Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 30, Image 30

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    ¡■ M a r t i n L
Page BIS
in g
® 2 0 03 s p e c i a l e d itio n
January IS, 2003
Urban League Of Portland Staff
fflartot iirfker
B aruti L . A rth aree
(Jr. /C/2s Qae^t/owa/re-
D errick D . M oten
President / C E O ( interim )
1. W h en w as D r. M a r tin L u th er K in g jr . b o r n ? (1 9 2 9 )
Chair, Board o f Directors
Paul E. C oakley
Director o f Education
D ’N o rg ia P rice
2. W h en d id h e d ie ? (1 9 6 8 )
D irector o f A d ult/S en ior Services
Donald Chalm ers
Executive Asst, to the President/CEO
D enise Boston
Street Academy, instructor
4. W h o w as r e s p o n s ib le Tor h is d e a th ? (Jam es Earl R a y )
Norma M ullen
Lead Case Manager, Senior Services
Trina Cam el
Information & Referral
5. W hat ch urch did he becom e the h ead m in ister o f an d w hat city w as it in? (Dexter A venue Baptist Church
Kelley Brown
Sonia Yemen
Retention Specialist/Adnnn Asst.
in M ontgom ery, A la.).
M elissa Motley
Case Manager
Richard latudd
HIV/AIDS Prevention Mgr..
6. W h a t tw o fa m o u s p r e sid e n ts h e lp e d D r. K in g ? ( K ennedy and Johnson)
Ameera Saahir
Coordinator, Whitney Young Center
Lovell Jones
Facilities Manager
7. W h a t w as D r. K in g 's w ife ’s n a m e ? (C oretta S cott K in g)
Arleta Ward
Activities Coordinator
Cupid Alexander
Transportation Mgr.
8. W h a t c o u n tr y d id D r. K in g g o to in th e la te 1 9 5 0 ’s? (India)
Alaiyo Foster
Street Academy, Instructor
Jackie Scott
Tobacco Prevention, Manager
9. W h y d id D r. K in g g o th e r e? (T o find out m ore about a fam ous religiou s person nam ed G andhi)
Koriani Khilnani
Beverly Frazier
Tobacco Prevention, Educator
10 . D id D r. K in g su p p o rt v io le n c e a n d fig h tin g b a ck w h en h is fo llo w e r s w e re a tta c k e d ? (N o )
3. H ow d id he d ie ? (A ssassin ated )
11. W h at fa m o u s p rize d id h e w in fo r h is p e a c e fu l e ffo r ts? (T he N ob el P eace Prize)
In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
12. W h o w a s th e F BI m an w h o w a s a rea l e n e m y o f K in g ? (J. Edgar H oover).
13. A te rr ib le riot b ro k e ou t in a so u th e r n c ity . T h e p o lic e u sed fir e h o se s to b r e a k it u p a n d e v e n s f nt
dogs to attack the crow d. Even w om en and children w ere bitten. W liat city did this hap pen in? (Birminghttn,
M id-K B e a u ty S u p p ly
S a lu te s D r. M artin L u th er
K in g 's 7 4 th B irth d a y !
14. D r. K in g b ecam e fa m o u s as a y o u n g m an w h en he led th e b u s b o y co tt M o n tg o m er y , A la b a m a . T h is
w as all ab ou t lettin g b lack p eop le sit w h ere th ey w a n ted in p u b lic b u se s an d n ot h a v in g to g iv e u p th eir
se a ts to w h ite p eop le. W h at w as th e n a m e o f th e w o m a n w h o r efu sed to give u p a se a t to a w h ite p e r so n
an d b eca m e resp o n sib le fo r sta r tin g th e b o y c o tt? ( R osa P arks)
from Jail
77?e Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. is welcomed with
a kiss by his wife Coretta
after leaving court in
Montgomery, Ala., March
22, 1956. King was
found guilty o f conspiracy
to boycott city buses in a
campaign to desegregate
the bus system, but a
judge suspended his
$500 fine pending
I appeal. (AP photo)
Seaside Motel 6 #4062
’ ♦ * * ' " • • *. ‘ 7** * *
- *
John Wolf
“All progress is precarious, and the
solution of one problem brings us face
to face with another problem,”
—Dr Martin L. King Jr
Strength To Love
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t S. Roosevelt Hwy 101
Seaside, OR 97138
Office: 503-738-6269
Fax: 503-738-4276
For Reservations Call 1-800-4-M 0TEL-6
5411 N.E. Martin L. King Jr. BIvd.
The Oregon State Government Is at work to create opportunities for all.
Join the dream as It unfolds. Help us achieve our goal.
'Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive a t that goal ’
- Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
A Licensee o f Motel 6 Operating L.P.
We wish to give tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Here are Just a few of the agencies that represent thé State Government s commitment to diversity:
Office of the Governor
Website www.governor state.or.us
Construction Contractors Board
Website: www.ccb.state or.us
Oregon Employment Department
Website. www.WorkinglnOregon.org
Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Website: wwworegonjobs.org
Oregon Department of Transportation
Website: www.odot.state.or us
Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation
Website: www.prd.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Energy
Website: www energy.state.or us
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Website: wwwdeq.state.or.us
Depart n^ent of Consumer and Business Services
Website www.cbs.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Education
Website: www.ode state.orus
Oregon Economic and Community
Development Commission
Website: www econ state.or.us
Oregon Department of Revenue
Oregon Department of Human Services HROD
Website http://personnelhr.state.or.us
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Website: www oda.state.or.us/
Join L Inited It ay o f the Columbia- Willamette for Conversations in the Community,
an exploration o f unity w ith diversity.
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please visit our website at http://w w w .oregon.gov.
together, we arFfhanging Uves .