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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 2003)
M aj 07. 2003 (The ¡JJortlanh (ßbseruer Page A5 Mexican children cross U.S. border O 2003 J jin S W O R T H W Ç Ty Tens o f thousands o f children cross every year — many accompanied only by strangers on the most treacherous trip o f their lives. (A P) — T he giggly 12-year-old b o y ’s feet w ere giving out. The gallon ju g s o f w ater he carried in each hand banged against his tired legs. He fell four tim es, scraping his k n e e s . C a c tu s s p in e s p o k e d through his hightops and pricked his feet. A red-and-black snake slithered by. A tarantula fluttered its long, hairy legs atop a rock. Luis A lberto D am ian tried not to think about any o f that. Instead, he w ould recount later, he tried to fo cus on keeping up w ith the 19 m i grants m arching ahead o f him into the inky n ig h t— and on his m other, w ho w as w aiting for him at the end o f his journey. But after 15 hours o f w alking through N orth A m erica's harshest desert, his trip w ould be in vain: Luis A lberto w as am ong nearly 35,000 children arrested this year w hile illegally crossing the U .S.- false passports and birth certifi- M exico border. cates to get their children across A ctiv ists say kids like L uis the border. A lberto drive hom e the urgent need But closer scrutiny by officials for a m igration accord betw een since Sept. 11 has m ade that nearly ------------------------------ M ex ico and th e im p o ssib le, ex- U n ite d S ta te s . p e r ts sa y , an d Both governm ents m an y m ig ra n ts p r o m is e d th is p re f e r to h av e m onth to resum e th e i r c h ild re n ta lk s , s id e lin e d s m u g g le d o v e r since the Sept. 11 than leave co v terrorist attacks. eted U .S .jo b s to M e a n w h ile , return to M exico tens o f thousands to get them. - Candelaria Cruz, coordinator o f children cross E x p e rts fe a r every year— many of a government shelter for th e h e ig h te n e d deported Mexlcanchlldren accom panied only security is forcing b y stra n g e rs on children to em the m ost treacherous trip o f their bark on perilous journeys. lives. M ost children, like L uis “ It seem s the only w ay is cross A lberto, are headed to see parents in g th ro u g h th e d e s e r t,” said living illegally in the United States. C andelaria Cruz, coordinator o f a In the past, m igrants often used governm ent shelter for deported > It seems the only way is crossing through the desert. M ex ican c h ild re n in N o g ales, across from N ogales, Ariz. S ince secu rity w as heightened, U .S. B o rd er P atrol a rrests have d ro p p ed to th e ir low est level in m ore than a d ecade. B ut the death toll has v aried little — in d icatin g that th o se w h o are c ro ssin g are tak in g m o re d a n g ero u s routes. T he B o rd er P atrol reg istered 320 d eath s th is y ear, co m p ared to 336 in 2001. T h at n u m b er d id not in clu d e the d e a th s o f 11 m ig ran ts w h o se b o d ies w ere found locked in a g rain c a r in Iow a in early O cto b er, less than tw o w eek s a f ter the g o v ern m en t issu ed its sta tistics. T h e B o rd er P atrol d o es not track in d iv id u a ls ’ ages, but the F o reig n R e la tio n s D ep artm en t reports four children under 15 died this y ear, co m p ared w ith on e last year. 2 9 4 1 N E A i n s w o r t h S t. P o r t la n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 8 7 6 7 A M u lti-R a c ia l, M u lti-C u ltu r a l, O p e n a n d A ffir m in g c h u rc h KIDNEY CARS ARE “ LIFESAVERS’ ■■■■■■NMMRMNMMMHMmMMMMUMMNMMi PSU Salutes Professor George Cabello-Castellet P ortland State U niversity hon ored G eorge Cabello-C astellet with the D istinguished Faculty A chieve m ent on M ay I at the 14,h annual PSU Salutes cerem ony. PSU Salutes is the U niv ersity ’s annual event to recognizes and honors outstanding PSU alum ni, faculty and friends fo rth eird ed ica- tion and continued support o f both the U niversity and the Portland community. T h e D is tin g u is h e d F a c u lty A chievem ent A w ard w as given to G eorge C abello-C astellet for his Inspirational approach to teaching and his devotion to his students, the U niversity and the com m unity. Cabel lo-Castellet has been a pro fessor o f Spanish language and literature at PSU since 1975. Named A in s w o r t h U n ite d