tr a in in g . C h ild re n 10 to 14 ca n v o lu n te e r w ith a p a re n t, w h ile te e n s 15 a n d o ld e r ca n v o lu n te e r w ith ­ out one. F o r m o re in fo rm atio n , c all 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -2 7 8 3 o r e-m ail co m m u n ity v o lu n te e r@ m e tro .d st.o r.u s. T he P o lic e A c tiv itie s L eag u e, w h ich serv es y o u th in th e g re a te r P o rtla n d and G resh am areas, is sp o n so rin g the “C eleb ra t­ ing C o p s H elp in g K id s” au c tio n b en efitin g P A L Y outh, on Saturday, A pril 5 at 5 p.m . at th e M u ltn o m ah A th letic C lu b in d o w n to w n P o rtlan d . A silen t au ctio n w ill p reced e the din n er. A u ctio n ch a irs T erry E m m ert o f E m m ert In tern atio n al and N B A g reat an d fo rm er P o rtlan d T rail B lazer C ly d e D re x le r have been w o rk in g all y e a r to secu re d o n ated item s. D rexler w ill also serve as guest speaker for the 7,h annual event. PA L needs to raise $100,000 from the auction to support year- round youth program s. “M oney raised at the auction will be used directly to provide program s for youth this STATE FARM from bS T hose interested in helping others, gaining social service skills and w orking tow ards social change can volunteer to provide legal and sexual a ssa u lt ad v o cacy fo r the P o rtlan d W om en’s C risis Line. T he 24-hour dom estic violence hotline is seeking bi-lingual and bi- cultural volunteers w ho are 18 and older. N o experience is necessary. T he next training ses­ sion is scheduled to begin on T uesday, A pril 1 and w ill take place from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on T uesdays and T hursdays w ith tw o Saturday sessions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-232-4176 ‘Cops Helping Kids’ Auction Planned To be considered, firms must submit their RFQ response to OSU no later than 5:00 PM Local Time, April 4,2003. Mail your request for information to Lori Fulton, Manager, Capital Construction Projects, Oregon State University, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-2001. Fax requests will be accepted at (541) 737 3724. >U is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of sponses from women, minority-owned and em erging small siness enterprises. continued ♦Teresa, Owner & Stylist ♦Deborah, Stylist ♦Horace, Barber 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) WHERE THE HEALTH OF YOUR HAIR COMES FIRST! PHILLY CAFE 445 N.E. Killingsworth 503-288-9367 «■ Fish & C hips •r T erriyaki C hicken & Beef ■» H am burgers Mondays - Saturday, 8:30a.m.,- 9:00 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. jV fEA T A dveriise in lhe Portland Observer Kenneth D. Scott Sr. Special Orders Gladly Accepted! Sales C onsultant Paul H ouge E-Mail: scottl call 503.388.0033 o r e m ail: ads@ (5 0 3 ) 6 4 6 -0 5 1 6 , (8 0 0 ) 3 6 7 -3 6 4 0 F a x (5 0 3 ) 6 4 3 -9 9 3 4 . C e ll (5 0 3 ) 8 6 9 -3 5 5 9 ¡0760 SW Canyon Rd. Beverton, OR 97005 i -887-860-0047 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (B03) 289-8418 I