Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 01, 2003, Page 7, Image 7

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    (Elje JJortlanò (Observer
January OI. 2003
Page A 7
Exhibit Features People of the South WINNER! 4 IONTÌIIIDS
Local artist born
in Mississippi
showcases work
The January gallery exhibition
at the Interstate Fire H ouse C ul­
tural C enter in north Portland will
include paintings by M ary Jo ­
sephson, a local artist w ho cap­
tures the heroics o f everyday
people in the South.
H e r e x h ib it “ A C o m m o n
Sense, ” is a series o f current and
past w orks that reflect upon the
com m onality o f her subjects. Bom
in Biloxi, M iss, as part o f a m ili­
tary fam ily, Josephson grew up
in aconstantchanging geographi­
cal and social environm ent.
“C om m onplace events color
our lives and shape our day,”
Josephson said. “T hey are por­
trayed visually in m onum ental
form to convey their inner stat­
ure, fragile, yet profoundly resil­
ient and interw oven w ith detail to
tell their stories and their per­
sonal m yths.”
IF C C ’s Entry G allery will fea­
ture w orks by H oss D aiisadeghi,
a native o f Iran w ho now lives in
“4s Twilight Falls ’ by Mary Josephson, oil on canvas, 2001
Portland. His “D igital A ntiquity”
exhibit is a m ixed m edia series o f
U nited States Presidents portray­
ing historical figures in a co n ­
tem porary context.
T he public is invited to a re-
ception with the artists on T h u rs­ p.m., and Saturdays, noon to 4
day, Jan. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. N o adm ission is charged
p.m. T he exhibition continues but donations are appreciated.
T he IFC C is located at 5340 N.
through Jan. 31.
G allery h o u rs are T u esd ay Interstate A ve. For m ore infor­
th ro u g h F rid ay , 11 a.m . to 6 m ation, call 503-823-2072.
À Delta
Kl<?3 ¡ f t
Blessed Health
Book finds balance between
spiritual and physical well-being
r. Melody T. McCloud and to h e lp th e m le a v e lo n g e r,
Angela Ebron got tired of healthier lives in contrast to w hat
current studies.w ould suggest.
reading disheartening statistics
I The/ A fr ic o v t - A me t'Ccxuv Wortwux '* (j rn.de to- i 'K y faced
A lm o s t 4 5 0 p a g e s lo n g ,
a b o u t th e h e a lth o f A fric a n
A m erican w om en and decided to Blessed Health includes inform a­
w rite a book to turn those statis­ tion on the im portance o f regular
check-ups, choosing a doctor,
tics around.
E ven th o u g h stu d ies show back-to-basics nutrition and ex ­
black w om en suffer from some of ercise. It also has instructions for
the highest rates o f h y perten­ dealing with pregnancy, breast
sion, diabetes, obesity, cancer, care, fibroid tum ors, sexually
heart disease, prem ature birth and transm itted disease, diabetes and
prenatal loss, a 1999 study by m enopause. In addition to pages
Duke U niversity o f 4,000 people o f text, B lessed H ealth offers
64 and older also show s that chapters o f charts and tables as
people w ho attend religious ser­ w ell as a special section w ith a
glossary and resources to clarify
vices every w eek live longer.
So M cC loud and E bron w rote m edical jargon.
M cC loud founded A tlan ta’s
a book. B lessed H ealth: The A f­
rican-A m erican W om an’s G uide W om en’s H ealth C are and is a
to Physical and Spiritual W ell­ revered m edical consultant who
being, to help black w om en em ­ has appeared on national telev i­
pow er their body, m ind, soul and sion and has articles published in
spirit by achieving a sound sp iri­ USA Today and E ssence M aga­
zine. A ngela Ebron is a senior
tual life and good health.
Blessed H ealth is the first book editor at Fam ily C ircle m agazine
to show black w om en how their and is the co-w riter o f Slim Down
deeply rooted spirituality can be S ister : The A frican A m erican
co u p le d w ith so u n d m ed ical W om an’s G uide to H ealthy, P er­
know ledge and regular checkups m anent W eight Loss.
THEK im/u / \y p suns, p m t u m .u /m r
6221 \E 82'* AVE.M E iiw .so™ » con mbia avei
Call For Reservations: 503-252-515 1
Prime Rib or Salmon Dinner
Two Venues Starting .4 T 9:00 PM
La Ramarla Nigbt Club
DJ Qt Darning In The Pallroom
i MiDMimr
.HIM m
S5 Cover
Show Time: 9 pm
Doors Open at 8pm
Every Thursday
Starting Nov. 14
Ports interested in
f “ " ; r « p r e „ ,ons b '
locally Ond N
Mt. H ood C om m unity C ollege A rt D ep art­
m ent is offerin g an ex citin g class in the art o f
iron cast sculpture to teach students the te ch ­
nique o f fo rm -m aking, m old-m aking and iron
W hile m any are fam iliar w ith bronze art
casting, few tire aw are o f a m ovem ent am ong
scu lptors to w ork w ith iron. B est k now s fo r its
utility, iron has been used for centuries to m ake
tools, cast iron skillets, m anhole co v ers and
recently for eng in e blocks and radiators.
In the early 1960’s artists began to explore
the m e d iu m ’s use for sculpture. T he intricate
cast iron railings on B ourbon S treet in N ew
O rleans are only one testam ent to the potential
o f iron as an art m aterial.
A class in this art form w ill be offered
T u esday and T h ursday even in g s from 6 p.m .
to 9 p.m . S tudents w ill learn to transform a
sculpted form from a sand m old to m olten iron
to a finished sculpture. S tudents w ill w ork on
an individual basis w ith the instructor.
F or m ore inform ation, call T asm ie R ingler at
503 3S8 3247
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KnOwn poe"°"Onally
Featuring The Repravation Bund 8
Master of Ceremony — Wone
at Bookies —*
performing coll
Mt. Hood Community
College teaches process
c u m umsr
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The Hubble Space Telescope and a pair of eagle-eyed NASA spacecraft are giving
amazed astronomers a ringside seat to the biggest global dust storm seen on.
Mars in decades. Pictures like these will be on display in January at the Mt. Hood
Community College Planetarium Sky Theater.
H u b b le’s G reatest Hits
The Mt. Hood Community College Plan­
etarium Sky Theater will offer stunning im­
ages obtained by the Hubble Space Tele­
scope during January.
“Hubble’s Greatest Hits" will feature some
o f the most beautiful and exciting images
obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope
during the last 10 years, including pictures
from H ubble’s powerful new camera.
Planetarium Director Doug McCarty will
use the star projector to recreate the winter
sky and answer questions about upcoming
celestial events.
This feature is one weekend only - Satur­
day, Jan. 11 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 12 at
2 p.m. Children are always welcome and all
visitors are encouraged to ask questions.
The planetarium is located beneath the
library at the Gresham campus and is wheel­
chair accessible. Admission toeach45-minute
live presentation is $ 1 and visitors are seated
on a first-come, first-served basis.
Public planetarium shows will be presented
on the second Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
every month from January through August.
School and community groups may arrange
live, customized planetarium programs by
calling 503-491-7297.
M eeting the A ffordable Housing Needs o f the Community
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Portland OR, 97211
Affordable Rental Homes Available Now
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