Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 24, 2001, Image 1

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    Get Ready to Turn Clocks Back
Clocks will fall back one hour on Sunday, Oct. 28, to begin Standard Time.
"The City Of Roses"
Volume XXXI
Number 43
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
October 24, 2001
May Close
Coast Guard Base Sprayed
N A T C H E Z , M iss. — A crop duster
sprayed a w hite substance on the U.S.
C oast G uard post ju st north o f the
N atchez-A dam s C ounty Port in the
low er M ississippi River, a Coast G uard
spokesm an said. Initial tests for chem i­
cal or biological agents w ere negative.
Portland Public School Interim S u ­
perintendent Jim S cherzinger and the
Portland School Board have received a
report that may lead to the perm anent
closing o f W hitaker M iddle School in
northeast Portland.
T he b u ild in g is n ot in use and
W hitaker students are in tem porary
schools this year after m old w as found
in the building over the sum m er. R e­
pairs to the building could not be co m ­
pleted in tim e for the start o f school.
Follow ing the discovery o f m old, the
district hired Shiels O bletz Johnsen to
develop cost estim ates for fixing the
building, options for the building and
property including restoring it as a
school, and recom m endations.
T he rep o rt’s conclusions were:
Capitol Reopens
W ASHINGTON — The Senate returned
to w ork and the H ouse w as expected to
follow soon afterw ard, despite the fact
congressional office buildings are still
closed fo r anthrax testing.
Israel Moves Into West Bank
JE R U S A L E M — Prim e M inister Ariel
Sharon said that Israel w ould end its
offensive against the Palestinian A u­
thority w hen it w as satisfied that Y asser
A rafat w as cracking dow n on terrorism .
F our Palestinians w ere killed as Israeli
tanks m oved into the W est Bank.
U.S. Rewards Pakistan
ISLA M A B A D , P akistan— The United
S tate s p ro m ise d to h elp P ak istan ,
crippled by a $37 billion debt, get inter­
national m oney as a rew ard for its co o p ­
eration in the U.S. w ar on terrorism .
Pumpkin Patch is Reason for Adventure
Trie fun associated with the season for Halloween bring twins Laurel and Paige Tyson o f Portland to the Krueger
Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island where they find two pumpkins to their liking.
photo BY
M ark W ashington /T h e P orti . and O bserver
USA in Concert
W A SH IN G TO N — All-«tar charity con­
certs in N ew York, N ashville and W ash­
ington, D.C. raised m oney and spirits
after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. T he
three show s raised m ore than $20 m il­
lion for various charities.
APEC Leaders Unite,
But Grievances Remain
S H A N G H A I — L eaders o f 20 nations
collectively condem ned terrorism dur­
ing w eekend m eetings o f the A sia-P a­
cific Econom ic C ooperation forum , but
old grievances and new tensions p er­
colated beneath their unity.
Ulster Unionists to Resign
from Unity Government
B E L FA ST , N orthern Ireland— N orth­
ern Ireland’s largest Protestant party,
the U lster U nionists, announced it w as
resigning from the province’s unity
governm ent, a m ove designed to force
B ritain to suspend indefinitely the
troubled experim ent in Catholic-Protes­
tant cooperation.
Humboldt Elementary kids
from north and northeast
Portland get a pep talk on
healthy eating and exercise
from the Power Panther, a
spokescharacterfrom the
U.S. Department of
Agriculture. The visit last
week was scheduled as part
o f National School Lunch
Kenya Confirms Anthrax Case
N A IR O B I. K enya— W hite pow der ina
letter m ailed from A tlanta to a K enyan
has tested positive for anthrax spores,
the health m inister said, the first case o f
a tainted letter outside the U nited States
since the Sept. 11 attacks.
photo BY M ark W ashington /
T he P ortl and O bserver
•T he building could cost betw een
$6.9 m illion and $ 14.3 m illion to repair,
with the likely cost nearerto $8.3 million.
•T he building w as designed as a
high school and d o e sn 't w ork w ell as a
m iddle school. It is too big and the
school lay-out is not w ell-suited to the
activities o f m iddle school students.
