portland. Must have CDA, at least one year center-based experience with infant/toddlers. Experience with Early Head Start preferred. Competitive wages and benefits. Call 503-280-0534. CHILDCARE; Part-time Teaching Assista n t/V a n D river in A fte r- School Care program. Must have at least 6 months experience with children 5-12 yrs in a group setting, cu rre n t d riv e r's lice n s e . CD L preferred. Com petitive w ages. Call 503-288-0534. Temporary $26.66 $32.41/hour Open continuous SURVEYTECHNICIANII Public Land Com er $3,302-$3,999/m onth Closes August 20, 2004 TRAFFIC ANALYST $4,739 - $5,759 / month Open continuous TRAINING UNITTECHNICIAN $3,438 - $4,177 / month Closes August 20, 2004 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b s ite : County a pplication and supplem ental a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 OHSU PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER O re g o n H e a lth & S c ie n c e U n iv e rs ity (O H S U ) is s e e k in g career minded applicants to fill current vacancies as Public Safety Officers. Officers are responsible fo r p ro v id in g p ro fe s s io n a l customer service and emergency response support to employees, patients, and visitors on both the m ain ca m p u s and th e W e s t Cam pus in Hillsboro. Officers’ responsibilities include being first responders to all levels o f in c id e n ts , ra n g in g fro m providing directions and other assistance to investigating crimes a n d a p p re h e n d in g c rim in a l suspects. Applicants must be 21 y e a rs o f a ge w ith a v a lid W ashington or Oregon Drivers lic e n s e . T h e h irin g p ro c e s s includes completion of an OHSU application, full criminal justice b a c k g ro u n d in v e s tig a tio n , adherence to all Department of P u b lic S a fe ty S ta n d a rd s and T ra in in g (D P S S T ) s ta n d a rd s , w ritte n te s tin g , o ra l p a n e l in te rvie w , a p h ysica l a b ilitie s assessment, a physical exam and psychological testing prior to hire. A ll n e c e s s a ry tra in in g and equipm ent will be provided on hire. OHSU is a ls o a c c e p tin g a p p lica tio n s for Public S afety dispatcher positions. To be c o n s id e re d fo r th e s e v a c a n c ie s p le a s e go to o u r website www,oh$uJPb»CPni, to fill out an on-line OHSU employment application, or submit a hard-copy OHSU employment application to O re g o n H e a lth & S c ie n c e University, Attn: HR, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland, OR. 97201-3098. CHILDCARE: Part-Time Teaching A ssista n t in After-S chool Care Program in NE Portland. Must h a ve at le a s t 6 m o n th s experience with children 5-12 yrs in a group setting or at least 30 credits college level training in OHSU is an affirmative action, elem entary ed or related field. equal opportunity institution. C o m p e titive w ages. C a ll 503- Federally excluded or debarred 280-0534. persons are ineligible. 4 M etro R e lie f F a cility S e cu rity Agent, On C a ll, O re go n C o n v e n tio n Center. $12.65/hour, Deadline: 8-13-04. Scheduled on an on-call basis to provide protection to M etroERC facilities, users and staff against trespass, vandalism, theft, fire or other potential harm and/or threat through patrol of facilities. S ta g e d o o r W a tc h p e rs o n , P o rtla n d C e n te r fo r th e Performing Arts. $9.83/hour, PT, Deadline 8-19-04. Monitors stage door during load-ins, rehearsals, performances, load-outs; Informs and g iv e s d ire c tio n s to employees, promoters, artists and the general public. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d application m aterials you may visit our website at www.metro- or you may pick up a c o m p le te p a c k e t at M etro H um a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d Avenue, P o rtla n d . Resumes are not accepted. A/\/EEO Employer Birthing Your Dreams Area residents are in­ vited to hear a motivational sp e a k e r w h o c o a c h e s women to give “birth” to their dream s utilizing the process o f birthing. New hires must have acceptable D aw ne K irkw ood, au ­ docum entation to confirm both thor o f “G iving Birth to identity and eligibility to work. M e,” w ill be speak on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 5:30 Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed p.m. at the Sharon SDA & Thurs at City Center Parking C hurch, 5209 N.E. 22nd 130 SW Stark, Portland. A ve. T hrough her p er­ sonal ex p erien ces, she ‘ •» IM M E D IA T E O P E N IN G ** * began to see that giving ROSE HAVEN INTAKE SPECIALIST: 3 0 birth to a baby is the same h o u r /w e e k p o s itio n to o v e rs e e as giving birth to a dream. Incom ing stream o f wom en visitors to For more information, C ath o lic C h a rities' Rose Haven day call the church 503-558- shelter program In Old Town. Assess the 9057. n e e d s o f th e w o m e n an d r e fe r to $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check a p p r o p ria te se rvices (w ith in Rose H aven's own s ta ff or resources In th e