Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 05, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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®l|c ^portlanh (Observer
March OS, 2003
R eligion
Turning Lives Around
“Man About Town” Remembered
Funeral services will be held
Saturday, March 8 at 1 p.m. at King­
dom Hall,6836N.E. 7*, forNathaniel
Johnnie Baker S r, who died recently
at the age o f 69 A celebration to eat,
greet and reflect will follow the ser­
vice at 3:30 p.m. at S elf Enhance­
ment, Inc, 3920 N. Kerby.
He was bom Jan. 6,1934 to Eddie
Baker Sr. and Al lean Lowe, the el-
destofninechildren. He was raised
in Tampa, Fla.
He was a hardworking man who
was never without work. He loved
to cook and many knew him as
“Slim Daddy” “Mr. Baker" and
“Man About Town” . His “Baker’s
Sauce Supreme” was marketed and
sold in local markets.
He loved tap dancing and re­
ceived many awards and certifi­
cates. He also loved baseball and
socializing with his friends and fam­
ily. He was a member o f the Reno
Bowling league for many years. He
loved to fish and he loved to laugh
and tell jokes. He was an active
community member,
He loved fa m ily lif e and
shared his love w ith m any. He
left a fav o rab le im pression on
J ________
N athaniel Johnnie B aker Sr.
p eo p le and w as laden w ith
w ords o f w isdom . He w as a
free sp irit, proud and a man o f
in te g rity .
He leaves to m ourn his w ife,
M innie H ughes-B ak er, h ise x -
te n d e d c h ild r e n , M o n iq u e ,
D anita, N akia, and Joanne and
12 lo v in g g ran d c h ild ren .
H e is also su rv iv ed by his
c h ild re n , N ath a n ie l Jo h n n ie
Jr., D enise, T am ara, K eith, and
K e v in ; a d o p te d d a u g h te rs ,
C y n th ia B aker and M ichelle
L a n d e rs;
s te p c h ild re n
M ic h e l le K in g a n d J e r r y
B rooks; 16 g ran d c h ild ren and
g r e a t-g ra n d c h ild re n ;
n ie ce s, nep h ew s and a w ealth
o f frie n d s and in -law s.
Laura Mae Brown
Funeral services were held Mon­
day, March 3 in First AME Zion
Church in Portland for Laura Mae
Brown, w hodied Feb. 24 at age 84.
Laura Mae Brown was bom June
8,1918, in Brummitt, Ark. She moved
to Portland about 1960. She was a
housekeeper for Emanuel Hospital
and Health Center. In 1948, she
married Homer L; he died in 1980.
Survivors include her daugh­
ters, Mary L. Kelly and Margarette
L. Moore; sisters. Novella Jack-
son and Bethel L. Green; 4 grand­
children; lOgreat-grandchildren;
and 8 great-great-grandchildren.
Remembrances to Providence
ElderPlace. A rrangem ents by
Killingsworth Little Chapel ofthe
/P Ö
O <r
San fo rd W ashington
calls upon th e inner
p re se n c e o fth e
Lord to g u id e th e
faithful dow n th e
rocky road o f
recovery. Washing­
ton tu rn ed h is own
life a round with th e
help o f victory
outreach. “W hen
God s te p s in your
so u l th e w h eel is
stro n g a n d yo u
c a n 't h elp do w hat
h e a s k s o f you. ’
tered over 20 men in the base­
Street location 11 years ago. He
He eventually purchased the
was sent out from the church in building on Alberta and has be­
F resn o , C a lif, to sp rea d th e come a patriarch o f this tight com ­
ch u rch ’s teachings northw ard.
He arrived in Portland with his
“They like Pastor Max,” Mayfield
wife and til o children and bought said. “H e’s a very good teacher.”
a house in southeast Portland.
Parishioners work side jobs fora
He and his fam ily occupied the year to help pay for costs. After
top floor. Services w ere held on that time they are assisted in find­
the main floor and G arza shel­ ing permanent employment and a
from Metro
The Responsibility of Parents
The most insidious abuse that a
parent can perpetrate upon a child is
to allow him or her to develop in an
atmosphere that is lacking in
principles o f discipline and respect
for family values.
* o
PSAIJ4S 119:163
A L U iO R M L B L ÎiffiM B E R S
the C O M M U N IT Y
Thursday March 6, 2003 7:00 pm
Guest Speaker: Rev. Andre Young
Highland United Church o f Christ II
Friday March 7, 2003 7:00 pm
Youth Night
Guest Speaker: Rev. Willie Hurst Jr., Admin. Asst.
New Generation Revival
Saturday March 8, 2003 6:00 pm
Dining Hall in
Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church Basement
Guest Speaker: Sis. Della Frazier, VAFBC
Sunday March 9, 2003 3:30 PM
Official Day Service
Guest Speaker, Pastor Johnasen Pack
safe place to live.
congregation on a recent Sunday,
“Our ministry believes that we “I’m not messed up any more be­
reach people, teach them, and send cause someone made a difference
them,” Mayfield said.
in my life. I know the presence o f
For Washington, his goal and God has been with me. I should
motivation is continuing the mis­ have been dead.”
sion God has laid before him.
Victory Outreach Church holds
He said it comes down to reach­ service every W ednesday at 7 p.m.
ing out to those less fortunate be­ and every Sunday at 10 a.m. The
cause someone reached out to him. public is always welcome.
