Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 2004, Page 4, Image 4

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represent the views o f The Portland Observer
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May 05. 2004
Posey for Portland Mayor
The fo llo w in g is a Portland
O bserver editorial:
Jam es L. Posey has earned our
endorsem ent for election as Mayor
o f Portland.
The long-time northeast Port­
land businessman has kept issues
important to minority populations
before the public. He has a long
record as a community leader who
understands the need for business
developm ent to create jobs and
social justice to protect our most
vulnerable citizens.
You can count on Posey to push James L. Posey
(■where your child w ill build
i'ionships w ith teachers and
for a highly professional and ethi­
cal police force.
He has extensive experience in
affirmative action through his many
years o f work in local construction
and local government contracts.
Finally, we are impressed with
Posey ’ s tireless and honorable cam­
paign. He has spoken on the issues
clearly and passionately, attend­
ing nearly every com munity event
and debate in this year’s m ayor’s
James Posey is one of us and he
deserves our support.
www miiKjtemunmediaorg
Opening this fall - enrolling 6th grade students for a three year middle school
Parent Informatioi
ro llm e n t Night*
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* you m ust be present a t this
receive an application.
• • A ll classes are free of charge!
African Americi
/ X
Coalition, Inc.
WeOness Within REACH Activity Calendar
M allory Ave. Christian Chun
Hon. Wed. Fn, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:3O-i:2Opm,
Granville • 6:3Q-7:30pm, Nickerson
H u m b old t E lem entary
Tue. Thu, 6-7pm, Keller
fib m a n
1'l2 :IS -l:IS p m , Jenkins
tody Sculpting
Hope in the ‘Hood
Worst of violent times can still bring peace
courtesy o f H u t Dishman)
M a tt Dishman
Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois
Low Im pact Aerobics
D aniel’s M em orial Church
Tue, 7:15-8:15pm, Granville
W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC)
Salvation A rm y
M a tt Dishman
W a lk in g Group
Peninsula Park
Satd2;J0pm. Woods
'■ ■ re .
{ M g n t./C onditioning
Portland Indoor Track
9 -1 Oam, Hasan
A fr ic a n D a n c e
M a tt Dishman
Sat, 10-1 lam, Addo
W ild O ats M arket
7:30-8:30pm, O’Rourke
Bady C ond itioning
W ild O ats M arket
Sat, 9 :30-10:30am, Nickerson
Darnel’s Memorial Church 1234 NE Killingsworth
Malt Dishman. 7 7 NE K nott
(1 2 th & Kilhngsworthi
Peninsula Parli. 7 0 0 N Portland
Humboldt Elementary. 491S N G antenbein
S ahratx» A rm y. S32S N W illiam s
Malory Avenue Christian Church (Gym), 126 NE
U. of Portland Indoor Trade, SOO N W illa m ette
A lberta
Wdd Oats H a rk e t. 3S3S NE IS th
"H u s t be 21 or older to participate. Please contact AAW befSre showing up to the first class and for
more information at 5O3-4I3-I8SO or k d e m p s e y j^ a ^ p d rttth d o rg . Please receive approval from your
doctor before beginning. «terrise class.
R a c ia l and Ethnic A R jK W e h « « to C om m u nity H ea lth
A Program ol the African wS Shban Health Coalition, Inc
Sponsored by the Centers tor Otoe-i ,n Control and Prevention (CDC)
Contact AAHC at 503-413- ISSO or viat our web site at www.aahc-portland.org
K ris R ichards
A few months ago on a Friday
night I was watching the news, but
it was so negative I had to switch
channels. I turned to 20/20 and
watched a very moving story o f a
young man from the inner city. He
was in the Marines to earn a way to
college and escape a difficult set­
ting in Long Beach.
Captain Sok Khak Ung fought
bravely in Iraq, where he received a
Pufple Heart for assisting in the
rescue o f Jessica Lynch. The irony
is he survived the battles o f Iraq,
on’.y to be gunned down at a family
barbeque in his dad ’s backyard.
Accordi ng to 20/20, there have been
lO.(XM) homicides o f youth in the
past decade in our country. The
show concluded with posing, “How
can we take back our youth?”
The next day, I attended a ser­
vice at New Song C om m unity
Church. I don’t rem em ber much
about Pastor Richard Probasco’s
sermon, but I remember being riv­
eted by an event he relayed to us.
He had announced the week
before o f the passing of 17-year-
old Isaiah S trickland. Isaia h ’s
mother. Reba, is a Sunday school
teacher at the church on northeast
Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
H er son had died o f gu n sh o t
wounds at a party where noone,
according to the news, was talking.
The ceremony included heart­
felt poem s, songs, and strong
urgings from family members and “S hell-shocked” is how Juaqutter
friends from the community. A poli­ J o n e s , lo n g - tim e f rie n d o f
tician named W oody Broadnax Isa ia h ’s m o th er d escrib ed the
challenged the youth to “not let youth. But then, after they heard
another one go.” Then, he asked P a sto r R ic h a rd ’s m e ssag e o f
who would be willing to stand and G o d ’s hope and kindness, fo r­
be leaders when others are too afraid giveness, mercy and love, “ It was
to stand. Many people stood.
like iheir faces said, ‘W ow! This
Pastor Richard began his short is good n ew s!” ’
message. It was straight-talk, a bit
About 200 young people stood
in-your-face hope.
that day to fol low the one who came
O f the crowd of about 500 on that to serve. They were willing to make
“Shell-shocked" is how Juaqutter Jones,
long-time friend o f Isaiah’s mother described
the youth. But then, after they heard Pastor
Richard’s message o f God’s hope and kindness,
forgiveness, mercy and love, “It was like their
faces said, ‘Wow! This is good news!”’
Nov. 7, about 400 were young a change in their lives. To date,
people. They w ere dressed in many of those youth have con­
clothes more appropriate for the tacted Reha to talk and pray about
street than fo ra funeral at a church. their decisions.
There were middle school aged
Yes, there is hope in the neigh­
girls with babies, a few young la­ borhood.
dies in very short skirts, and one
Ifyouw ouldlikeafreetapeofthe
young man— who came in after the funeral, call Dawn at New Song
ceremony started and walked up Community Church at 503-493-
the center aisle to take a seat up 1301. If you would like a special
front— wore a shirt that said a mes­ Bible from Isaiah's mother, contact
sage about sticking w ith your Reba Strickland at Box 56021, Port­
land, OR 97238.
T hey cam e as they were. They
Kris Richards is a resident o f
cam e to show respect for a friend. northeast Portland.
Letters to the Editor
Coverage Supports
Grant High Team
Wise up
Don’t try to beat MAX
Respect the signals & crosswalks
T p 1
Y ou and y o u r sta ff, s p e c ifi­
c a lly Jay m ee C u ti and M ark
W a sh in g to n , d id a w o n d erfu l
article on the G rant High School
M e n ’s B ask etb all P rogram .
T h e M arch 10 issu e w as in
o n e w o rd f a n ta s tic ! Ja y m e e
c a p tu re d all o f th e facts and
q u o te s and p ut them in to an
ex c itin g , h ea rtw arm in g article .
T he p h o to w as g reat as w ell
and wa»
c o n fid e n c e b o o st
fo r the k ids, w ho a lth o u g h play
ing really w ell, w e re n 't getting
m uch re c o g n itio n . T h e p o sitiv i
feed b ack w e h av e rec eiv e d a:
resu lt o f the co v e rag e w as o v er
w h elm in g to say the least.
T hank you and may G od blesi
you to c o n tin u e to do fantastic
Tony R ro a d o u s, G ra n t Has
k e tb a ll H ea d C oach