August 15,2001 ortlanù baerurr Classifieds/Bids LIFT Eligibility Administrator Tri-Met, the region’s progres­ sive public tra n s it agency, has an excellent o pportunity fo r an Eligibility Adm inistrator with the LIFT program. This position will adm inister the LIFT elig ib ility process, fin g e rp rin t crim in a l background checks, and assist the ATP D irector in preparing, m onitoring and im plem enting various projects. Qualified ca nd id ates w ill have the follow ing background: • A ssociate’s degree in busi­ ness a dm inistration, public re­ lations or related field. • Three years progressively responsible adm in istrative ex­ perience in project coordination, in t e r p r e t a tio n o f v a ry in g so urces o f in fo rm a tio n , and c o m m un icatio n w ith interna l and external custom ers. • Ability to use word process­ ing, spreadsheet and database software applications. • Or any equivalent com bina­ tion o f training and experience. Excellent ben efit package and salary range o f $ 1 8 .4 3 -$ 2 3 .0 4 per hour. Subm it resum e and cover letter sta tin g your inter­ e s t w ith your application. The closing date fo r applications is August 2 4. 2 0 0 1 . Application m aterials and a d eta ile d job description may be obtained fro m T ri-M e t’ s H u m a n R e­ sources o ffice , I 5' floor, 4 0 1 2 SE 1 7 th Ave., P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 2 . You may fax your appli­ cation, cover letter and resume to 5 03 :96 2 -7 44 0. Those resid­ ing outside the Portland M etro­ politan area or who are physi­ cally disabled may req ue st ap­ plication m aterials by calling 5 0 3 - 9 6 2 - 7 6 3 5 . V is it o u r w ebsite at www.tri-met.Qrg for more detailed inform ation. Tri-Met is an equal o pp ortu nity employer S o c ia l S e r v ic e s /S o c ia l C h a n g e /D o m e s tic V iolence. Bradley-Angle House is seeking an * Executive a ssista n t 32 h o u rs/w e e ks, $ 2 4 .9 6 0 /y e a r plus benefits * Sexual Minority Services Coordinator 20 h ou rs/ week, $ l? .1 1 6 /y e a r plus ben­ e fits. Application packets re­ quired and available by calling 5 0 3 .2 9 6 .8 2 2 5 or a t One Stop, 3 0 3 4 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Closing date: Friday, August 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 EEO/AA/Feminist Employer. Oregon Legislature Senate Democratic Office COM M UNICATIONS DIRECTOR $3,122-53,981 • Media relations for Senate Democratic • Leader and caucus mem­ bers • Page B5 (Elp? Jîortkinh (ßbavruer Newsletters, web pages, message p arking FACILITY ® O PE R A T O R Clark County, Washington Im m ediate opening fo r full and p a r t- tim e a tte n d a n ts w ith Portland’s leading parking com­ pany. We are seeking depend­ able in d ivid u a ls w ith a neat appearance and a Positive atti­ tu d e . $ 8 .0 0 + s ta rtin g wage Huge o vertim e potential. Ad­ vancement opportunities Medi­ cal, D ental, 4 0 1 K available. Applicants m ust subm it to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 1 3 0 SW STARK Portland, OR Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to be p a rt o f our dynamic public service organization. Emergency Medical Program Coordinator Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency $ 3 ,1 2 2 -$ 4 ,4 0 8 /m o . DOQ Engineer ll/lll Eng II $20.58 - $26.29/hr. DOQ Eng III $23.84 - $30.43/hr. DOQ Em ploym ent Inventory Specialist $ 1 2 .2 9 - $ 1 5 .6 7 /h r. DOQ The “Oregon Air National Guard has several part-time positions available. Let the Oregon Air Guard provide you w ith the ex­ perience to “ enhance your civil­ ian m arketability! Not only will the Air Guard train you, but pay you to learn! For more informa­ tio n on pay, travel, training & various educational b enefits call 1 -8 00 -3 92 -18 01 & inquire about our enlistm e n t eligibility. O ffice A ssista nt III $ 1 2 .9 0 - 1 6 .4 8 /h r. DOQ Program C oordinator I $ 3 ,2 9 6 - $ 4 ,6 5 7 /m o . DOQ Real Property Appraiser l / ll Appr I $ 1 2 .5 8 - $ 1 6 .0 5 /h r. DOQ Appr II $ 1 4 .5 5 - $ 1 8 .5 7 /h r . DOQ O regon State L ibrary Fund D evelopm ent S h e riff’s S upport Specialist II $ 1 1 .4 7 - $ 1 4 .6 5 /h r. DOQ Help A Special Program Grow. Join sta te agency as Fund De­ velopm ent O fficer/C onsultant. The Oregon State