Page A4 JJnrtlanb (Obserucr O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Advertise with diversity in ' ’ ’Jn rtk tn h ¡COhseruer ( al I 503-288-(M)33 ads@portlandob sç Interested in a rigorous education for your child? Come and learn about an excflSpg new Charter School The SEI Academy a holistic commuait exposure that includes values, and critical thinking. to e, drama, music and fine arts. an envir meaningful peers. SEI May 05. 2004 Posey for Portland Mayor The fo llo w in g is a Portland O bserver editorial: Jam es L. Posey has earned our endorsem ent for election as Mayor o f Portland. The long-time northeast Port­ land businessman has kept issues important to minority populations before the public. He has a long record as a community leader who understands the need for business developm ent to create jobs and social justice to protect our most vulnerable citizens. You can count on Posey to push James L. Posey (■where your child w ill build i'ionships w ith teachers and for a highly professional and ethi­ cal police force. He has extensive experience in affirmative action through his many years o f work in local construction and local government contracts. Finally, we are impressed with Posey ’ s tireless and honorable cam­ paign. He has spoken on the issues clearly and passionately, attend­ ing nearly every com munity event and debate in this year’s m ayor’s race. James Posey is one of us and he deserves our support. www miiKjtemunmediaorg ^¿4 Opening this fall - enrolling 6th grade students for a three year middle school Parent Informatioi Tuesday, HoW COM G ro llm e n t Night* $004 AU- Y ou and y o u r sta ff, s p e c ifi­ c a lly Jay m ee C u ti and M ark W a sh in g to n , d id a w o n d erfu l article on the G rant High School M e n ’s B ask etb all P rogram . T h e M arch 10 issu e w as in o n e w o rd f a n ta s tic ! Ja y m e e c a p tu re d all o f th e facts and q u o te s and p ut them in to an ex c itin g , h ea rtw arm in g article . T he p h o to w as g reat as w ell and wa» c o n fid e n c e b o o st fo r the k ids, w ho a lth o u g h play ing really w ell, w e re n 't getting m uch re c o g n itio n . T h e p o sitiv i feed b ack w e h av e rec eiv e d a: resu lt o f the co v e rag e w as o v er w h elm in g to say the least. T hank you and may G od blesi you to c o n tin u e to do fantastic work. Tony R ro a d o u s, G ra n t Has k e tb a ll H ea d C oach