Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 15, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 15,2001
LIFT Eligibility
Tri-Met, the region’s progres­
sive public tra n s it agency, has
an excellent o pportunity fo r an
Eligibility Adm inistrator with the
LIFT program. This position will
adm inister the LIFT elig ib ility
process, fin g e rp rin t crim in a l
background checks, and assist
the ATP D irector in preparing,
m onitoring and im plem enting
various projects.
Qualified ca nd id ates w ill have
the follow ing background:
• A ssociate’s degree in busi­
ness a dm inistration, public re­
lations or related field.
• Three years progressively
responsible adm in istrative ex­
perience in project coordination,
in t e r p r e t a tio n o f v a ry in g
so urces o f in fo rm a tio n , and
c o m m un icatio n w ith interna l
and external custom ers.
• Ability to use word process­
ing, spreadsheet and database
software applications.
• Or any equivalent com bina­
tion o f training and experience.
Excellent ben efit package and
salary range o f $ 1 8 .4 3 -$ 2 3 .0 4
per hour. Subm it resum e and
cover letter sta tin g your inter­
e s t w ith your application. The
closing date fo r applications is
August 2 4. 2 0 0 1 . Application
m aterials and a d eta ile d job
description may be obtained
fro m T ri-M e t’ s H u m a n R e­
sources o ffice , I 5' floor, 4 0 1 2
SE 1 7 th Ave., P o rtla n d , OR
9 7 2 0 2 . You may fax your appli­
cation, cover letter and resume
to 5 03 :96 2 -7 44 0. Those resid­
ing outside the Portland M etro­
politan area or who are physi­
cally disabled may req ue st ap­
plication m aterials by calling
5 0 3 - 9 6 2 - 7 6 3 5 . V is it o u r
w ebsite at www.tri-met.Qrg for
more detailed inform ation.
Tri-Met is an equal o pp ortu nity
S o c ia l
S e r v ic e s /S o c ia l
C h a n g e /D o m e s tic V iolence.
Bradley-Angle House is seeking
an * Executive a ssista n t 32
h o u rs/w e e ks, $ 2 4 .9 6 0 /y e a r
plus benefits * Sexual Minority
Services Coordinator 20 h ou rs/
week, $ l? .1 1 6 /y e a r plus ben­
e fits. Application packets re­
quired and available by calling
5 0 3 .2 9 6 .8 2 2 5 or a t One Stop,
3 0 3 4 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing
date: Friday, August 3 1 , 2 0 0 1
EEO/AA/Feminist Employer.
Oregon Legislature
Senate Democratic Office
• Media relations for Senate
• Leader and caucus mem­
Page B5
(Elp? Jîortkinh (ßbavruer
Newsletters, web pages,
Clark County, Washington
Im m ediate opening fo r full and
p a r t- tim e a tte n d a n ts w ith
Portland’s leading parking com­
pany. We are seeking depend­
able in d ivid u a ls w ith a neat
appearance and a Positive atti­
tu d e . $ 8 .0 0 + s ta rtin g wage
Huge o vertim e potential. Ad­
vancement opportunities Medi­
cal, D ental, 4 0 1 K available.
Applicants m ust subm it to drug
te s t and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1, Monday - Friday. 1 3 0 SW
STARK Portland, OR
Job Opportunities
We are seeking qualified
candidates to
be p a rt o f our dynamic public
service organization.
Emergency Medical Program
Clark Regional Emergency
Services Agency
$ 3 ,1 2 2 -$ 4 ,4 0 8 /m o . DOQ
Engineer ll/lll
Eng II $20.58 - $26.29/hr. DOQ
Eng III $23.84 - $30.43/hr. DOQ
Em ploym ent
Inventory Specialist
$ 1 2 .2 9 - $ 1 5 .6 7 /h r. DOQ
The “Oregon Air National Guard
has several part-time positions
available. Let the Oregon Air
Guard provide you w ith the ex­
perience to “ enhance your civil­
ian m arketability! Not only will
the Air Guard train you, but pay
you to learn! For more informa­
tio n on pay, travel, training &
various educational b enefits
call 1 -8 00 -3 92 -18 01 & inquire
about our enlistm e n t eligibility.
O ffice A ssista nt III
$ 1 2 .9 0 - 1 6 .4 8 /h r. DOQ
Program C oordinator I
$ 3 ,2 9 6 - $ 4 ,6 5 7 /m o . DOQ
Real Property Appraiser l / ll
Appr I $ 1 2 .5 8 - $ 1 6 .0 5 /h r.
Appr II $ 1 4 .5 5 - $ 1 8 .5 7 /h r .
