Get Ready to Turn Clocks Back Clocks will fall back one hour on Sunday, Oct. 28, to begin Standard Time. "The City Of Roses" Volume XXXI Number 43 ~ Wednesday Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 October 24, 2001 Whitaker Middle School May Close Permanently Coast Guard Base Sprayed N A T C H E Z , M iss. — A crop duster sprayed a w hite substance on the U.S. C oast G uard post ju st north o f the N atchez-A dam s C ounty Port in the low er M ississippi River, a Coast G uard spokesm an said. Initial tests for chem i­ cal or biological agents w ere negative. Portland Public School Interim S u ­ perintendent Jim S cherzinger and the Portland School Board have received a report that may lead to the perm anent closing o f W hitaker M iddle School in northeast Portland. T he b u ild in g is n ot in use and W hitaker students are in tem porary schools this year after m old w as found in the building over the sum m er. R e­ pairs to the building could not be co m ­ pleted in tim e for the start o f school. Follow ing the discovery o f m old, the district hired Shiels O bletz Johnsen to develop cost estim ates for fixing the building, options for the building and property including restoring it as a school, and recom m endations. T he rep o rt’s conclusions were: Capitol Reopens W ASHINGTON — The Senate returned to w ork and the H ouse w as expected to follow soon afterw ard, despite the fact congressional office buildings are still closed fo r anthrax testing. Israel Moves Into West Bank JE R U S A L E M — Prim e M inister Ariel Sharon said that Israel w ould end its offensive against the Palestinian A u­ thority w hen it w as satisfied that Y asser A rafat w as cracking dow n on terrorism . F our Palestinians w ere killed as Israeli tanks m oved into the W est Bank. U.S. Rewards Pakistan ISLA M A B A D , P akistan— The United S tate s p ro m ise d to h elp P ak istan , crippled by a $37 billion debt, get inter­ national m oney as a rew ard for its co o p ­ eration in the U.S. w ar on terrorism . 50* Pumpkin Patch is Reason for Adventure Trie fun associated with the season for Halloween bring twins Laurel and Paige Tyson o f Portland to the Krueger Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island where they find two pumpkins to their liking. ‘ photo BY M ark W ashington /T h e P orti . and O bserver USA in Concert W A SH IN G TO N — All-«tar charity con­ certs in N ew York, N ashville and W ash­ ington, D.C. raised m oney and spirits after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. T he three show s raised m ore than $20 m il­ lion for various charities. Power Panther Helps Kids Learn Nutrition APEC Leaders Unite, But Grievances Remain S H A N G H A I — L eaders o f 20 nations collectively condem ned terrorism dur­ ing w eekend m eetings o f the A sia-P a­ cific Econom ic C ooperation forum , but old grievances and new tensions p er­ colated beneath their unity. Ulster Unionists to Resign from Unity Government B E L FA ST , N orthern Ireland— N orth­ ern Ireland’s largest Protestant party, the U lster U nionists, announced it w as resigning from the province’s unity governm ent, a m ove designed to force B ritain to suspend indefinitely the troubled experim ent in Catholic-Protes­ tant cooperation. Humboldt Elementary kids from north and northeast Portland get a pep talk on healthy eating and exercise from the Power Panther, a spokescharacterfrom the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The visit last week was scheduled as part o f National School Lunch Week. Kenya Confirms Anthrax Case N A IR O B I. K enya— W hite pow der ina letter m ailed from A tlanta to a K enyan has tested positive for anthrax spores, the health m inister said, the first case o f a tainted letter outside the U nited States since the Sept. 11 attacks. photo BY M ark W ashington / T he P ortl and O bserver •T he building could cost betw een $6.9 m illion and $ 14.3 m illion to repair, with the likely cost nearerto $8.3 million. •T he building w as designed as a high school and d o e sn 't w ork w ell as a m iddle school. It is too big and the school lay-out is not w ell-suited to the activities o f m iddle school students. T