Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 2004, Page 16, Image 16

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    April 28, 2004
page C4
The Lion King cast performs “He Lives in You."
Experience the Circle
B roadw ay’s aw ard-w inning
the Keller Auditorium in Septem­
best musical “The Lion King” is
ber, 2005. This adds Portland to the
set to roar into Portland as part of
worldwide tour running in New
Fred M eyer’s Broadway in Port­
York, San Francisco, London, Ham­
land 2005 season, beginning in
burg, Tokyo, Nagoya, Sydney and
"The Lion King” has been con­
firmed fora limitedengageinent at
The run dates and ticket prices
have not yet been announced.
■ M M M M M M M i
Jefferson Dancers
Shine in Competition
The Jefferson Dancers shined
in their appearance at the N a­
tional High School Dance Festi­
val in Philadelphia, PA.
Tw elve hundred dancers from
nearly one hundred schools were
selected to participate in this
tw o days o f stu d en t p e rfo r­
m ances, m aster classes taught
by som e o f the nation’s finest
dance instructors, auditions for
college scholarships and awards
for outstanding work.
At the festival, 23 Jefferson
D ancers, the only troupe from
O regon invited, had the oppor­
tunity to take m asterclasses in a
wide range of styles, including
m odern, tap, ballet, tango, hip
hop and African. Dancers also
had the opportunity to audition
for prestigious sum m er dance
program s and colleges.
A d a n c e c h o re o g ra p h y by
Jefferson High School senior T.J.
Yale was selected for performance
in the Festival’s Student Show ­
case. F orthis work, Yale received
a M eritorious Award for Excel­
lence in C horeography and an
Artistic director Steve Gonzales
is taking the dance program to
new heights o f cutting-edge cho­
reography and excellence. In the
15 years since his graduation from
Je ffe rso n , G o n z a le s has p e r­
formed and taught m aster classes
around the world.
Area residents can see the na­
tionally acclaimed Jefferson Danc­
ers at their annual perform ances
on April 2 8 ,2 9 and 30 and May 1.
T ic k e ts a re a v a ila b le at al,
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