O regon State L ibrary
Fund D evelopm ent
S h e riff’s S upport Specialist II
$ 1 1 .4 7 - $ 1 4 .6 5 /h r. DOQ
Help A Special Program Grow.
Join sta te agency as Fund De­
velopm ent O fficer/C onsultant.
The Oregon State Library needs
an experienced fund develop­
m ent professional. Enjoy the
challenge o f tw o job areas: di­
rect the fund developm ent pro­
gram fo r T alking B ook and
B raille S e rvice s ( 1 / 2 tim e );
consult with local libraries about
effective fund developm ent ( 1 /
2 tim e). The successful candi­
date w ill have four years expe­
rience, two in adm inistration of
a fund developm ent program.
Education can s u b s titu te for
some experience. Annual com­
pensation range is $ 3 4 ,9 5 6 to
$ 4 8 ,7 2 9 . Application inform a­
tio n is availab le from Robin
Speer, P ersonnel A s s is ta n t,
( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 - 4 2 4 3 e x t. 2 2 1
< rob in .d .spe er@ state.or.us>.
Application deadline is August
3 1 , 2 0 0 1 . The Oregon State
Library is an equal opportunity,
a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo ye r
com m itted to w ork force diver-
Job inform ation, applications,
benefits inform ation are
available from :
Clark County Human Re­
1 0 1 3 Franklin St. Vancouver
Job H otline: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8
TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2
A dm inistrative A ssistant
F/T, M onday through Friday.
Prim ary resp on sibilitie s: orga­
nizing and perform ing general
adm inistrative work; providing
word processing, desktop pub­
lishing and database m anage­
m ent; creating brochures, fly­
ers, graphic and prom otional
Q u alificatio ns: Able to ty p e /
word process 6 0 wpm w ith ac­
curacy, u s in g fu ll keyboard
s k ills ; e x te n s iv e know ledge
and skill utilizing Page Maker,
W indow s 9 8 and MS O ffice
2 0 0 0 ; m ust have basic knowl­
edge o f b u lk m a ilin g proce-
d u re /p ro c e s s in g ; m ust have
valid driver’s license and evi­
dence o f insurability.
W ashington County
Executive Assistant to provide
personal and confidential assis­
tance to th e Dean o f the Col­
lege o f Liberal A rts and Sci­
ences. For d e ta ils see h t t p : / /
w w w .hrc.pdx.edu or co ntract
Lena McGee at P ortland State
U n iv e rs ity ,
(5 0 3 )
3 5 1 4 .PSU is an equal oppor-
tunity/affirm ative action institu­
Program Coordinator
Public Health
$ 2 2 .4 3 -$ 2 7 .2 7 per hour
C loses August 24, 2 0 0 1
C a ll ( 5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 - 8 6 0 6 /T T Y
(503) 8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 for information
w e b s ite :
ww w. c o .w a s h in g to n .o r.u s .
County application and supple­
m en tal a pp lica tion fo rm s re­
quired. Women, m inorities, and
people w ith d isa b ilitie s are en­
couraged to apply.
Apply To:
Washington County Human Re­
sources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue. Suite 3 2 0
H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
R adio O pportunities
The M anagem ent o f C hristian
R adio, KPDQAM /FM is now
seeking full-tim e and part-time
applicants for the new Christian
Music Formatted Radio Station,
“ 104.1-The Fish." Applications
are being accepted for: Sales
Manager, Account Executives,
Operations Director, On-Air Per­
s o n a litie s , Board O p erators
and Promotions Director. Please
fa x y o u r re s u m e to S h e ry l
M ansfield at 5 0 3 -2 3 8 -7 2 0 2 or
• Development and speech
• Graphic design and layout
For application Information Con­
ta ct
Karen Hupp
Employee Services
9 00 Court St NE Room 1 4 0 8
Salem OR 9 73 10
(503) 986-1373
Deadline: September 7 ,20 01
Chemical Supervisor needed
full-tim e fo r com m unity based
a d u lt o u tp a tie n t alcohol and
No Calls Please. The deadline
drug treatm ent program. CADC
is 8 / 2 4 / 0 1 . AN EQUAL OP­
and supervisory experience re­
People o f color encouraged to
apply. C om petitive sa la ry and
b en efits. Resume and cover
le tte r to: S. R oberts, CCMH, f t g o r ß a n fc ( © b e e r U c r
Advertise in
n NE
WP 3
T 3 i ' ,d
3 Ave,
Auo P
rtla n d P r
5 0 m 1 0
9 7 2 1 1 . FAX 5 03 -2 4 9 -1 7 3 9 .