Library needs an experienced fund develop­ m ent professional. Enjoy the challenge o f tw o job areas: di­ rect the fund developm ent pro­ gram fo r T alking B ook and B raille S e rvice s ( 1 / 2 tim e ); consult with local libraries about effective fund developm ent ( 1 / 2 tim e). The successful candi­ date w ill have four years expe­ rience, two in adm inistration of a fund developm ent program. Education can s u b s titu te for some experience. Annual com­ pensation range is $ 3 4 ,9 5 6 to $ 4 8 ,7 2 9 . Application inform a­ tio n is availab le from Robin Speer, P ersonnel A s s is ta n t, ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 - 4 2 4 3 e x t. 2 2 1 < rob in .d .spe er@>. Application deadline is August 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 . The Oregon State Library is an equal opportunity, a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n e m p lo ye r com m itted to w ork force diver- Job inform ation, applications, and benefits inform ation are available from : Clark County Human Re­ sources 1 0 1 3 Franklin St. Vancouver WA Job H otline: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 TDD: (3 6 0 ) 3 9 7 -6 0 3 2 A dm inistrative A ssistant F/T, M onday through Friday. Prim ary resp on sibilitie s: orga­ nizing and perform ing general adm inistrative work; providing word processing, desktop pub­ lishing and database m anage­ m ent; creating brochures, fly­ ers, graphic and prom otional mailings. Q u alificatio ns: Able to ty p e / word process 6 0 wpm w ith ac­ curacy, u s in g fu ll keyboard s k ills ; e x te n s iv e know ledge and skill utilizing Page Maker, W indow s 9 8 and MS O ffice 2 0 0 0 ; m ust have basic knowl­ edge o f b u lk m a ilin g proce- d u re /p ro c e s s in g ; m ust have valid driver’s license and evi­ dence o f insurability. W ashington County Executive Assistant to provide personal and confidential assis­ tance to th e Dean o f the Col­ lege o f Liberal A rts and Sci­ ences. For d e ta ils see h t t p : / / w w w or co ntract Lena McGee at P ortland State U n iv e rs ity , (5 0 3 ) 725- 3 5 1 4 .PSU is an equal oppor- tunity/affirm ative action institu­ tion. Program Coordinator Part-time Public Health $ 2 2 .4 3 -$ 2 7 .2 7 per hour C loses August 24, 2 0 0 1 C a ll ( 5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 - 8 6 0 6 /T T Y (503) 8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 for information or see our w e b s ite : ww w. c o .w a s h in g to n .o r.u s . County application and supple­ m en tal a pp lica tion fo rm s re­ quired. Women, m inorities, and people w ith d isa b ilitie s are en­ couraged to apply. Apply To: Washington County Human Re­ sources Division 1 5 5 N. First Avenue. Suite 3 2 0 H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 R adio O pportunities The M anagem ent o f C hristian R adio, KPDQAM /FM is now seeking full-tim e and part-time applicants for the new Christian Music Formatted Radio Station, “ 104.1-The Fish." Applications are being accepted for: Sales Manager, Account Executives, Operations Director, On-Air Per­ s o n a litie s , Board O p erators and Promotions Director. Please fa x y o u r re s u m e to S h e ry l M ansfield at 5 0 3 -2 3 8 -7 2 0 2 or • Development and speech writing • Graphic design and layout For application Information Con­ ta ct Karen Hupp Employee Services 9 00 Court St NE Room 1 4 0 8 Salem OR 9 73 10 (503) 986-1373 Deadline: September 7 ,20 01 C H E M IC A L D E PE N D E N C Y Chemical Supervisor needed full-tim e fo r com m unity based a d u lt o u tp a tie n t alcohol and No Calls Please. The deadline drug treatm ent program. CADC is 8 / 2 4 / 0 1 . AN EQUAL OP­ and supervisory experience re­ PORTUNITY EMPLOYER. quired. People o f color encouraged to apply. C om petitive sa la ry and b en efits. Resume and cover le tte r to: S. R oberts, CCMH, f t g o r ß a n fc ( © b e e r U c r Advertise in K n NE WP 3 T 3 i ' ,d 3 Ave, Auo P Po rtla n d P r 5 0 m 1 0 ortland 9 7 2 1 1 . FAX 5 03 -2 4 9 -1 7 3 9 . Call 503-288-0033 A M anager, Irving V illage A cute C are C oordinator (Portland), newly constructed 5- sto ry affordable a sst liv resi­ dence opens Nov ‘0 1 , 1 0 0 + residents. Resp for overall op­ erations. BA/BS req., post-grad ed desired. 