Page B2 ®l|c ^portlanh (Observer March OS, 2003 R eligion Turning Lives Around “Man About Town” Remembered Funeral services will be held Saturday, March 8 at 1 p.m. at King­ dom Hall,6836N.E. 7*, forNathaniel Johnnie Baker S r, who died recently at the age o f 69 A celebration to eat, greet and reflect will follow the ser­ vice at 3:30 p.m. at S elf Enhance­ ment, Inc, 3920 N. Kerby. He was bom Jan. 6,1934 to Eddie Baker Sr. and Al lean Lowe, the el- destofninechildren. He was raised in Tampa, Fla. He was a hardworking man who was never without work. He loved to cook and many knew him as “Slim Daddy” “Mr. Baker" and “Man About Town” . His “Baker’s Sauce Supreme” was marketed and sold in local markets. He loved tap dancing and re­ ceived many awards and certifi­ cates. He also loved baseball and socializing with his friends and fam­ ily. He was a member o f the Reno Bowling league for many years. He loved to fish and he loved to laugh and tell jokes. He was an active community member, He loved fa m ily lif e and shared his love w ith m any. He left a fav o rab le im pression on J ________ N athaniel Johnnie B aker Sr. p eo p le and w as laden w ith w ords o f w isdom . He w as a free sp irit, proud and a man o f in te g rity . He leaves to m ourn his w ife, M innie H ughes-B ak er, h ise x - te n d e d c h ild r e n , M o n iq u e , D anita, N akia, and Joanne and 12 lo v in g g ran d c h ild ren . H e is also su rv iv ed by his c h ild re n , N ath a n ie l Jo h n n ie Jr., D enise, T am ara, K eith, and K e v in ; a d o p te d d a u g h te rs , C y n th ia B aker and M ichelle L a n d e rs; s te p c h ild re n M ic h e l le K in g a n d J e r r y B rooks; 16 g ran d c h ild ren and 10 g r e a t-g ra n d c h ild re n ; n ie ce s, nep h ew s and a w ealth o f frie n d s and in -law s. Laura Mae Brown Funeral services were held Mon­ day, March 3 in First AME Zion Church in Portland for Laura Mae Brown, w hodied Feb. 24 at age 84. Laura Mae Brown was bom June 8,1918, in Brummitt, Ark. She moved to Portland about 1960. She was a housekeeper for Emanuel Hospital and Health Center. In 1948, she married Homer L; he died in 1980. Survivors include her daugh­ ters, Mary L. Kelly and Margarette L. Moore; sisters. Novella Jack- son and Bethel L. Green; 4 grand­ children; lOgreat-grandchildren; and 8 great-great-grandchildren. Remembrances to Providence ElderPlace. A rrangem ents by Killingsworth Little Chapel ofthe Chimes. .F IR S T /P Ö O