Call 503-288-0033
M anager, Irving V illage
A cute C are C oordinator
(Portland), newly constructed 5-
sto ry affordable a sst liv resi­
dence opens Nov ‘0 1 , 1 0 0 +
residents. Resp for overall op­
erations. BA/BS req., post-grad
ed desired. 2-yrs exp sr care
req, lie as care provider desired
(CNA, LPN, RN, physical thera­
p is t, e tc). Thorough u n d e r­
standing o f fin m angi req, min
3-yrs exp in m angt w / leader­
ship resp o f broad scope &
super v work exp. Ed & exp for
state admin lie in progress. Req
excel interpersonal skills & abil­
ity to relate to variety of people
& personalities. Excel com m u­
nication, initiative, good judg­
m ent & leadership skills req.
Strong background in leader­
ship roles in church & com m u­
nity is desirable. Resume to
Kathleen Greenidge, 400 3 NE
Grand Ave, Portland OR 97212;
KQGreenidge@qwesl.net or fax
503-281-1606. EOE
This position w orks w ithin the
Verity Managed Care Division
(Department o f Community and
Fam ily S e rv ic e s ) to a s s u re
tim ely access to appropriate
behavioral health services, pro­
m ote o ptim al tre a tm e n t o ut­
com es through clinical review
and u tiliza tion m anagem ent,
increase m em ber satisfaction,
fa cilita te the utilization o f cost
effective behavioral health care
services and provide consulta­
tion to acute care providers re­
garding m anaged care behav­
ioral health services. This po­
sition is full-tim e (4 0 hours a
week) and work hours will vary
betw een th e h ou rs o f 8am -
9pm , seven days a week. Work
location is the Providence Cri­
sis Phone Center. Requires two
years professional experience
in th e p ro v is io n o f m e n ta l
health services to children a n d /
or adults. It is highly desirable
that applicants have experience
in the provision o f chem ical
d e p e n d e n c y tre a tm e n t s e r­
vices. M a ste r's degree in the
m ental health field is required.
M u s t be Q u a lifie d M e n ta l
Health Professional (QMHP) as
defined in Oregon A dm inistra­
tiv e R u le s 3 0 9 - 0 3 2 - 0 5 3 5 .
S ta rtin g salary is $ 2 0 .2 4 per
h ou r ( $ 2 0 .2 4 - $ 2 4 .8 9 per
hour full range). Apply by August
2 4. F urther in fo rm a tio n and
application m aterials are avail­
able at ww.co.multnomah.or.us
or by calling (5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 -5 0 3 5 .
A ssistant M anager,
Irvington V illage
(Portland), newly constructed 5-
sto ry affordable asst liv resi­
dence opens Nov “0 1 , 1 0 0 +
residents. Resp for operations
in m anager's absence, market-
in g /a d m is s io n s as well as tax
credit compliance. Assoc, degr
req, BA/BS desired. Req excel
interpersonal s k ills & able to
relate to variety o f people &
personalities. Excel com m uni­
ca tio n , in itia tiv e , good ju d g ­
m ent & leadership sk ills req.
Strong background in leader­
ship roles in church & com m u­
nity is desirable. Resume to
Kathleen Greenidge, 4 0 0 3 NE
Grand Ave, Portland OR 9 72 12 ;
KQGreenidge@qwest. net or fax
503-281-1606. EOE
Resident Care Services
Supervisor, Irvington Village
(Portland), newly constructed 5-
sto ry affordable a sst liv resi­
dence opens Nov ‘0 1 , 1 0 0 +
residents. Oversee & train ser­
vices s ta ff (nursing, activities
.& dining services), assure qual­
ity custom er service. Req RN
w / cu rren t s ta te lie in good
standing. Min 3-yrs mangt exp.
Geriatric nursing exp desired.
Able to p erform o ff-site visits.
Req excel interpersonal sk ills
& able to relate to variety o f
people & personalities. Excel
communication, initiative, good
judgm ent & leadership skills
req. Strong background in lead­
ership roles in church & com ­
munity is desirable. Resume to
Kathleen Greenidge, 4 0 0 3 NE
Grand Ave. Portland OR 9 7 2 1 2 ;
KQGreenidge@qwest.net or fax
503-281-1606. EOE
M en tal H ealth
C onsultant (tem porary)
This is a tem porary position in
the D epartm ent o f Community
and Family S ervices’ Kaleido­
scope Program providing as­
se ssm e nt, traige, and consul­
ta tion services in several child
serving agencies, including the
State Office o f Services to Chil­
dren & Families and Multnomah
C ounty clinics. Requires two
years experience providing as­
s e s s m e n t and tre a tm e n t to
children and fa m ilies, and a
M a s te r’s degree in a Mental
Health related field, Bilingual in
English and Spanish preferred.
