¡■ M a r t i n L Page BIS uther K in g J r ® 2 0 03 s p e c i a l e d itio n . January IS, 2003 Urban League Of Portland Staff fflartot iirfker B aruti L . A rth aree (Jr. /C/2s Qae^t/owa/re- D errick D . M oten President / C E O ( interim ) 1. W h en w as D r. M a r tin L u th er K in g jr . b o r n ? (1 9 2 9 ) Chair, Board o f Directors Paul E. C oakley Director o f Education D ’N o rg ia P rice 2. W h en d id h e d ie ? (1 9 6 8 ) D irector o f A d ult/S en ior Services Donald Chalm ers Executive Asst, to the President/CEO D enise Boston Street Academy, instructor 4. W h o w as r e s p o n s ib le Tor h is d e a th ? (Jam es Earl R a y ) Norma M ullen Lead Case Manager, Senior Services Trina Cam el Information & Referral 5. W hat ch urch did he becom e the h ead m in ister o f an d w hat city w as it in? (Dexter A venue Baptist Church Kelley Brown Accounting Sonia Yemen Retention Specialist/Adnnn Asst. in M ontgom ery, A la.). M elissa Motley Case Manager Richard latudd HIV/AIDS Prevention Mgr.. 6. W h a t tw o fa m o u s p r e sid e n ts h e lp e d D r. K in g ? ( K ennedy and Johnson) Ameera Saahir Coordinator, Whitney Young Center Lovell Jones Facilities Manager 7. W h a t w as D r. K in g 's w ife ’s n a m e ? (C oretta S cott K in g) Arleta Ward Activities Coordinator Cupid Alexander Transportation Mgr. 8. W h a t c o u n tr y d id D r. K in g g o to in th e la te 1 9 5 0 ’s? (India) Alaiyo Foster Street Academy, Instructor Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention, Manager 9. W h y d id D r. K in g g o th e r e? (T o find out m ore about a fam ous religiou s person nam ed G andhi) Koriani Khilnani Receptionist Beverly Frazier Tobacco Prevention, Educator 10 . D id D r. K in g su p p o rt v io le n c e a n d fig h tin g b a ck w h en h is fo llo w e r s w e re a tta c k e d ? (N o ) 3. H ow d id he d ie ? (A ssassin ated ) 11. W h at fa m o u s p rize d id h e w in fo r h is p e a c e fu l e ffo r ts? (T he N ob el P eace Prize) In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King 12. W h o w a s th e F BI m an w h o w a s a rea l e n e m y o f K in g ? (J. Edgar H oover). * 13. A te rr ib le riot b ro k e ou t in a so u th e r n c ity . T h e p o lic e u sed fir e h o se s to b r e a k it u p a n d e v e n s f nt dogs to attack the crow d. Even w om en and children w ere bitten. W liat city did this hap pen in? (Birminghttn, M id-K B e a u ty S u p p ly S a lu te s D r. M artin L u th er K in g 's 7 4 th B irth d a y ! Ala.). 14. D r. K in g b ecam e fa m o u s as a y o u n g m an w h en he led th e b u s b o y co tt M o n tg o m er y , A la b a m a . T h is w as all ab ou t lettin g b lack p eop le sit w h ere th ey w a n ted in p u b lic b u se s an d n ot h a v in g to g iv e u p th eir se a ts to w h ite p eop le. W h at w as th e n a m e o f th e w o m a n w h o r efu sed to give u p a se a t to a w h ite p e r so n an d b eca m e resp o n sib le fo r sta r tin g th e b o y c o tt? ( R osa P arks) Freed from Jail 77?e Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is welcomed with a kiss by his wife Coretta after leaving court in Montgomery, Ala., March 22, 1956. King was found guilty o f conspiracy to boycott city buses in a campaign to desegregate the bus system, but a judge suspended his $500 fine pending I appeal. (AP photo) Seaside Motel 6 #4062 ’ ♦ * * ' " • • *. ‘ 7** * * - * • John Wolf “All progress is precarious, and the Owner solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem,” —Dr Martin L. King Jr Strength To Love V. ■ P’-,' I 2369 t S. Roosevelt Hwy 101 Seaside, OR 97138 Office: 503-738-6269 Fax: 503-738-4276 5S For Reservations Call 1-800-4-M 0TEL-6 5411 N.E. Martin L. King Jr. BIvd. 503-335-0271 The Oregon State Government Is at work to create opportunities for all. Join the dream as It unfolds. Help us achieve our goal. 'Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive a t that goal ’ - Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. A Licensee o f Motel 6 Operating L.P. imagine act achieve We wish to give tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Here are Just a few of the agencies that represent thé State Government s commitment to diversity: Office of the Governor Website www.governor state.or.us Construction Contractors Board Website: www.ccb.state or.us Oregon Employment Department Website. www.WorkinglnOregon.org Oregon Department of Administrative Services Website: wwworegonjobs.org Oregon Department of Transportation Website: www.odot.state.or us Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation Website: www.prd.state.or.us Oregon Department of Energy Website: www energy.state.or us Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Website: wwwdeq.state.or.us Depart n^ent of Consumer and Business Services Website www.cbs.state.or.us Oregon Department of Education Website: www.ode state.orus Oregon Economic and Community Development Commission Website: www econ state.or.us Oregon Department of Revenue www.dor.state.or.us Oregon Department of Human Services HROD Website http://personnelhr.state.or.us Oregon Department of Agriculture Website: www oda.state.or.us/ Join L Inited It ay o f the Columbia- Willamette for Conversations in the Community, an exploration o f unity w ith diversity. Get involved. C a ll 50 3 2 2 6 .9 3 0 6 or log on to our website to learn more. www.unitedway-pdx.org For more Information on opportunities with the State of Oregon (employment, business development and services), please visit our website at http://w w w .oregon.gov. together, we arFfhanging Uves .