his w ill continue to be a problem even after the building is repaired. •B ecause enrollm ent is dropping there is surplus space in the D istrict and the W hitaker building is not needed. O n the b asis o f th ese co n c lu sio n s, the rep o rt reco m m en d s the W h itak e r b u ild in g be d eclared “ su rp lu s" an d not reo p e n as a m iddle school. T h e rep o rt d etails a n u m b er o f sc en a rio s fo r th e su rp lu s b u ild in g an d p ro p ­ erty , b u t reco m m en d s the D istric t in ­ v estig a te the sc en a rio s fu rth e r b e ­ fo re ch o o sin g one. T he report addresses only financial and facilities issues, not instructional or com m unity impacts. “T he estim ate from the report is higher than expected.” Scherzinger said. “W hile w e acknow ledge the co n clu ­ sions o f the report, w e need to stay focused on w hat’s m ost im portant to us, w hich is educating students.” Scherzinger said the district w ill not m ake any recom m endations regarding the W hitaker building until there are other high quality educational o p tio n s for W hitaker students, a process that may take a few weeks. continued ° n P°ge B2 Post Office, FBI Offers $1M Reward W A SH IN G T O N — T he FBI and U.S. Postal Service offered an award up to $ 1 m illion for inform ation leading to the arrest o f those w ho sent anthrax through the mail. Investigators continued to link the various incidents through evidence. c o ■ © ■ E n 0 i o © r- O\ > J s «- ID 0Û O' • — 0s iZ - O c QJ W) 3 s Famed Lawyer Addresses Racism, Justice in Oregon O gletree is a well- In a m ajority-w hite state know n A frican-A m eri­ like O regon, does race af­ can defense lawyer and fect w ho goes to prison? a professor at Harvard W ho stays in prison? W ho Law School. the system helps or targets? He served as counsel N a tio n a lly know n for A nita Hill during the scholar and defense attor­ S e n a te c o n firm a tio n ney C harles J. O gletree Jr. hearings for Suprem e w ill visit Portland to talk C ourt Justice Clarence about those questions and T hom as He continues explore the them e o f race, torepresent high-profile class, and the crim inal ju s ­ clients such as Hill and tice system . Charles J. Ogletree Jr. the Rev. A1 Sharpton, an As the 2001-2002 occu­ A frican-A m erican leader arrested for pro­ pant o f the W ayne M orse Chair o f Law and testing mil itary bombing i n V ieques. Puerto Politics at the University o f Oregon School of Law. Ogletree also will participate in sev­ Rico. A long with attorney Johnnie Cochran, eral law classes and public events in E u­ O gletree is a leading advocate in the m ove­ gene. i. ment to gain reparations for slavery. “W e are thrilled to host som eone o f Professor O gletree’s caliber in our exam i­ nation o f race and ju stice in A m erica," says M argaret H allock, director o f the W ayne M orse C enter for Law and Politics. O gletree will address a day long forum entitled "Racial Equity in the Criminal Jus­ tice System " on Friday, Oct. 26 in the Vanport Room at Sm ith Center at Portland State U niversity. The son of farm workers, Ogletree grew up in M erced, a small tow n in California’s Central Valley. He won a scholarship to Stanford U niversity and earned his law de­ gree from Harvard in 1978. He began his career in the District o f Colum bia Public D efender Service and quickly rose through its ranks, earning the nickname “Set ’em Free T ree" after winning a string o f acquittals. O gletree is a prolific co m m en tato r and w riter, especially about issues pertaining to racism in A m erica and constitutional guarantees under the law. He is co-author o f the aw ard-w inning book. “ Beyond the Rodney K ing Story: An Investigation o f Police C o n d u ct in M inority C om m unities." H is w ritings ap ­ pear in many legal and p o p u lar p u b lica­ tions, and h e’s a frequent guest on n a­ tional television program s. Ogletree was in the news recently. during the United Nations conference on racism , as an advocate seeking reparations for African Americans descended from slaves. The Morse Center was established as a living memorial tothe late Sen. W ayne Morse, also a form er dean o f the U O law school.