C h u r c h o f C h r is t ¡H< Dr. Cabello has been a role model to me as a professor and a fellow instructor. essays and interview s w ith Span ish-speaking O regon residents. “Dr. C abello has been a role m odel to m e as a professor and a fellow instructor,” said Sara Cuevas, PSU graduate student and instruc tor o f Spanish. “ I have m odeled m any o f my teaching m ethods after him . As a graduate and an aspiring professor, l could not have asked for a more inspiring professor.” Call 1-800-488-CARS to donate your unwanted car, truck or boat. Get free towing, a possible tax deduction and the good feeling of helping save lives affected Dy kidney disease. Portland call 9 6 3 -5 3 6 4 National Kidney Foundation"* of Oregon & Washington & -S araC u evas, PSU graduate Professor George Cabello- Castellet studentandlnstructorof Spanish “ Dr. o f the Y ear" in 1987 by the O regon chapter o f the A m erican A ssociation o f T eachers o f Span ish a n d P o rtu g u e s e , C a b e llo - Castellet w orks with the N orthw est Film C enter to show case contem porary Latin A m erican and Span ish ft Im, is the organizer o f the Cine- Lit Conference at PSU and is the co author o f N osotros, a collection o f « r 5 ■■»■■»■■■■»■■■M Rodriguez to Sing at Indy 500 (A P) — D aniel R odriguez, the N ew Y ork C ity policem an who be cam e know n for his stirring rendi tions o f “The Star-Spangled B an ner” and “G od Bless A m erica" after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, will sing the national anthem before the start o f the Indianapolis 500. Rodriguez, w ho is on leave from thepolicedepartm ent, has performed at the W orld Series, the 2002 Salt Lake City W inter O lym pics, the w hich w ent to No. 1 on B illboard’s White House, the PBS Memorial Day classical crossover chart. “ I am proud to be singing at one c o n c e rt in W a s h in g to n an d o f the most prestigious races in the D isneyland's 47th birthday. H e recently released a second w orld on a day dedicated to men album , “From My H eart," following last y ear’s “The Spirit o f A m erica," and w om en who have helped make o u r country g reat," R odriguez said fo r W ednesday. “ It is especially re warding at a time when we welcome hom e our n ation’s heroes.” You have the desire and the drive to m ake it to the top. B ecom e a leader and shape your ow n future in the A rm y N ational G uard. M ost G uard m em bers serve one w eekend a m onth and tw o w eeks a year, leaving plenty o f tim e for college or a career. Learn the confidence and skill to lead any team and cam money for college at the sam e time. In the Arm y N ational G uard, YOU CAN . 1-800-GO-GUARD G u a d a la ja r a Portland Fire C h ief Ed Wilson presented safety gear to G uadalajara Fire C hiefV argus Robles during the C inco de M ayo celebration at W a terfront Park Monday. G uadalajara is P o rtlan d 's sister city in M exico. T he fire departm ent had several self-contained breathing apparatus units valued at m ore than $4 million that w ere 20 years old and worth ju s t $30,000 from the m anufacturer in trade Instead o f returning to equip m ent, they w ere m ade available to G uadalajara for the trade-in amount. The apparatus is a critical tool that allow s firefighters to enter the toxic, sm oky environment o f a burn ing building. The equipm ent consists o f an air bottle, breathing tube, face-piece and an alarm that so u n d s if a firefighter becom es im m obilized. W ithout the equipm ent, a firefighter c o u ld n 't go inside a burning build ing to rescue trapped victim s, or help extinguish the fire. F o rth e p a st fouryears, Portland Fire and R escue has also provided tr a in in g to th e G u a d a la ja r a firefighters. OREGON '!§§ YOU F re e H IV in N E M M n M H H e lp Daniel Rodriguez, known as the ‘Singing Policeman ’ for his stirring renditions o f patriotic songs follow ing the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, will perform at the Indy 500. can T e s tin g P o r tla n d Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 5 :0 0 -8 :0 0 p.m. (last check in a t 7:30 p.m.) NE Health Center MLK J r . Blvd. And NE Killingsworth (Enter in rear door near Emerson, go to 2nd flo o r) Se habla espanol los Martes For more information on H IV and testing Call the Oregon A ID S Hotline 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 7 7 - A ID S Multnomah County Health Department A