Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 19, 2003, Page 13, Image 13

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    <Elje Jîortlattù (DbserUer
March 19.2003
C lassifieds / B
Page B7
) ni in u n i t y
i l c n
d a i
Request for Proposals Due Friday, April 18, 2 0 0 3
Oregon State University (“OSU" or the “Owner”) is seeking an Energy
Service Company (“ESCO”) capable of providing comprehensive
energy and water management services and related capital
improvements for the Hatfield Marine Science Center (“ HMSC")
complex in Newport, Oregon. Essential services and improvements
that will reduce energy and water consumption in the Facility will
include, without limitation, an upgrade in capital energy-related
equipment; improved building operations; fuel cost savings through
fuel switching or improved demand management; on-going training;
and a s s is ta n c e in m e e tin g e n viro n m e n ta l m a na gem ent
responsibilities. Improvements and services must result in an
actual decrease in annual energy and water consumption that will
generate a guaranteed econom ic savings while maintaining
minimum standards of occupant comfort.
OSU is s e e k in g a p ro fe ssio n a l Energy S e rvice Com pany
experienced in energy savings performance contract work. The
team should include members experienced in similar projects,
w orking with other qualified professional consultants and
construction trades to complete the goals of this project. This
project is anticipated to move at a very rapid rate.
To be considered, firms must submit their RFQ response to OSU
no later than 5:00 PM Loca' Time, April 18,2003. Mail your request
for information to Henry Alaman, Project Manager, Oregon State
University, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-2001. Fax
requests will be accepted at (541) 737-3724.
OSU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of
responses from women, minority-owned and em erging small
business enterprises.
OSU may reject any response not in compliance with all prescribed
public contracting procedures and requirements, and may cancel
this solicitation or reject any or all responses upon a finding of
OSU it is the public interest to do so.
Request for Qualifications Due Friday, April 4, 2 0 0 3
Oregon State University (OSU) is seeking qualifications from
construction firms interested in providing Construction Manager/
General Contractor (CM/GC) services for an expansion of Reser
Statjium on the OSU Campus. Reser Stadium currently seats
35,000 fans and has experienced sold-out seasons for the past
three years. Reser Stadium was originally built in 1953 and has
had periodic renovations and additions including, most recently,
the Valley Football Center expansion in 1996. The expansion will
occur on the east side of the stadium and will include the
demolition and reconstruction of the existing stands as well as a
new, covered second level of seats and suites. The expansion will
result in a stadium capacity of approximately 43,000 seats. Direct
construction cost$ for the project are estimated at $55 million.
OSU is seeking a professional CM/GC experienced in Higher
Education work. The CM/GC team should include members
experienced in collegiate projects, working with other qualified
professional consultants to complete the goals of this project.
This new structure must be ready for occupancy by August 2005.
Site work is planned to begin in the summer of 2004.
D o you en jo y b u tterfly w atch ­
ing an d h a n d -feed in g co lo rfu l
lo rik e e ts? H ave you ev er w anted
to learn m o re ab o u t attractin g
lo cal w ild life to y o u r b ack y ard ,
in clu d in g b ird s and b u tterflies?
T h e zo o is seek in g v o lu n teers to
w ork at least one th ree-an d -a-h alf
ho u r shift per w eek from m id-M ay
to L ab o r D ay.
Z o o A m b a s s a d o rs p ro v id e
g en eral an im al and ex h ib it in fo r­
m atio n to v isito rs, w h ile sp e n d ­
ing tim e w ith h ig h ly so cial p a r­
ro ts in the lo rik eet ex h ib it and
co lo rfu l b u tte rflie s in th e b u tte r­
fly g ard en .
“ B eing a Z o o A m b assad o r is a
g re a t w ay to g et in v o lv ed in the
c are o f som e b eau tifu l b ird s and
b u tte rflie s. O u r v o lu n teers also
m ake a d ifferen ce in the co m m u ­
nity by edu catin g the p ublic about
the im p o rtan ce o f c o n se rv a tio n ,"
said O reg o n Z o o D irecto r T ony
V ecchio,
T he v o lu n te e rs’ d u ties include
ta lk in g to zo o v isito rs; in su rin g
th e safety o f the b ird s and b u tte r­
flies; and m o n ito rin g the ex h ib it
d o o rs to p rev en t b ird s and b u t­
te rflies from flying aw ay.
. T h e a m b a s s a d o rs w ill be r e ­
q u ir e d to a tte n d o n e o r i e n ta ­
tio n s e s s io n an d 10 h o u rs o f
Crisis Line
Alternative Medicine Classes
Gavin Decker-Griffith gets up close and personal
with some colorful birds at the Oregon Zoo.
photo by M ichael D vrham /C olrtksy
(5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3
(5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6
Problem Pooch Class
If you have ju s t entered dog parenthood or are
planning to adopt a new dog, com e to a ‘P rob­
lem P o o ch ’ class at the O regon H um ane S oci­
ety, 1067 N.E. C olum bia Blvd. on S aturday,
A pril 5 at 11 a.m . The leader-lead group discus­
sion is a m ust have for anyone interested in
know ing m ore about canine behavior prob­
lems. For m ore information, call 503-416-2985.