outside comm unity). Position requires m astery o f m ulti ta skin g and d e alin g well u nder pressure. B ilingual a plus) M ust be c u lt u r a lly c o m p e te n t. Concert Rings in School Year Stars Christian rap artist The Infamous Te’Luvv B achelor’s degree preferred. M in . of 2 St. M ark B ap­ tis t C h u rc h lo ­ cated on 103 N.E. M o r ris S t., is sponsoring a free b a c k -to -s c h o o l co n c ert fo r area te e n s on S a tu r­ day, A ug. 21 at 6 p.m. T he event fea­ tu re s T h e In fa - m o u sT e’Luvv.H e is a p r o m in e n t C h ristian rap a rt­ ist staring on the “ M ade Up My M ind” tour. S p e c ia l lo c a l g u e s ts in c lu d e G N C an d R e al R ecognize Real. F or m ore infor­ mation call R ever­ end R obert Kelley at 503-287-7457. y e a rs e x p e r ie n c e w o rk in g w ith a m a rg in a lize d p o p u la tio n . E xcellen t com m unication skills. $ 1 2 /h o u r w tth ex c e lle n t b e n efits. A pp lication form available a t 2 3 1 SE 1 2 th , P ortland, or w w w .c a th o lic c h a rltie s o re g o n .o r g . EOE SELF ENHANCEMENT, INC. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER “Nobody Bakes It Better” SEI Is co m m itted to achieving and m ain tain in g a drug-free w orkplace JOB ANNOUNCEM ENT The fo llo w in g p o s itio n (s ) are currently open at the Center for S e lf E n h a n ce m e n t, Inc. Job descriptions and applications are a v a ila b le at 3 9 2 0 N. K erb y, P o rtla n d , OR 97227 o r You may fax your resum e to (503) 2 4 9 -1 9 5 5 or e -m a il to d e b is @ s e lfe n h a n c e m e n t.o rg . Positions are open until filled. Transport Driver/Dock Loader $20.39 HR, Requires a Class A CDL with airbrake endorsement, 2 years over the road with double (trip le s a plus) in all w eather conditions. Excellent DMV record. S table work history. M ust join Teamsters Union & be available to w o rk a ll s h ifts . E x c e lle n t b e n e fits . A p p lic a tio n s a re a va ila b le at the No. Portland Emp. Ofc., 30 No. Webster, (job reference #: 252952) EEO/AAP Employer Subsidized Units M ay Be A vailable A t This Time If not, q u alified a p plicants w ill be placed on W aitin g list. F O U N D A T IO N / C O R P O R A T E RELATIONS MANAGER DEVELOPMENT WRITER R en tals range b etw een $ 3 2 6 to $ 5 1 5 a m onth. G uardian M a n ag em en t, LLC Is com m itted to “Equal Housing O pportunity” Arends P lace II IN SCHOOL SERVICE COORDINATOR (4 full-time positions) 1 6 1 5 9 * C t. # 4 9 Hood River, OR 9 7 0 3 1 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT (2 part- time classroom positions) AFTER SCHOOL COORDINATOR (3 full-tim e positions) PARENT COORDINATOR MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR 5 4 1 -3 8 6 -6 6 0 7 TD D # 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 3 5 - 2 9 0 0 Living Faith Ministries 4434 N.E. 131 Place ( Sandy Blvd. ) SEI offers an excellent benefits package for eligible em ployees that includes: Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! • Paid medical/dental/vision for e m p lo y e e , o n e -h a lf p aid fo r dependents. • 401k Retirement Plan - up to 3% com pany match. P.O Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 125 Plan (Health Expense Reimbursement Account). • 4 weeks accrued vacation. •• Accrued sick leave. i=i David & Sherrie Littleton Pastors “The Just Shall Live By Faith ” Romans 1:17 Back to School Jam A Back to School Summer Jam is on the Vernon Elementary School playground from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 14. The Safe Place, a nonprofit faith- based organization, is holding the 4"’ annual event. Some highlights include a free barbeque meal, an inflatable slide, live entertainment, a basketball tournam ent, health screenings, a school supply give­ away and more. Vernon is located at 2044 N.E. Killingsworth. Advertise with d ivenii} zzi ].1o rtla n i> (© bsevurv Call 503-288-0033 ads («■ pou landob sen • Paid life and disability insurance (after waiting period). • Employee Assistance Program CoMgrAtwkstions! Fiscal Manager Celebrating 50 Years Together Large non-profit childcare center is seeking a fiscal m anager to oversee the financial operation ($ 1 .2 M + ) o f th e C e n te r. Responsibilities include but are n ot lim ite d to : p re p a re and maintain the general ledger and th e fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n ts , a c c o u n ts p a ya b le , p a y ro ll, em ployee benefits and oversee the receivable and third party billings. This position is 32 hours per hours per week and has a c o m p e titiv e s a la ry and fu ll b e n e fits . C o m p a ra b le responsibilities and experience w ith n o n -p ro fit a c c o u n tin g m anagem ent is preferred. Send a cover letter and current resume to M a rcia @ p e n ch ild .o rg to be considered. James (J.D.) and Lonzella Lambert Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad With All Our Love Zenobia (Kathy) Noble Janice Lambert-Gordon Brenda Lambert-Smith James (J.T.) Lambert Dwayne Lambert Loretta Lambert Jennifer Lambert I