“Have you made an impact in
someone else’s life?” he asked the
— R ev . E thel J. B ates
E thel J. B ates
F or the P ortland O bserver
(Eph. 6:1 -4) Children, obey your
parents in the Lord, for this is right.
“Honor your father and mother,”
the first commandment reads. And
you, fathers, do not provoke your
children to wrath, but bring them up
in training and admonition o f the
The haunted face o f the teenage
boy who killed his mother a few
weeks ago keeps flashing across my
mind and disturbing my thoughts.
This is certainly not the first child
who has murdered his mother, and
sadly, murder within the family has
become a repeating frame o f late.
Fatherskillingtheirfamilies, mothers
killing their babies, siblings turning
against each other - all provoked by
Satanic forces.
Perhaps what causes this inci­
dent to grip my heart and stand out
is the fact that I have not seen any
family member come forth to show
support or allegiance to this child,
who by his own hands finds him­
se lf m otherless and obviously
alone. Itepitomizeswhatthephra.se
“motherless child" embodies. The
burden that I feel is heavy and
every parent should share in that
burden. The actionsofourchildren
represent our belief systems and
they determine the future o f the
world. We are responsible for the
values they embrace.
Sure, we live in a society that has
heaped unmitigated evil and vile
abuses upon children. For that the
perpetrators should and will be
punished. But we have thrown the
baby out with the water. The most
insidious abuse that a parent can
perpetrate upon a child is to allow
him or her to develop in an atmo­
sphere that is lacking in principles
o f discipl ine and respect for family
values. I like what Proverbs 13:34
at the wrong time, children express
their displeasure, in an objection­
able fashion - like killing someone.
I long for the good-old days when
a chi Id expressed his displeasure o f
a parent’s denial by simply pouting
or stalking out o f the room. Re­
cently my youngest son was un­
happy about my decision regard­
ing a request he had made. As I left
the room I suddenly turned. I still
smile as 1 remember the total look o f
terror in his eyes at being caught
with his tongue sticking out at me.
H is face w as fro zen an d he
struggled to retrieve his tongue. I
call it my “heavenly intervention!”
Eph. 6:4 says, “The purpose o f
discipline is to help children grow,
not to exasperate and provoke them
to an g er or d isc o u ra g em en t.”
Parenting is not easy - it takes lots
o f patience to raise children in a
loving and Christ-honoring man­
ner. But frustration and anger should
not be causes for discipline. In­
stead, parents should act in love,
treating their children as Christ
treats the people he loves. This is
vital to the development ofchildren
and to their understanding o f what
Christ is like. I wish I had under­
stood this concept when I was a
single parent, raising my own chil­
says about discipline, “He who
spares the rod hates his son, but he
who loves him disciplines him
Children need to be clear about
parent’s expectations and that they
can depend on their parents to take
care o f them. Knowing that the
boundaries are clear and stable gives
them a feeling o f security and well­
being. They feel loved and valued.
They are searching for the safety
net o f stability.
1 watched TV in horror the other
day as young boys 10 and 11 years
old, threw tantrums, stole money,
destroyed property and called their
mothers names that are unmention­
able. These children are lost. They
are portraying the erroneous phi­
losophy that saying “no” too often
will cause irreparable damage to
their psych, damage their self-es­
Ethel J. Bates is a minister fo r
teem and impede their confidence. the Allen Temple CME Church in
Therefore, when parents say “no” Portland.
New Generation Revival Church
Deacon Michael R. and Sit. AntoineMe Booker, Chairperson
And Anniversary Committee
BKI mbi
Church of the Living God
Balm In Gilead
Healing Worship Celebration
Christian workers for fellow ship
6401 N.E. 10lh Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
Pastor and First
Lady Roy G. Moxie
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
Wed. Bible Study
9:45 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
“Where there is no vision, The People perish. "
F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n please call
(5 0 3 ) 284-5171
Everyone s Welcome....
Join us in our war against HIV/AIDS,
and help break the silence in our communities.
The A lbina M inisterial Alliance (AM A) is breaking the silence on HIV/AIDS in the African
A merican com munities. As part o f AM A's project to educate Christian churches, in the North
and Northeast com m unity and fight against the spread o f HIV/AIDS, AMA is inviting com munity
members, pastors, ministers and missionaries to the annual Balm In G ilead Prayer and Healing
o f AIDS Worship Celebration. Please join us in our war against HIV/AIDS on:
Saturday, March 8, 6:00 p.m.
Allen Temple C.M.E. Church
4236 NE 8th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
For more information, contact:
Bishop Grace Osborne, AMA Health Coordinator, (503) 281-5850,
Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Service Coordinator at (503) 287-0261.
Church Calender
AIDS Warship Service
As part o f the A lbina M inisterial
A lliance project to educate Chris­
tian churches in the north and
northeast Portland com m unities
in the fight against the spread o f
H IV /A ID S, pastors, m inisters,
m issionaries and health co o rd i­
nators are invited to the annual
Balm o f G ilead Prayer and H eal­
ing o f AIDS w orship service S at­
urday, M arch 8, at 6 p.m. at Allen
Tem ple CM E Church, 4236 N .E .
8th Ave. For m ore inform ation,
please call 503-281-5850 or 503-
Red Cross Blood Drive
The C hurch o f Scientology o f
Portland, 2636 N.E. Sandy Blvd.,
will host a blood drive w ith the
A m erican Red C ross on Friday,
M arch 7 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. If you w ould like to donate
blood, cal 1503-963-8121 to set up
an appointm ent.