Spring into Fitness Fair
On Saturday, April 5 from nixin to 4 p.in. com e to
N ature's W ellness Center, 3535 N.E. 15“’ Ave., to
get sam ples o f fitness bars and drinks during an
informative fair on health, fitness and getting in
shape. Fitness teachers will be on site to give free
classes and demonstrations. Enter to win a free
gift basket and prizes by answ ering trivia ques­
tions. For more information, call 503-281 -3262.
M ichael E. Harper, Sr.
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“Bids are requested from MBE/WBE7ESB subcontractors for
Divisions: Demolition, Doors, Finishes, Mechanical & Fire Sprinklers.
Bid date for both: April 7th, 2003
John May Construction Co.
Phone: 503-244-0743 Fax 503-244-0485
LadybugNature Walks
OSU may reject any response not in compliance with all prescribed
public contracting procedures and requirements, and may cancel
this solicitation or reject any or all responses upon a finding of
OSU it is the public interest to do so.
Portland C om m unity College will feature a non­
credit lecture series that explains how natural
m edicine can help you rely on wholesom e cures
that prevent illnesses as well as heal them. Naturo­
pathic physician Dr. Suzanne Lawton will lead a
series o f six lectures during which students can
discover practical, safe and natural approaches
that can be im mediately be incorporated into the
home. Each lecture will be held from 5 :30 p.m. to
7:30p.m . W ednesdays, April 2 through May 7 at
Tigard High School, 9000S.W . Durham Rd. Cost
is $ 14 to r individual lectures or $66 for the series.
For more information, call 503-538-9774.
Parents can discover the natural w orld w ith
their pre-schoolers every Friday m orning. A
naturalist will hand out m agnifying glasses,
bug boxes and other tools to explore the soil,
w ater, bark, flow ers and anim als in P ortland’s
parks. Join the group each Friday at 10 a m. in
H oyt A rboretum . T here is a $2 charge for each
child, but adults are free.
sum m er and into the school year,” said PAL
E xecutive D irector M aura K. Cioeta. "W e have
item s ranging from $ 10 to $5,000 so everyone
can find som ething in their price range. T im es
are tough everyw here, but that ju st m eans
program s like PA L are being asked to provide
m ore and m ore services. Please consider h elp­
ing out.”
A uction item s include airline tickets; furni­
ture: overnight stays at the O regon coast; trips
to M azatlan and San Francisco; a w ine and
cheese social for 50 at the R efectory; apparel
from Nike; volleyball standards; autographed
sporting goods m em orabilia; fishing trips; g o lf
and lessons and m ore.
M any high-school age youth volunteer with
PAL to provide programs for low-income youth,
and PA L w orks w ith local businesses to find
youth w ork experience in the com m unity.
Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7
Two separate projects:
O regon Z< x >
tr a in in g . C h ild re n 10 to 14 ca n v o lu n te e r w ith a
p a re n t, w h ile te e n s 15 a n d o ld e r ca n v o lu n te e r w ith ­
out one.
F o r m o re in fo rm atio n , c all 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -2 7 8 3 o r e-m ail
co m m u n ity v o lu n te e r@ m e tro .d st.o r.u s.
T he P o lic e A c tiv itie s L eag u e, w h ich
serv es y o u th in th e g re a te r P o rtla n d and
G resh am areas, is sp o n so rin g the “C eleb ra t­
ing C o p s H elp in g K id s” au c tio n b en efitin g
P A L Y outh, on Saturday, A pril 5 at 5 p.m . at
th e M u ltn o m ah A th letic C lu b in d o w n to w n
P o rtlan d . A silen t au ctio n w ill p reced e the
din n er.
A u ctio n ch a irs T erry E m m ert o f E m m ert
In tern atio n al and N B A g reat an d fo rm er
P o rtlan d T rail B lazer C ly d e D re x le r have
been w o rk in g all y e a r to secu re d o n ated
item s.
D rexler w ill also serve as guest speaker for
the 7,h annual event. PA L needs to raise
$100,000 from the auction to support year-
round youth program s.
“M oney raised at the auction will be used
directly to provide program s for youth this
from bS
T hose interested in helping others, gaining
social service skills and w orking tow ards social
change can volunteer to provide legal and
sexual a ssa u lt ad v o cacy fo r the P o rtlan d
W om en’s C risis Line. T he 24-hour dom estic
violence hotline is seeking bi-lingual and bi-
cultural volunteers w ho are 18 and older. N o
experience is necessary. T he next training ses­
sion is scheduled to begin on T uesday, A pril 1
and w ill take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on
T uesdays and T hursdays w ith tw o Saturday
sessions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-232-4176
‘Cops Helping Kids’ Auction Planned
To be considered, firms must submit their RFQ response to OSU
no later than 5:00 PM Local Time, April 4,2003. Mail your request
for information to Lori Fulton, Manager, Capital Construction
Projects, Oregon State University, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis,
Oregon, 97331-2001. Fax requests will be accepted at (541) 737
>U is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of
sponses from women, minority-owned and em erging small
siness enterprises.
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