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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 2003)
October 22.2003 l\i£C A7 (Tijc |Jnrtlanò (©bseruer Focus Squish ,tie Squash Area residents are invited to cheer on four Asian Elephants at the Oregon Zoo when they receive a special Halloween treat on Friday (left). Oct. 24 at 10 a.m. Elephants Pet. Shine. Rose-Tu and Chendra will receive a 936 pound pumpkin to squash and eat. * 1 Curtis Jackson o f the group "50 Cent" raises the award for the best American pop rock male artist during the Oct. 12 World Music Awards ceremony in Monaco 50 Cent Wins Haunted Castle is New Zoo Thrill Ride at Monaco Other events include a costume ball and sleepover Music Awards ■ i The O regon Z o o has some th in g fo r everyone this H a llo w (AP) — Rap superstar 50 Cent was the big winner at the W orld Music Awards in Monaco, tak ing home five prizes including best-selling artist o f the year, w hile Norah Jones won the prize fo r best-selling pop female art ist. Eminem, Justin Tim berlake and Russian g irl duo t.A.T.u., ‘ were among the many o ther winners at the event held Sun day night in the tiny Riviera prin cipality o f Monaco. R u s s ia 's pop sensation t.A.T.u. won three awards, in cluding best-selling pop group, w hile rapper Eminem was hon ored as best-selling pop/ rock artist and best-sell ing pop/rock male artist. Best-selling dance art is t a w a rd w e n t to Tim berlake. The big winner was 50 'C e n t, w hose m usic mares come to life . "T h e ride is fille d w ith te rro r and e xcitem ent; scary images een season. special H allow een ZooSnooze, sleepover at the zoo. pop up fro m every d ire c tio n ,” T ig e r Ball attendees w ill be zo o ’ s new th r ill ride, D ra cu la 's say s T o n y V ecchio. Oregon Z oo greeted by spooky décor and DJ Haunted Castle. The frig h te n director. "Y o u re a lly feel every spun dance music in the zoo's in g feature opened o v e r the turn, d ro p and fa ll." Cascade Crest Banquet Center. weekend and runs through Sun Riders begin th e ir te rrify in g The Oregon Zoo promises a tantalizingly and terrifying Halloween with its new ride, Dracula 's Haunted Castle. count is available i f the c h ild 's D ra c u la 's H a u n te d C astle A costume contest w ill be held castle ride and g o o n a n ig h ttim e plays fro m I I a.m. to 4 p.m . in w ith prizes such as a behind-the- safari to u r featuring bats, e l parent is attending the zo o 's the S im E x -Iw e rk s sim u la tio n scenes encounter w ith the tigers. ephants, bears, tigers, w olves, T ig e r B all. C h ild re n may w ear to u r on a dark, storm y night theater across fro m the A m u r A dm ission is $.35 per person in and a candy treasure hunt. A f their H allow een costum e to the outside the fo re b o d in g castle. T ig e r e x h ib it. T icke ts are $4 in advance, o r $4( ) at the d i tor, w hich ter a continental breakfast and a ZooSnooze. C h ild re n must be T w o huge, wooden doors creak a d d ition to regular zoo adm is includes horsd’ oeuvres. I w odrink visit to t he birds o f prey, kids w ill p re-registered to attend. F o r open and an eerie lo o k in g bu tle r sion. tic k e ts and adm ission to the have a front row seal to watch fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n o r to regis the keepers g ive the anim als ter, call 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -2 7 8 1. For m ore in fo rm a tio n , v is it w w w o r cal I.50.3»- a ppears. A f t e r an o m in o u s A d u lts can celebrate H a llo w w a rn in g , the audience is trans een at the T ig e r B a ll dance party The ZooSnooze is fo r c h il ported through secret passage fro m 8 p.m . to m id n ig h t on F ri dren seven to 11 to e n jo y a pizza special treats. C o s t f o r th e w ays where th e ir w orst nig h t- day. O ct. 3 1, w h ile kids enjoy a dinner, experience the haunted ZooSnooze is $40. A $10 dis- haunted castle. H a llo w e e n MEIER & FRANK draws on his dangerous past w hen he h ustled crack in a gritty neigh borhood o f N ew Y ork C ity, where he grew up. The ra p p e r w on awards fo r best-selling pop male artist, best-sell ing R & B artist and best selling new artist. Jones, whose fo lksy, sensuous voice earned her five Grammys earlier this year, w on her second award for best-selling adult contemporary artist. R o b b ie W illia m s , Shakira and D ido were other winners. i 226-1561. presents OCTOBER 23-26 11AM-4PM FREE WITH 2 0 0 ADMISSION ‘ INTERACTIVE TRICK-OR-TREAT SCAVENGER HUNT AND GAMES Sonny Spoon Busted in Georgia A popular rapper was arrested after police inGeor- gia said they found drugs in his vehicle during a rou tine traffic stop. James E. Maxwell, 30, known in the hip-hop scene as Sonny Spoon, was stopped last Saturday af ternoon for a seat-belt vio lation, said Macon, Ga. p o lice spokesw om an Melanie Hofmann. Hofmann said Maxwell consented to a search o f his 1985 Suburban, which led police to illegal drugs with a street value o f about $6,600. He was charged with felony possession o f marijuana, possession with intent to distribute ecstasy and trafficking in cocaine, she said. * a costum e and tric k -o r-tre a tin g F o r an extra scare, v is it the day. N o v. 2. IL J OUR TIGERS ARE TURNING 3 YEARS OLD - COME CELEBRATE! F X p flh l SimEx HAUNT! U CASTLE NOV. 1 9 - 2 3 M emorial C oliseum (l-.xi lu llin g R in k s id c & X IP sc,Us \ o double discounts.) Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. NOV. 20 NOV 21 NOV. 22 12 NOON . ill PM 7 30 PM NOV 23 12 NOON 3:30 PM 7:30 PM 7.30 PM 7 30 PM f o r th e fastest a n d easiest w a y to o r d e r tic k e ts , g o to I IIRI II RIDI. L a R.ACUI.AS SAVE $7 on tickets to sec 7 Disney Princesses! OPENING NIGHT-Wed. NOV. 19 ★ 7:30 PM NOV 19 I I Ul SPOOKY FUN! TAKE A HAUNTING JOURNEY THROUGH A FORTRESS OF TERROR AND MEET THE CREATURES THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT. O P I NS 0 ( 1 OBI R 18 RIJNS THROUGH NOVI MBI R 2 tkketmaster in ket Centers, Arena Box Office or call (503) 224-4400 SHOW TIM I.S AR I EVERY 15 MINUTES I ROM I I A.M. TO 4 P.M. G roups (SO 3) 2.35-S“” ’I 1It kl I S $4/$.t I OR OZF MEMBERS T IC K E T PRICES: $ 4 5 .0 0 Khikskh - $.30.00 v ir - $ 1 7 .7 5 - $ 1 2 .7 5 w w w .o r r g o n z o o .o r g . I Xkt \1 \ \ O R E G O N ZCXD I t ) I I II ZO O ! ( Al l .St»3-’ 38-R ID I (Service ihargcs and handling lees max apply > I t m £ T r o