(Elje JJortlanò (Observer January OI. 2003 Page A 7 Focus Exhibit Features People of the South WINNER! 4 IONTÌIIIDS Local artist born in Mississippi showcases work at IFCC The January gallery exhibition at the Interstate Fire H ouse C ul­ tural C enter in north Portland will include paintings by M ary Jo ­ sephson, a local artist w ho cap­ tures the heroics o f everyday people in the South. H e r e x h ib it “ A C o m m o n Sense, ” is a series o f current and past w orks that reflect upon the com m onality o f her subjects. Bom in Biloxi, M iss, as part o f a m ili­ tary fam ily, Josephson grew up in aconstantchanging geographi­ cal and social environm ent. “C om m onplace events color our lives and shape our day,” Josephson said. “T hey are por­ trayed visually in m onum ental form to convey their inner stat­ ure, fragile, yet profoundly resil­ ient and interw oven w ith detail to tell their stories and their per­ sonal m yths.” IF C C ’s Entry G allery will fea­ ture w orks by H oss D aiisadeghi, a native o f Iran w ho now lives in “4s Twilight Falls ’ by Mary Josephson, oil on canvas, 2001 Portland. His “D igital A ntiquity” exhibit is a m ixed m edia series o f U nited States Presidents portray­ ing historical figures in a co n ­ tem porary context. T he public is invited to a re- ception with the artists on T h u rs­ p.m., and Saturdays, noon to 4 day, Jan. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. N o adm ission is charged p.m. T he exhibition continues but donations are appreciated. T he IFC C is located at 5340 N. through Jan. 31. G allery h o u rs are T u esd ay Interstate A ve. For m ore infor­ th ro u g h F rid ay , 11 a.m . to 6 m ation, call 503-823-2072. À Delta Kl