May 28. 2003 (fife ^Jnrtlanò ©bserüer Page BS B U S IN E S S d ir e c to r y Ricky Martin is Back with New Album (AP)— Ricky Martin is back with a new album he hopes will sway those who wrote him off as a one-hit wonder. Martin’s 1999 smash hit, “Livin' La Vida Loca" sold 15 millions copies worldwide, but his 2000 follow up, “Sound Loaded" dropped to 4 million. His latest, “Alm as del Silencio” (Souls of Silence), hits stores Tuesday. It’s the first Spanish-language album for Martin, 31, in five years. It’s also more introspective than much of his recent work. “I really needed to go back to my focus, to my center, to the beginning,” said Martin, who got his start 20 years ago as a child star in the Puerto Rican teen group Menudo. “I had the need to search within, and really dig deep, and find those emotions that, because of the adrenaline and the euphoria that I lived for a couple o f years, were prob­ ably sabotaged.” Asfor“Livin’ La Vida Loca,” Martin said he doesn’t miss it at all: “I lived it. I loved it. But it’s the past.” AFFORDABLE FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT?-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR TWo L o c a t io n s : P o r t la n d O r e g o n C ity Mariah Linden Broker Cellular 503 309-8778 Office 503 254-0100 Fax 503 252-6366 I ■ 1 regon '*WMI M ichael E. Harper, Sr. Agent 9045 SW Barbur, Suite 109 Portland, OR 972I9 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503)227-8757 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINO IS 24 H our G ood N eighbor Service® VKifpatatcfc’s 3Jats and ^Accessories < cA ttie Petróleos Mexicanos to Invest in Oil Refinery abroad and reim porting the finished petroleum products. Pem ex w ill begin seeking ten­ ders for the refinery upgrade at the end o f this month. W ork is expected to start in O ctober, and com pletion is slated for D ecem ber 2007. T he expansion at M inatitlan, in southeastern M exico, calls for the con stn ictio n o f nine new plants. The p roject w ill raise the refin ery ’s capacity for p rocessing crude oil to 350,000 barrels a day from 200,000 barrels a day at present. Processing o fheavy M aya crude, w hich accounts for 70 percent o f P em ex ’s production, w ill increase to 60 percent from 32 percent now , sa id Ju an B u en o , the h ead o f P em ex ’s refining unit. O nce com pleted, M inatitlan will in crease g asoline production to 150,000 barrels per day from 57,000 barrels daily. R eligion cKitpatAicb -