Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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(Elie ■JiJortlanh © bseruer
April 23. 2003
P olice
------- kA ‘
(5 0 3 ,8 2 3 -H E L P 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4
Escaped Suspect Wanted for Auto Theft
King is a young black man with numerous tattoos
Allen King III, who
uses the alias o f
Mickey King, is 5
feet and 8 inches
tall and weighs
approximately 140
pounds with brown
eyes and black
T he Portland Police B u reau 's A uto
T heft Task Force, in cooperation with
C rim e S toppers, are asking for your
h elp in locating and apprehending
A llen K ing III.
W ashington State D epartm ent o f
C orrections, A dult Probation and Pa­
role, holds a felony no-bail arrest w ar­
rant, ex traditable nationw ide, charg­
ing K ing w ith escape. In addition, the
A uto T heft Task Force w ants to qu es­
tion K ing in connection w ith a num ber
o f auto theft related issues.
A llen K ing III, w ho uses the alias o f
M ickey King, is a 24-year old black male
w ith a date o f birth o f Septem ber 12,
1978. King is 5 feet and 8 inches tall and
w eighs approxim ately 140 pounds w ith
brow n eyes and black hair. King has
num erous tattoos, including “ M ickey”
on his left forearm , “ H ustler" on his
right hand, “T iger" on his right arm,
“Shalynn King" on his neck, and Mickey
M ouse on his chest.
( l'itile Skipper* isolici'ingacash reit<//'do/uptoS1.(Hit)forlii/in'mahon,ieported
to ( rime Stoppers, timi lead* in mi arrest m this ca se, or any unsolved felony
erime. am i yon need noi give your name Call'CrimeStoppers at 503 823-4357.
Powder Scare Hits Tacoma
1-5: Delta Park to Lombard Project
A member o f the weapons o f mass destruction unit o f the Washington Army National Guard heads
back into the mobile laboratory outside the U.S. Postal processing facility in Tacoma, Wash., where a
white powder substance was found on the morning of Tuesday, April 22. The mail distribution facility
was evacuated early Tuesday after a white powder was found in two envelopes, but a federal source
said comprehensive tests showed no signs o f any biotoxins. (AP photo)
Bring your ideas, opinions, questions,
and concerns about a project to
improve efficiency and safety on
1-5 from Delta Park to Lombard Street.
Monday, April 28th, 2003
Drop by between 4:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.
Historic Kenton Firehouse
8105 N. Brandon Ave in Portland
Accessible by Tri-Met #4 Fessenden
The .supplier needed
this shipment an
hour ago!
Jury Recommends Longo for Death Penalty
/ wish I hada better
commute option!
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TDD 1-800-735-2900
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Contanti r Vancouver
Transportation and Trade
Why d o n t they
do something
about this!
This project is a partnership o f the
Oregon Department o f Transportation.
Federal Highway Administration,
and City o f Portland.
(A P )— Convicted fam ily killer
C hristian Longo stood before a
packed courtroom last W ednes­
day as a j ury recom m ended that he
be sen ten ced to death for the
m urders o f his w ife and three
young children.
The Lincoln C ounty ju ry o f
eight w om en and four m en delib­
erated for about five hours after
beginning the penalty phase o f
the case late Tuesday. The sam e
ju ry had earlier convicted Longo,
29, for the m urder o f his tw o older
Longo had previously pleaded guilty
to killing his w ife, M aryJane, and their
torneys to stand as he read
the verdict.
Longo bow ed his head
and tears rolled dow n his
cheeks as H uckleberry read
the ju r y ’s verdict, w hich
nam ed his w ife and each o f
his children in turn. Jurors
w rote that they considered
Longo a threat to society.
W ith the verdict, Longo
becam e the 27th person on
O reg o n ’s death row. O nly
tw o people have been ex ­
ecuted since the state reinstated
capital punishm ent in 1984, both
after w aiving their appeals.