M u s t be Q u a lifie d M e n ta l
H ealth P ro fessio na l (QMHP)
and m eet the C hildren's Rules
as defined in Oregon Adm inis­
tra tiv e rules 3 0 9 -0 3 2 -0 5 3 5 .
S a la ry is $ 2 0 .2 4 per hour.
Send cover letter and resume
to M ultnom ah County DCFS;
4 2 1 SW 6 ,h Ave. Suite 2 7 0 ;
P ortland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 .
Q ualifications: Well-developed
people skills and a custom er
o riented approach, ability to
function as a team player, su­
perb phone skills, high degree
o f confidentiality, self-directed,
o rg a n iz e d , p r o fic ie n c y in
M icrosoft Programs, university
experience desired and BA/BS
S a la ry ran ge : $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 to
$ 3 0 ,0 0 0
For a complete position descrip­
tion see www.hrc.pdx.edu. Click
on Jobs Available.
Send letter, resum e and 3 ref­
erences to:
O ffice o f U niversity D evelop­
m ent
Attn: Search Com m ittee
Portland State University
PO Box 751-DEV
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 7 -0 7 5 1
The M ultnom ah County Health
Departm ent is currently recruit­
ing fo r the follow ing position:
Laboratory T echnician-
Operations Supervisor-Dental
Researeh/E valuation
Supervisor-Program Design
And Evaluations Services
Research Evaluation Analyst
Senior-Health Assessment &
Clinic Health Assistant
Fiscal Specialist 2-Business
Inform ation System s Analyst 2
Pharmacist-Corrections Health
(Full And Part-Time)
Application m aterials and for­
mal jo b announcem ents are
a v a ila b le
a t:
w w w .C Q jn u itn o m a h .o r .u s /
jo b s /, in person or by m ailing
a self-addressed stam ped en­
velope requesting application
form s to: M ultnom ah County
H um an R esources D ivisio n,
1 1 2 0 SW 5m Avenue, First Floor
Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , Portland
OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d
access to M ultnom ah County
job inform ation and web site is
available at M ultnom ah County
M ultnom ah County Health De­
p artm en t is actively recruiting
persons from various e thn ic
and cultural backgrounds to en­
hance service to our diverse
com m unities. B ilin g u a l/b ic u l-
tural ca nd id ates are encour­
aged to apply. An Equal Oppor­
tunity Employer
Waves Hair
L ook in g for A N ail T ech ,
and licen sed H air S tylist,
b raidin g a plus,
P rofession alism a m ust.
Bus (503) 232-6263
Portland State U niversity
A ssista n t for Donor R elations
& D evelopm ent Services
PSU O ffice of University Devel­
opm ent seeks m otivated, self-
directed, flexible, collaborative
team m em ber to function as
p art o f a four-person adm inis­
trative support team. Assist the
D e v e lo p m e n t O ffic e rs w ith
m oving and trackin g th e top
donors by scheduling appoint­
m e n ts betw een d o n o rs and
University leadership and assist
w ith ongoing stew ardship ac­
tivitie s. Provide back-up sup­
p o rt to the R eceptionist to en­
sure the maintenance o f incom­
ing calls and perform other ad­
m inistrative dutie s for an 18
m em ber s ta ff.
Review o f applications w ill be­
gin im m e d ia te ly; p o s itio n is
open until filled.
PSU is an EO/AA institutio n.
Temporary On Call Positions
Learn a new skill while
working with children in a
school setting. Substitute are
urgently needed for 2001-02
school year for the following
Day Care Provider-Helensview
High School
4- 8 hour day on an as needed
basis - Salary: $7.54/hr
Classroom A ssistan t-S p ecial
5- 7 hour days on an as needed
basis Salary: $10.71/hr
Also Needed - Registered
Must hold a valid Oregon RN
4-8 hour days on an as needed
basis Salary: $21.64
Closes: A pplications are being
accepted until s u ffic ie n t a pp li­
ca tion s have been received to
establish substitute pool for the
2 0 0 1 -0 2 school year.
To be p a rt o f the M ultnom ah
Education Service
District team obtain application
m aterials including
M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s M-F
8 :0 0 -5 :0 0 in person or via mail
Self-addressed stam ped legal
envelope ($ .6 4 ) indicating po­
To: M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. Re­
c e p t io n is t ,
Ainsworth Circle,
Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 or via WEB
@ w w w.m esd.k l2 .o r .u s
Application m aterials will not be
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free Work Place
Advertise in
(Jnrtlauti ©bseruer
Call 503-288-0033
____________ >