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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 2003)
(Efye ^pnrtlanh O bserver May 2 1. 2003 Page A7 Focus Parks’ Rap Group Lawsuit Reinstated New UPN Civil rights pioneer claims OutKast song defamed her character one o f the songs on their 1998 alb u m , “ A q u e m in i." L aF ace R ecords is also nam ed as a d e fendant. ’ Parks, a D etroit resident, con tends the use o f her nam e w ith out perm ission constituted false ad v ertisin g , infringed on her right to publicity, defam ed her (A P) — R osa Parks can ch aracter and interfered w ith an go ah ead w ith a law su it ongoing business relationship. against theG ram m y-w inning A n a p p e a ls c o u r t h a s r e in s ta te d p a r ts The law suit seeks to have all rap group O utK ast for using o f a la w su it b ro u g h t b y civil rig h ts references to Parks removed from her nam e as the title o f one o f p io n e e r R o s a P a rks a g a in s t th e rap future versions o f the disc. their hit songs, an appeals g ro u p O u tK a st. S h e a c c u s e s th e g ro u p O utK ast has argued that u s court ruled last w eek. ing the w ords “ R osa P arks” is o f m is u s in g h e r n a m e in a s o n g ti tl e .’ A three-judge panel o f the (AP P hoto) protected by the First A m end 6th U.S. Circuit C ourt o f Ap ment. peals inC incinnati sent Parks' false propriateone’s nam e for profit with Parks m ade history in D ecem ber advertising and publicity claims back out o n e’s consent," said P arks’ law 1955 w hen she w as arrested for to U.S. District J udge Barbara Hackett yer, G regory Reed. " I t’s another refusing to give up her seat to a in D etroit. T he ruling reversed stand for w hich Mrs. Parks has w hite man on a M ontgom ery, Ala., H ackett’s finding for the defendants stood tall." city bus. H er arrest triggered a 381- in a 1999 pretrial decision. Lawyers tor the 90-year-old civil- day boycott o f the bus system by “This actually has reaffirm ed the rights p ioneer argued that Parks blacks and led to court rulings d e rights o fo th er citizens in the U nited has the right to sue O utK ast for the segregating public transportation States that others should not ap- use o f her nam e in "R o sa P arks,” nationw ide. The Art of Thelma Johnson Streat O ut o f view ing for alm ost 40 years, T helm a Johnson S treat’s art displays once m ore at the Portland A rt M u seum . Johnson, an A frican A m erican artist w ho grew up in the N orthw est focuses her art on the w o rld ’s m ultiple cultures. The exhibit takes place at the Portland A rt M useum , 1219 S.W . Park. For m ore information, call 503-226-2811 Talisman Gallery’s Features Works Painters M iriam B adyrka and A llen S chm ertzler will be featured at the T alism an G allery, 1476 N.E. A lberta through M ay 25. B ad y rk a’s work incorporates artistic patterns o f different cultures and periods from .around the w orld. S chm ertzler creates political art com bining painting, caricaturing and expressionism for the purpose o f bringing political art to the public. IFCC Aslan Pacific Heritage Month W ashington artists EllenG eorgeand M alPinaChan will display w orks from different view s oftheirC hinese heritage at the Interstate FirehouseC’ultural Center, 5340 N Interstate. G eorge uses hand-form ed polym er and M ylar m aterials todisplay her take on herC’hinese cultural influence. C han brings m onoprints o f fam ily and historical docum ents to express the struggle betw een U.S. and C hinese cultures. G allery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m. through 6 p.m., Saturdays 12 p.m. through 4 p.m. or by appointment. No adm ission is charged, but donations appreciated. For more information, call 503-823-2072o r503-823-2071. Hair, through May 24 “H air” is rock, nudity, profanity, drug references and incense w rapped in one production. The play com es to P o rtlan d ’s A lberta A rts Pavilion after its debut 35 years ago on Broadw ay. T he A lberta A rts Pavilion is located at 2315 N .E. A lberta. Friday and S aturday show s begin at 8 p.m. and Sunday m atinees start at 2 p.m. The perform ances end Sunday, M ay 25. T ickets are $ 14 for general adm ission and $ 12 for students or seniors w ith a dollar o f f for a can n ed food donation. F or m ore inform ation, call 5O3-5O2-826I. i Soul Vaccination, May 24 ™ Sitcoms Feature Minority Casts Network will focus on comedy for its fall lineup (A P )— U PN , finishinga weak season, is pinning a com eback on com edies w ith m inority casts. Will S m ith a n d w ife J a d a P in k e tt Eight sitcom s - up from four this fam ily c o m e d y b a s e d lo o s e ly on season - fill tw o o f the netw o rk ’s five-night fall schedule, w hich is any broadcast netw ork. being unveiled to advertisers in But U P N ’s