Tears roll down
Christian Longo 's
cheek while listen­
ing to emotional
testimony from his
adoptive father, Joe
Longo, during the
penalty phase o f his
murder trial last
week in Newport.
(AP photo)
youngest daughter M adison.
Judge Robert Huckleberry asked
Longo and his court-appointed at­
Football Star Wounded in Drive-By
Complete recovery
expected for OSU
standout player
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(A P ) — D ennis W eathersby, a form er
standout com erback at O regon State and a top
prospect in the upcom ing N ational Football
League draft, required no surgery after being
w ounded in an apparent gang-related shooting
in D uarte, Ca., officials said
M onday.
W eathersby, 22, w as get­
ting into his car Sunday
w hen several alleged gang
m em bers in a w hite sport
utility vehicle drove up and
its occupants opened fire,
according to the Los A nge­
les C ounty S heriff’s D epart­
W eathersby w as hit by a single bullet, w hich
entered his back below his lungs, exited his
torso and then struck his left arm . He is expected
to be released from the hospital by W ednesday,
said his agent G ary U berstine.
“ I w as in the w rong place at the wrong tim e,
but I feel fine,” W eathersby said in a statem ent
M onday. “ I ’m lucky. The Lord has a reason for
everything and this m ust be part o f his plan for
U berstine said W eathersby has no history
o f legal problem s or gang affiliation.
W eathersby, w ho graduated from O SU after
the fall 2002 season, w as shot in his hom etow n
o f D uarte, a suburb northeast o f Los A ngeles.
T here w ere no arrests, s h e r iff s officials said.
“ It is being investigated as a gang incident.
There is a gang presence in the area and a rivalry
there,” D eputy H arry D rucker said o f the area
w here num erous shootings have occurred re­
A friend w ho w as w ith W eathersby w as not
w ounded and drove him to a hospital.
W eathersby w as a sem ifinalist last season
I was in the wrong ‘
place at the wrong time,
but I feel fine. I ’m lucky.
- Former Oregon State University standout
comer back Dennis Weathersby
for the Jim T horpe A w ard given to the natio n ’s
best collegiate defensive back. He w as a four-
year starter and an A ll-A cadem ic Pac-10 C o n ­
ference selection at O SU after playing football
at D uarte High.
He set a university record with 57 passes
broken up during his four years, and m ade five
interceptions. He has been expected to be a
first-or second-round selection in next m o n th 's
NFL draft.
“A fter speaking with his doctors, w e are
expecting a com plete and speedy recovery,"
U berstine said.
Underage Musicians Challenge OLCC Rule
(A P) — Y oung m usicians say the rules on
the state drinking age o f 21 need to be m ore
flexible to allow them to w ork in barsand night­
clubs to build their careers.
Josh Fuchs, 18, says his band, the Erotic
Politicians, used to play at bars at least once a
week until the O regon L iquorC ontrol C om m is­
sion earlier this y ear banned en tertain ers
younger than 21.
“ W hat your ruling has done is take aw ay my
jo b ," Fuchs told com m issioners at a Thursday
hearing. “ W e c a n ’t cultivate a fan base. O ur
livelihood is gone. W e’re ju s t asking you to
reconsider w h at's happening.”
A bout 20 people show ed up to oppose a ban
originally aim ed at getting underage strippers
out o f nude dance clubs.
The rule, m usicians say, hurts older teens
and 20-year-olds in O regon too young to drink
but w ho m ust play at such venues to gain
experience and build a career.
“ M aking a life o f m usic is difficult and com ­
petitive enough as it is," said D arrell G rant, a
m usic professor at Portland State U niversity
and a ja z z pianist. "D o n ’t cut them dow n before
they get started.”
The O L C C rule took effect on Jan. 2, prohib­
iting underage strippers, m usicians, com edi­
ans, electricians and other contract em ployees
from w orking in bars and taverns.
K aren G regory, O LC C interim director, said
she sym pathizes with young m usicians but the
ag en cy 's m ission is to m ake sure m inors and
liq u o rd o n o tm ix .