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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 2004)
la8cBii__________________________ Wiyc ÏJnrtlani» ©bseruer________________________ m ^ osjow Housing Needs Filled with Density Advertise with diversity in ' g lo r ila n ò © b a c ru e r Call 503-288-0033 ads (p portlandob BIG CITY PRODUCE Big City Produce, chow n as Portland ! BEST 2004 Sustainable Food System For providing affordable food to an underserved population. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Come se e us for all of your Produce N eeds. Humboldt Neighborhood Chair Kurt Haapala supported infill housing projects that face the street until he looked at what was being built in his neighborhood on North Missouri Street ju s t North o f Killingsworth Avenue. con tin u ed fr o m M etro W hen the city first attem pted to “tam e” infill designs, standards w ere im posed aim ed at outlaw ing so-called “snout h ouses” w hose m ost prom inent feature w as a g a rage. Spitanagel concedes that a problem existed, but calls the re sulting regulations, “ ludicrous.” “T here needs to be com m on ground that would allow small build ers to build hom es affordable to first tim e hom e buyers,” he said. He w ould like design standards relaxed for hom es that were energy- efficient. “ E n erg y e ffic ie n c y is a h eck o f a lot m ore im p o rtan t than w hat th e h o u se lo o k s lik e ," S p itan ag el said . K u rt H a a p a la , c h a ir o f th e H um boldt N eighborhood A ssocia tion, w as surprised the I O-plex was built in w hat appears to be the path o f future PCC C ascade expansion. W hen first asked about he project, he said, “I think that infill d ev elo p m ent at that location is appropriate, provided it w as d esigned to ad dress the street.” But that w as before H aapala ac tually view ed the project, w hich he did at the Portland O b serv er’s re quest. O nce he did, he had a very different reaction. "T h is is bad developm ent, bad in several w ays,” he said. H aapala found the project aes thetically “atrocious.” M ore fu n d am en tally , he said, “W e w ant housing people w ould w ant to live in perm anently. T he only reason anyone w ould rent this is because they w ere forced to because they co u ld n ’t find anything else. T his is another bad thing for a com m unity th a t’s already had m any bad things done to it.” If high density housing like the M issouri Street project is allow ed by right, he said, the city should allow greater input into the design o f infill projects. Open M-F 7:30am till 7pm Sat. 9am till 6pm Sun.9am til! 6pm 722 N Sumner Portland, Oregon, 97217 903 480 3830 6 pack of Garlic only 59cents this week Music M illennium 35th Anniversary Coupon Save 20% off All Regular* Priced CD's, Cassettes & DVD's IÛ H ki CM Claire Huxtable Named Best TV Mom (A P) — Rudy and Theo w o u ld be p ro u d : C la ire Huxtable, matriarch of “The C o sb y S h o w ” c la n , w as named best TV mom in a new poll released ju st in time for M other’s Day. Played by Phylicia Rashad, C laire H uxtable was the witty, tough m other o f five who also worked as a lawyer. Rashad played alongside Bill C osby’s C liff Huxtable for 8 years, until the NBC sitcom ended in 1992. T he 5 5 -y ear-o ld actress, w ho’s starring in the B road way production o f “A Raisin in the Sun” with Sean Combs, also was nam ed “TV mom closest to your own mom in spirit.” O pinion Research C orpo ration conducted the poll from April 8-11. Results were based on 720 adults who have a liv ing m other or m other-in-law. The margin o f error was plus or minus four points. M rs. C u n n in g h a m of “ H appy D a y s,” p lay ed by M arion Ross, was second, fol lowed by M arge Sim pson o f “The Simpsons,” w ho’s voiced by Julie Kavner. Wally Tesfa Phylicia Rashad holds flowers and beams during the opening night curtain call for the Broadway revival o f “A Raisin in the Sun, " in New York. (AP photo) "YouTl Be Hard -Pressed To Find a more Exhaustive Selection o f music anywhere, from classical To International To Early 60’s Rock (N ’Roll” — Esquire Magazine C ome S ee F or Y ourself ! EVERY USED CAR, TRUCK, VAN, SPORT UTILITY. OVER 300 TO CHOOSE FROM, MUST BE DISPOSED OF IMMEDIATELY! $59 D O W N !* P A Y M E N T S A S L O W A S $ 7 9 P E R M O N T H !