Page A2 (Elie ■JiJortlanh © bseruer April 23. 2003 P olice ® fe C R IM E STOPPERS e ------- kA ‘ (5 0 3 ,8 2 3 -H E L P 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 — tra ONLY Escaped Suspect Wanted for Auto Theft King is a young black man with numerous tattoos Allen King III, who uses the alias o f Mickey King, is 5 feet and 8 inches tall and weighs approximately 140 pounds with brown eyes and black hair. T he Portland Police B u reau 's A uto T heft Task Force, in cooperation with C rim e S toppers, are asking for your h elp in locating and apprehending A llen K ing III. W ashington State D epartm ent o f C orrections, A dult Probation and Pa­ role, holds a felony no-bail arrest w ar­ rant, ex traditable nationw ide, charg­ ing K ing w ith escape. In addition, the A uto T heft Task Force w ants to qu es­ tion K ing in connection w ith a num ber o f auto theft related issues. A llen K ing III, w ho uses the alias o f M ickey King, is a 24-year old black male w ith a date o f birth o f Septem ber 12, 1978. King is 5 feet and 8 inches tall and w eighs approxim ately 140 pounds w ith brow n eyes and black hair. King has num erous tattoos, including “ M ickey” on his left forearm , “ H ustler" on his right hand, “T iger" on his right arm, “Shalynn King" on his neck, and Mickey M ouse on his chest. ( l'itile Skipper* isolici'ingacash reit