Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 2003, Page 13, Image 13

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    May 28. 2003
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Page BS
d ir e c to r y
Ricky Martin is Back with New Album
(AP)— Ricky Martin is back
with a new album he hopes will
sway those who wrote him off
as a one-hit wonder.
Martin’s 1999 smash hit,
“Livin' La Vida Loca" sold 15
millions copies worldwide, but
his 2000 follow up, “Sound
Loaded" dropped to 4 million.
His latest, “Alm as del
Silencio” (Souls of Silence), hits
stores Tuesday. It’s the first
Spanish-language album for
Martin, 31, in five years. It’s
also more introspective than
much of his recent work.
“I really needed to go back to
my focus, to my center, to the
beginning,” said Martin, who got
his start 20 years ago as a child
star in the Puerto Rican teen
group Menudo. “I had the need
to search within, and really dig
deep, and find those emotions
that, because of the adrenaline
and the euphoria that I lived for
a couple o f years, were prob­
ably sabotaged.”
Asfor“Livin’ La Vida Loca,”
Martin said he doesn’t miss it at
all: “I lived it. I loved it. But it’s
the past.”
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Petróleos Mexicanos to Invest in Oil Refinery
abroad and reim porting the finished
petroleum products.
Pem ex w ill begin seeking ten­
ders for the refinery upgrade at the
end o f this month. W ork is expected
to start in O ctober, and com pletion
is slated for D ecem ber 2007.
T he expansion at M inatitlan, in
southeastern M exico, calls for the
con stn ictio n o f nine new plants.
The p roject w ill raise the refin ery ’s
capacity for p rocessing crude oil to
350,000 barrels a day from 200,000
barrels a day at present.
Processing o fheavy M aya crude,
w hich accounts for 70 percent o f
P em ex ’s production, w ill increase
to 60 percent from 32 percent now ,
sa id Ju an B u en o , the h ead o f
P em ex ’s refining unit.
O nce com pleted, M inatitlan will
in crease g asoline production to
150,000 barrels per day from 57,000
barrels daily.
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Biblical Perspective on Health, Hope and Healing
D r . R ick L ee
T he four references to co m ­
m ands in regard to “ leaven,” w hich
causes ferm entation, are; Leviticus
2 :1 1 and E xodus 13:6,7 - leavens
(yeast cau ses ferm en tatio n ) not
a c c e p te d fo r sa c rific e ; E x o d u s
12:15,20, and Exodus 13:6,7 -L eav ­
ens forbidden in houses durin g
sacred w eek before the feast o f the
Passover, w hich w as held on the
seventh day.
A lso, the B ible te ll’s us that the
great m en o f G od did not use alco ­
hol but abstained from the use o f it;
E noch, N oah, D aniel and the three
H ebrew boys, Elijah, John the Bap­
tist, Jesus, the N azarites, A aron,
the priest (pastors o f today) Samuel
and m any others.
U ntil the disco v ery o f the p ro­
cess o f d istillation o f w ine, circa
1500 A D , the w ord w ine w as used
to designate fruit ju ices
- “new o r sw eet” w hen
p r e s e r v e d , “ o ld o r
s tro n g ” w h en fe r­
m ented. T he context, o r
history indicates w hich
is m eant. W hile only a
few o f the several refer­
ences to drink and drink­
ing are cited in this study, there are
m any m o re in G o d ’s H oly W ord,
w hich is o u r Basic Instructions
B efore L eaving Earth (B IB L E ). I
w ant to en co u rag e you to study
the B ible and help yo u r fel low man
and be ready to m eet Him.
In regards to o ur health, let us
see w hat the B ible says in this book
o f ‘Basic Instructions B efore Leav­
Memorial Planned forCassondra Brown
The life o f slain Portland C o m ­
m unity C ollege student and north
P o r tla n d r e s id e n t C a s s o n d r a
“C assie" Brown will be remembered
with a mem orial service at 5:30 p.m.
on M onday, June 2 at the PCC
C ascade C am pus.
The event will take place in the
Borthw ick Mall betw een the Stu­
dent Services and Student Center
buildings. The mem orial will start
with a tree planting cerem ony in her
honor, followed by light refreshments
an daplayby the Illumination Project
on dom estic violence in the dining
room o f the Student Center.
B row n w as a student enrolled in
10005 SE Stark St
Portland Oregon 97216
man ahi i nen «'oregonrealtv. com
Great men of God
did not use alcohol
Serving P ortland/M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW A NW)
Puerto Rican singer
Ricky Martin per­
forms in concert in
Mexico City. The
show is part of a
tour promoting his
new album”Almas del
Silencio." (AP photo)
(A P ) — M exican state oil m o ­
nopoly P etróleos M ex ican o s or
Pem ex, w ill invest $ 1.63 billion to
expand its refinery in M inatitlan,
com pany officials said.
M exico produces far m ore crude ,
oil than it can refine, exporting
130,000 barrels a day for refining
& K EY
P C C ’s C olleg e Bound (alternative
high school) program and w ould
havereceivedherdiplom a this June.
She w as interested in m yths and
legends o f all cultures, w orld his­
tory, the en v iro n m en t, an im als,
spirituality and w o m en ’s issues.
H er im m ediate goals w ere to co m ­
plete her high school education,
earn an asso c ia te 's degree at PCC
and then contin u e her studies at
P ortland State U niversity to obtain
a b ach elo r’s degree.
B r o w n ’s b o d y w a s fo u n d
dum ped in the W illam ette River.
H er boyfriend w as charged w ith
the m urder.
ing E arth." T he B ible m ak es it very
clear that the hum an body is the
tem ple - dw elling place fo rth e Holy
S p irito fG o d (l C o r.6 :1 9 ; I C o r.3 :
l6 ,I7 ;2 C o r.6 :1 6 ). It is
a scientific fact that al­
c o h o l d e s tr o y s th e
brain, liver and other
c e ll s o f th e b o d y .
H ealth o r disease be-
ginsat thecellular level.
W hen w e drink alco­
hol, w e are destroying
o u r foundation o f life itself( Psalm s
11:3). W e know and understand
that it is “through the frontal lobes
and cortex o f the brain are the in­
strum entality through w hich the
spirit o f G od speaks to the soul o f
m an.” Even sm all am o u n ts o f alco­
hol affects first the nervous sys­
tem . benum bing the m ind, causing
th e loss o f spiritual perception.
D uring pregnancy, if alcohol is
consum ed, an expecting m other
risks the possibi lity o fb irth defects
to her unborn fetus. W ith all the
scientific data available co ncern­
ing the affects o f alcohol on the
hum an body, and the spiritual af­
fect o f G o d ’s im age defaced in the
character o f His children, do w e
really believe G od condones the
use o f alcohol or are we slaves to
appetite, passions and desires. To
be continued next week.
Dr. Rick Lee practices Tradi­
tional Naturopathy and can he
co n ta cted
e-m ail
rleeoh wc@juno. com
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