2-yrs exp sr care req, lie as care provider desired (CNA, LPN, RN, physical thera­ p is t, e tc). Thorough u n d e r­ standing o f fin m angi req, min 3-yrs exp in m angt w / leader­ ship resp o f broad scope & super v work exp. Ed & exp for state admin lie in progress. Req excel interpersonal skills & abil­ ity to relate to variety of people & personalities. Excel com m u­ nication, initiative, good judg­ m ent & leadership skills req. Strong background in leader­ ship roles in church & com m u­ nity is desirable. Resume to Kathleen Greenidge, 400 3 NE Grand Ave, Portland OR 97212; or fax 503-281-1606. EOE This position w orks w ithin the Verity Managed Care Division (Department o f Community and Fam ily S e rv ic e s ) to a s s u re tim ely access to appropriate behavioral health services, pro­ m ote o ptim al tre a tm e n t o ut­ com es through clinical review and u tiliza tion m anagem ent, increase m em ber satisfaction, fa cilita te the utilization o f cost effective behavioral health care services and provide consulta­ tion to acute care providers re­ garding m anaged care behav­ ioral health services. This po­ sition is full-tim e (4 0 hours a week) and work hours will vary betw een th e h ou rs o f 8am - 9pm , seven days a week. Work location is the Providence Cri­ sis Phone Center. Requires two years professional experience in th e p ro v is io n o f m e n ta l health services to children a n d / or adults. It is highly desirable that applicants have experience in the provision o f chem ical d e p e n d e n c y tre a tm e n t s e r­ vices. M a ste r's degree in the m ental health field is required. M u s t be Q u a lifie d M e n ta l Health Professional (QMHP) as defined in Oregon A dm inistra­ tiv e R u le s 3 0 9 - 0 3 2 - 0 5 3 5 . S ta rtin g salary is $ 2 0 .2 4 per h ou r ( $ 2 0 .2 4 - $ 2 4 .8 9 per hour full range). Apply by August 2 4. F urther in fo rm a tio n and application m aterials are avail­ able at or by calling (5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 -5 0 3 5 . A ssistant M anager, Irvington V illage (Portland), newly constructed 5- sto ry affordable asst liv resi­ dence opens Nov “0 1 , 1 0 0 + residents. Resp for operations in m anager's absence, market- in g /a d m is s io n s as well as tax credit compliance. Assoc, degr req, BA/BS desired. Req excel interpersonal s k ills & able to relate to variety o f people & personalities. Excel com m uni­ ca tio n , in itia tiv e , good ju d g ­ m ent & leadership sk ills req. Strong background in leader­ ship roles in church & com m u­ nity is desirable. Resume to Kathleen Greenidge, 4 0 0 3 NE Grand Ave, Portland OR 9 72 12 ; KQGreenidge@qwest. net or fax 503-281-1606. EOE Resident Care Services Supervisor, Irvington Village (Portland), newly constructed 5- sto ry affordable a sst liv resi­ dence opens Nov ‘0 1 , 1 0 0 + residents. Oversee & train ser­ vices s ta ff (nursing, activities .& dining services), assure qual­ ity custom er service. Req RN w / cu rren t s ta te lie in good standing. Min 3-yrs mangt exp. Geriatric nursing exp desired. Able to p erform o ff-site visits. Req excel interpersonal sk ills & able to relate to variety o f people & personalities. Excel communication, initiative, good judgm ent & leadership skills req. Strong background in lead­ ership roles in church & com ­ munity is desirable. Resume to Kathleen Greenidge, 4 0 0 3 NE Grand Ave. Portland OR 9 7 2 1 2 ; or fax 503-281-1606. EOE M en tal H ealth C onsultant (tem porary) This is a tem porary position in the D epartm ent o f Community and Family S ervices’ Kaleido­ scope Program providing as­ se ssm e nt, traige, and consul­ ta tion services in several child serving agencies, including the State Office o f Services to Chil­ dren & Families and Multnomah C ounty clinics. Requires two years experience providing as­ s e s s m e n t and tre a tm e n t to children and fa m ilies, and a M a s te r’s degree in a Mental Health related field, Bilingual in English and Spanish preferred. M u s t be Q u a lifie d M e n ta l H ealth P ro fessio na l (QMHP) and m eet the C hildren's Rules as defined in Oregon Adm inis­ tra tiv e rules 3 0 9 -0 3 2 -0 5 3 5 . S a la ry is $ 2 0 .2 4 per hour. Send cover letter and resume to M ultnom ah County