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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 2003)
November 26,2003_____________________________________ ®J|e fjortlanb (ßbseruer____________________________Pa«eA5 Tubman Students Get Lesson from Historic Role Model port Battalion o f the Oregon Army N a tional Guard. She isalsoan African-Ameri can Officer. Gen. Byrne introduced Lt. Col. Murray, portraying Harriet Tubman, as a "person of flesh and bone who did something really spectacular.” Don’t give up ‘Harriet Tubman’ tells kids by S ean P. N elson , T he P ortland O bserver The A djutant General o f the Oregon National Guard led a delegation o f m ili tary p erso n n e l to H arriet T ubm an M iddle School in northeast Portland to recognize sixth to eighth graders for their academ ic achievem ents during a special assem bly. Brigadier Gen. Raymond Byrne planned to fly onto the school grounds in a military helicopter for last W ednesday's cer emony, but inclement weather kept the aircraft grounded, Accompanying him was his executive assistant Major Kevin Dial and Lt. Col. Sandra D. Murray who portrayed Harriet Tubman during the assembly. Murray is the commander of the 741st Corps, Sup Harriet Tubman led s o m e 4 0 0 to 5 0 0 sla v e s to freed o m through h er underground railroad. During the Civil War, the Union Army Scout, then in her 60s, ferried some 400 to 500 slaves to freedom through her under ground railroad every 4 to 5 months start ing out from locations behind enemy lines in the South. She was buried with military honors. Lt. Col. Murray portrayed the school’s namesake as someone who courageously overcame great suffering to emerge v icto- rious. “I have been traded and traded and traded as a slave for many years, but 1 have survived. 1 am living proof that as you strive to be all you can be, the word ‘c a n ’t ’ does not exist in my vocabulary. 1 have paved paths for others to follow. C reate your own path so others can follow you. You can survive with a good education. A quitter never w ins and a w in n e r n e v e r q u its ," M u rra y , as Tubm an, said. Gospel music from the Harriet Tubman Choir followed her performance. Honor role certificates were then pre sented to the future high school graduat ing classes of 2008.2009 and 2 0 10. Six students received a special Code of E xcellence Award based on H arriet T ubm an's life and legacy and chosen by students, faculty and staff. The award included a $25 gift certificate to Lloyd Center. 4 view overlooking Harriet Tubm an M iddle School. Gorilla on Cop Car Investigated fteACHinG Police Chief Derrick Foxworth has ordered both a police investigation and a review by the city auditor’s office over an incident that some in Portland’s hip- hop community are calling racial intimi dation by two police officers. It started Monday, Nov. 17 when Robert Fowlkes and his toy gorilla were picked up by officers for drunken behav ior outside Mary’s strip club. The offic ers, whose names have not been re leased, claimed the stuffed animal reeked of vomit and urine, and attached it to their car’s front bumper. The police car with the gorilla at tached, then pulled up at a popular hip- hop show at Ringlers’ hosted by deejay Mello Cee, unnerving many African- American patrons, who compared the gesture to police donning the Confeder ate flag or a minstrel doll. Foxworth, the African-American chief who recently took over the police force, said the officers have apologized for what they call a misunderstanding and say they did not intend to offend any one. Fowlkesclaims the toy gorillasmelled only of cigarettes. Members o f the Corner Stone Com munity Church o f God in Christ serve up turkey dinners to the homeless at a free Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday in northeast Portland. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program ot the African Arnencan Health Coalition. Inc Sponsored by the CDC (Centers lor Disease Control and Prevention) Wellness W ithin REACH Activity Calendar All classes are free of charge! M on M attDskm u 77 HE b o t i S ta tio n Army 5325 N Wilbamt, T h u rs Fri Stretching Body ScwIplinR Sodpbng 103» -11:00am 7 8am 1 il 7-8am : ms Addo Water Aerobics TaiCbi Contact AAHC 630 • 7:30pm CnnlartAAHf Henry 503-413-1850 Lyles 503-4131850 African Dance Water Aeiobics toga toga Body Conditioning 7:30-8:30pm 7:3O-8:3Opm 93010:30am O'Rourke ORourke Nickerson Walking Croap- Walking Group* Walking Group 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7.-00 pm 12:30pm Woods Woods Woods Aerobics Aerobics 5:30-6:20pm 530-6:20pm Aerobics 530 - 6:20pm Granville Granville Granville 630-7:30pm 630-730pm 6:30-7:30pm Nickerson Nickerson Hickerson H<kWDriri Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics QtarfCkri 4635 HE9tk A n W k ita Track 4 2 r il U b p w w lk 6:00-7 0 0 * 6:OO-7:OOpm 6:00 7 :0 0 * 6:0O-7:(lflpm 6:00-7:00* Pierre Keller Pierce Keller Pierce Wt. Management WT. Management Wt. Management Conditioning Conditioning II Conditioning 9:00 10:00am 6 00 -7:00am 9:00 10:00am Hasan Hasan Hasan Walk In Rim Walk to Run fi .lOpm T on!. 6:30pm Ir r b ft* Covemnt Cbreh 4008 HE ML! BM DaieTs Memorial CM I t t i (¡ta m ii Sat Stretching Body Salsa P etaulaP ark. 700 H Potai 126 HE A iata W ed 6:30 - 7:30p«. WM Oats Market 3535 HE IStk Malory A venie Orati* Ordì Tues November 29 th TIL December 28 th from Sunday - Thursday 5:00 - 8:00 pm Friday & Saturday 5:00 - 8:30 pm Aerobics Aerobics 7:30 - 8:30pm 8:00 9:00am Keller Norris La« Impact Come see over a half-million magical lights, ride the ZooLights Train, shop at the spectacular artist market and enjoy live performances every night! Make the evening complete with a holiday buffet at the the zoo's Cascade Grill restaurant. United ntenr.t/i • Take MAX to the Zool Call 503-238 RIDE for TriMel information Aerobus 7:15 -8:15pm Experience the thrill ride, running every night during ZooLights Granville "M ust be 21 or older to participate. Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class 503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class ♦ Walking group meets inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears African American Health Coalition, Inc. 2800 N Vancouver Ave Suite 100 • Portland OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850 E-mail: kdempsey@aahc-por1land org • Web www aahc-portland org » r v i t/wiudz I