April 28, 2004 page C4 PHOTO COURTESY OF JO A N M A R C U S / DlSNF.Y The Lion King cast performs “He Lives in You." Experience the Circle B roadw ay’s aw ard-w inning the Keller Auditorium in Septem­ best musical “The Lion King” is ber, 2005. This adds Portland to the set to roar into Portland as part of worldwide tour running in New Fred M eyer’s Broadway in Port­ York, San Francisco, London, Ham­ land 2005 season, beginning in burg, Tokyo, Nagoya, Sydney and September. Scheveningen. "The Lion King” has been con­ firmed fora limitedengageinent at NMHMMMMM The run dates and ticket prices have not yet been announced. ■ M M M M M M M i Jefferson Dancers Shine in Competition The Jefferson Dancers shined in their appearance at the N a­ tional High School Dance Festi­ val in Philadelphia, PA. Tw elve hundred dancers from nearly one hundred schools were selected to participate in this tw o days o f stu d en t p e rfo r­ m ances, m aster classes taught by som e o f the nation’s finest dance instructors, auditions for college scholarships and awards for outstanding work. At the festival, 23 Jefferson D ancers, the only troupe from O regon invited, had the oppor­ tunity to take m asterclasses in a wide range of styles, including m odern, tap, ballet, tango, hip hop and African. Dancers also had the opportunity to audition for prestigious sum m er dance program s and colleges. A d a n c e c h o re o g ra p h y by Jefferson High School senior T.J. Yale was selected for performance in the Festival’s Student Show ­ case. F orthis work, Yale received a M eritorious Award for Excel­ lence in C horeography and an honorarium. Artistic director Steve Gonzales is taking the dance program to new heights o f cutting-edge cho­ reography and excellence. In the 15 years since his graduation from Je ffe rso n , G o n z a le s has p e r­ formed and taught m aster classes around the world. Area residents can see the na­ tionally acclaimed Jefferson Danc­ ers at their annual perform ances on April 2 8 ,2 9 and 30 and May 1. T ic k e ts a re a v a ila b le at al, Ticketm asters and by calling 503- 224-4400. Featuring Aaron, Art, Charles 8 Cyril May 7 S 8 • 8pm Tickets $20 to $35 Call 1-888-MAIN ACT or TicketsW est at F800-992-TIXX C h in o o k W inds C asino It's Better at the Beach! • 1-888-CHINOOK • www.chinookwindscasino.com Advertise with diversity in ^Llartlanb (Obscrncr Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandobserver.eom 4