DCFS; 4 2 1 SW 6 ,h Ave. Suite 2 7 0 ; P ortland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 . « 1 Q ualifications: Well-developed people skills and a custom er o riented approach, ability to function as a team player, su­ perb phone skills, high degree o f confidentiality, self-directed, o rg a n iz e d , p r o fic ie n c y in M icrosoft Programs, university experience desired and BA/BS preferred. S a la ry ran ge : $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 to $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 For a complete position descrip­ tion see Click on Jobs Available. Send letter, resum e and 3 ref­ erences to: O ffice o f U niversity D evelop­ m ent Attn: Search Com m ittee Portland State University PO Box 751-DEV Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 7 -0 7 5 1 The M ultnom ah County Health Departm ent is currently recruit­ ing fo r the follow ing position: Laboratory T echnician- PrimaryCare Operations Supervisor-Dental Researeh/E valuation Supervisor-Program Design And Evaluations Services Research Evaluation Analyst Senior-Health Assessment & Research-Revised Clinic Health Assistant Fiscal Specialist 2-Business Services Inform ation System s Analyst 2 Pharmacist-Corrections Health (Full And Part-Time) Application m aterials and for­ mal jo b announcem ents are a v a ila b le a t: w w w .C Q jn u itn o m a h .o r .u s / jo b s /, in person or by m ailing a self-addressed stam ped en­ velope requesting application form s to: M ultnom ah County H um an R esources D ivisio n, 1 1 2 0 SW 5m Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 , Portland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d access to M ultnom ah County job inform ation and web site is available at M ultnom ah County Libraries. M ultnom ah County Health De­ p artm en t is actively recruiting persons from various e thn ic and cultural backgrounds to en­ hance service to our diverse com m unities. B ilin g u a l/b ic u l- tural ca nd id ates are encour­ aged to apply. An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer Waves Hair Design L ook in g for A N ail T ech , Barber, and licen sed H air S tylist, b raidin g a plus, P rofession alism a m ust. Bus (503) 232-6263 t Portland State U niversity A ssista n t for Donor R elations & D evelopm ent Services PSU O ffice of University Devel­ opm ent seeks m otivated, self- directed, flexible, collaborative team m em ber to function as p art o f a four-person adm inis­ trative support team. Assist the D e v e lo p m e n t O ffic e rs w ith m oving and trackin g th e top donors by scheduling appoint­ m e n ts betw een d o n o rs and University leadership and assist w ith ongoing stew ardship ac­ tivitie s. Provide back-up sup­ p o rt to the R eceptionist to en­ sure the maintenance o f incom­ ing calls and perform other ad­ m inistrative dutie s for an 18 m em ber s ta ff. A Review o f applications w ill be­ gin im m e d ia te ly; p o s itio n is open until filled. PSU is an EO/AA institutio n. Temporary On Call Positions Learn a new skill while working with children in a school setting. Substitute are urgently needed for 2001-02 school year for the following programs: Day Care Provider-Helensview High School 4- 8 hour day on an as needed basis - Salary: $7.54/hr Classroom A ssistan t-S p ecial Education 5- 7 hour days on an as needed basis Salary: $10.71/hr Also Needed - Registered Nurses- Must hold a valid Oregon RN license 4-8 hour days on an as needed basis Salary: $21.64 Closes: A pplications are being accepted until s u ffic ie n t a pp li­ ca tion s have been received to establish substitute pool for the 2 0 0 1 -0 2 school year. To be p a rt o f the M ultnom ah Education Service District team obtain application m aterials including M in im u m q u a lific a tio n s M-F 8 :0 0 -5 :0 0 in person or via mail send Self-addressed stam ped legal envelope ($ .6 4 ) indicating po­ sition To: M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. Re­ c e p t io n is t , 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 or via WEB @ w w w.m esd.k l2 .o r .u s Application m aterials will not be faxed. An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place A Advertise in (Jnrtlauti ©bseruer Call 503-288-0033 ____________ >