* There will be over $2 million dollars ot used cars, trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles ottered to the public with $59 DOWN1* There will be monthly payments as low as $79 per month* on many ot these vehicles. Additional vehicles will be arriving daily. LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME... YOU WON'T NEED IT! Only during this three day sale at Thrifty Auto Centers, you may finance your new vehicle with $59 DOWN and PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $79 PER MONTH1* This is made possible due to special arrangements with many national lending insti tutions which have been specifically retained tor this event Banks and lenders will be seeking new customers tor this three day event IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! At these low prices, you MUST take immediate delivery of your vehicle Vehicles will not be able to be held on the lot because of consumer demand You must choose your car. truck, van, or sport utility and take immediate delivery during this three day event! No exceptions will be made Vehicles will be available from the following manufacturers Ford. Lincoln, Mercury, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Nissan. Kia, Mazda, Toyota. Chrysler. Dodge, Jeep. Volkswagen Honda: along with many others too numerous to mention NO DEALERS ALLOWED! Because of disposal pricing, no dealers will be able to purchase or trade during this three day event * Valid Driver’s License * Current Pay Stub or 2003 W2 Form * Copy of Current Utility or Home Telephone Bill * Your Current Vehicle Payment Book TRADE-INS ACCEPTED! Trade-Ins will be accepted during this three day event. If you trade your existing vehicle during this three day event, Thrifty Auto Centers will pay offyour trade, no matter what you owe! (A portion of negative trade equity may be applied to new loan) No matter what your trade situation $59 DOWN and as low as $79 MONTHLY PAYMENTS* will still be available to you! Please bring current title, registration and/or payment book. Lenders will also require proof of insurance. BAD CREDIT? BANKRUPTCY? NO CREDIT? UPSIDE DOWN IN TOUR CURRENT VEHICLE? WANT A NEW VEHICLE WITH A LOWER PAYMENT? Don't miss this three day disposal event at Thrifty Auto Centers We want to put you into the car of your dreams, no matter what your current vehicle situation Let us get you out ot your current cur ride and into the car, truck, van or sport utility you really want to dnve A.09% APR For 72 MONTHS- *4 09% for 72 months. On approved credit ALL VEHICLES ON THE LOT QUALIFY! Every single new and used vehicle on the lot qualifies You will not hear '“tf this vehicle does not qualify” at Thrifty Auto Centers. We absolutely must move inventory during this three day sale *Ali deals on approved credit Specia' finance rates terms and payments will vary by individual vehicle and are on approved credit through dealer s lender Delivery must occur Offer may noi be used with prior sales ot any other advertised otter. See dealer (or complete details '94 Dodge Caravan stk#E0380A, $59 down $79 /mo. tor 60 mos 4.19 APR plus $50 administrative fee, title $ license On approved credit N o P r o b le m ! Sx Prudential N o P a y m e n ts fo r 9 0 D a y s ! Northwest Piopflftw» Northwest Properties 1730 NE I Oth Ave. Your trade will never be worth more! Thrifty Auto Centers A V A IL A B L E • I NE Braze« St f i t An independently owned & and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. -O- I ' 94 Dodge Caravan stk#fO36(W 159 down. $79/mo. lor 60 mos. ® 4.19 APR. plus tax, title 8, license. Then this sale for YOU! have neipea helped thousands ot of financially financial! troubled customers in the m en mis saie is tor r u u ! We we nave past and we are looking to help you get the vehicle you want., at the price you want to pay To guarantee the success of this event, national lenders will be providing over 14 million dollars in funding for new loans C r e d it P r o b le m s ? Multi-Million $ Service Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 ♦Not good on red tag Items • Not good with any other offer • No limit, Expires 5-3-04 I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - T O T A L V E H IC L E D IS B U R S E M E N T ! WHAT YOU NEEO TO BRING: Residential C& R Broker M IL L E N N IU M 2400 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, OR 97220 1-866-887-4444 3 D a y E v e n t! THIS F R ID A Y SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9:00 am * 8:00 pm Nobody Beats a Thrifty Auto Centers Deal! 4