com edies retained New York. their loyal audience, paving the way Six o f the eight feature m inor fo ra new T uesday com edy night to ity casts, including one produced be anchored by top-rated M onday by W ill and Jada Pinkett Sm ith, staple O ne on One. said to be based on their life, and U P N 's new show s: another starring hip-hop singer “All o f U s,” the fam ily com edy Eve. based loosely on W ill S m ith ’s life. U PN , w hich led W B last sea D uane M artin stars. son, now lags far behind and has “The O pposite Sex," a rom antic lo st n early 17 p ercen t o f its com edy about tw entysom ethings, view ership, the steepest fallo ff o f led by singer Eve. Pow er, C om m odores, Earth W indand Fireand others. Check them out Saturday, M ay 24 from 9:30 p.m. through 1 a.m . C o v erch arg e is $5 at the C hicago B lues, 115 E 7th St. in V ancouver. S m ith will s t a r in “All o f U s, ’ th e Will S m ith s life o n UPN th is fall. "R ock M e B aby,” starring Dan C ortese as a young shock-radio DJ forced to grow up as a new father. “T h eM u llets," a m ale-buddy com edy starring M ichael W eaver and D avid H ornsby as brothers w ho w ork as roofers. W ith Loni A nderson. “Jake 2.0,” U P N ’s lone new dram a, about a N ational Security A gency w orker w ho turns into a superhero after being accidentally injected with com puter chips. THE EXPERIENCE WILL BE MUCH LIKE THE FIRST TIME YOU MADE LOVE. Oregon Music Academy Performance Celebration, May 26 F ree fo r all ag es p erfo rm a n c e s by P ink M artin i, T h e Jefferso n H igh S chool C h o ir and the E thos S tudent R ecital org an izatio n takes place M o n d ay , M ay 2 6 ,1 :00 p.m . th ro u g h 4 :3 0 p.m . at th e O u td o o rs, 5308 N C o m m ercial St. F or m ore info rm atio n , call 503-28-E T H O S . ASSUMING YOUR FIRST TIME WAS IN A ’ ROOM WITH 150 OTHER PEOPLE. An Evening With “Life of PI" Author, May 27 T u esd ay , M ay 27 at 7:30 p.m . P o rtlan d A rts & L ectu res p resen ts Y ann M artel. W ritin g “ L ife o f P i” w o n M artel a B o o k e r P rize and p ro p elled his n am e into a c irc le w ith th e lik es o f Jo sep h C o n rad , S alm an R u sh d ie, P aul A u ster and Paul T h ero u x . S h are an ev e n in g w ith M artel in th e F irst C o n g reg atio n al C h u rch , 1126 SW Park A ve. G en eral ad m issio n tic k e ts c o st $ 1 2 , se n io r an d c o lle g e stu d en t tick ets co st $7 an d h ig h sch o o l stu d e n t tic k e ts c o st $5. T ic k e ts are a v a ila b le at th e d o o r o r by p h o n e 5 0 3 -2 2 7 -2 5 8 3 . Woman Tree Art Gallery Opening F o cu sin g on c o m m u n ity artists, th e W o m an T ree A rt G a lle ry on A lb e rta S treet w ill h o st a d iffe re n t w o m an a rtist e ach m onth. T he first a rtist, S o o n ae K im , stu d ie d fo r m o n th s th e p e o p le o f V ietn am , L aos, N epal an d In d ia for in sp ira tio n o f h er m an y talen ts: fashion d esig n , ceram ics, p rin tm ak in g , w o o d scu lp tin g , d raw in g and p a in t ing. G allery h o u rs run 11 a.m . th ro u g h 5 p.m . S atu rd a y s and S u n d ay s. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , call 5 0 3 -3 3 5 -5 8 0 0 o r o n lin e at w w w .w o m an tree.o rg . Def Jam Vendetta Tour, May 30 C apone and N .O .R .E with guests Joe Budden and C adillac Tah lead a night o f rap w ith East C oast influence Friday, M ay 3 0 ,9 p.m. T ickets on sale Saturday, A pril 26 at 9 a.m . A dvanced ticket purchases through T ickets W est locations are $20. T ickets purchased at the door are $25 both prices applicable to service charge. Pay by phone 503-224-8499, 800-992-8499 o r online at w w w .ticketsw . T he funk and soul b and “Soul V accination” covers groups T o w er o f -fc -K -k p* / Giving our best. * ★ ★ * Memorial Day Savings! Attention SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! - / I In t r o d u a n g « g re a t n e w serv ice for <xjr n c ,9 h b o r h o o d senior citizen s FR EE g ro c e ry s h o p p in g sh u ttle 7 serv ice to y o u r n e a rb y A in s w o rth & M L K B lv d S a fe w a y F o o d & D ru g T W IC E a M o n th » O n o r a ro u n d th e 4 t h a n d 15th o f e a c h m o n th T h is S e rv ic e is FREE to sen io rs a g e 6 0 a n d o ver PfnjtriCTWj Ylu **0-r « G»<OTrfcM*p»iO(Winftwi r*» Vvrr* PiftMIITlD tO O * POP O U K iP tC IA L Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs 11.5 to ,2-oz. Selected vaneties. SAVE up to $1.51 lb. SAVE up to $2.99 on 2 BUY ONE GET ONE t iMMOU mhbh 'A«. i . Poi More fnforrvtotMut Coti: 503 572 0112 Visit Safewa/s Web site at Available at Safeway: Safeway Club Price Whole Seedless Watermelon « f WCIM M M M C M CJRWBf R Of COMIRf RCf Of M fW fl Cut Seedless Watermelon 31C lb Sweet and delicious SAVE up to 60< lb. 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