T his w ill continue to be a problem even
after the building is repaired.
•B ecause enrollm ent is dropping
there is surplus space in the D istrict and
the W hitaker building is not needed.
O n the b asis o f th ese co n c lu sio n s,
the rep o rt reco m m en d s the W h itak e r
b u ild in g be d eclared “ su rp lu s" an d
not reo p e n as a m iddle school. T h e
rep o rt d etails a n u m b er o f sc en a rio s
fo r th e su rp lu s b u ild in g an d p ro p ­
erty , b u t reco m m en d s the D istric t in ­
v estig a te the sc en a rio s fu rth e r b e ­
fo re ch o o sin g one.
T he report addresses only financial
and facilities issues, not instructional
or com m unity impacts.
“T he estim ate from the report is
higher than expected.” Scherzinger said.
“W hile w e acknow ledge the co n clu ­
sions o f the report, w e need to stay
focused on w hat’s m ost im portant to
us, w hich is educating students.”
Scherzinger said the district w ill not
m ake any recom m endations regarding
the W hitaker building until there are
other high quality educational o p tio n s
for W hitaker students, a process that
may take a few weeks.
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Post Office, FBI Offers $1M Reward
W A SH IN G T O N — T he FBI and U.S.
Postal Service offered an award up to $ 1
m illion for inform ation leading to the
arrest o f those w ho sent anthrax through
the mail. Investigators continued to link
the various incidents through evidence.
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Famed Lawyer Addresses Racism, Justice in Oregon
O gletree is a well-
In a m ajority-w hite state
know n A frican-A m eri­
like O regon, does race af­
can defense lawyer and
fect w ho goes to prison?
a professor at Harvard
W ho stays in prison? W ho
Law School.
the system helps or targets?
He served as counsel
N a tio n a lly
know n
A nita Hill during the
scholar and defense attor­
a te c o n firm a tio n
ney C harles J. O gletree Jr.
for Suprem e
w ill visit Portland to talk
about those questions and
explore the them e o f race,
torepresent high-profile
class, and the crim inal ju s ­
such as Hill and
tice system .
Charles J. Ogletree Jr.
A1 Sharpton, an
As the 2001-2002 occu­
for pro­
pant o f the W ayne M orse Chair o f Law and
Politics at the University o f Oregon School
of Law. Ogletree also will participate in sev­ Rico.
A long with attorney Johnnie Cochran,
eral law classes and public events in E u­
is a leading advocate in the m ove­
ment to gain reparations for slavery.
“W e are thrilled to host som eone o f
Professor O gletree’s caliber in our exam i­
nation o f race and ju stice in A m erica,"
says M argaret H allock, director o f the
W ayne M orse C enter for Law and Politics.
O gletree will address a day long forum
entitled "Racial Equity in the Criminal Jus­
tice System " on Friday, Oct. 26 in the
Vanport Room at Sm ith Center at Portland
State U niversity.
The son of farm workers, Ogletree grew
up in M erced, a small tow n in California’s
Central Valley. He won a scholarship to
Stanford U niversity and earned his law de­
gree from Harvard in 1978. He began his
career in the District o f Colum bia Public
D efender Service and quickly rose through
its ranks, earning the nickname “Set ’em Free
T ree" after winning a string o f acquittals.
O gletree is a prolific co m m en tato r and
w riter, especially about issues pertaining
to racism in A m erica and constitutional
guarantees under the law.
He is co-author o f the aw ard-w inning
book. “ Beyond the Rodney K ing Story:
An Investigation o f Police C o n d u ct in
M inority C om m unities." H is w ritings ap ­
pear in many legal and p o p u lar p u b lica­
tions, and h e’s a frequent guest on n a­
tional television program s.
Ogletree was in the news recently. during
the United Nations conference on racism , as
an advocate seeking reparations for African
Americans descended from slaves.
The Morse Center was established as a
living memorial tothe late Sen. W ayne Morse,
also a form er dean o f the U O law school.