Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 08, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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August 8,2001
¡¡The Jíurtlauh © hseruer
È® Police News/Vancouver
Man Dies After Chemical Bath Fall
(A P) - A m etal m anufac­
turing em ployee died T hurs­
day a fter falling into a tank
o f 1 8 0 - d e g r e e c a u s tic
chem icals, fire officials said.
The m an, w ho was not
iden tified , tum bled into the
e le v a te d ta n k f u ll o f
d e g r e a s e r a t P r e c is io n
C astp arts C orp., said N eil
H eesacker, a P o rtlan d Fire H o sp ital, w here they were
B ureau spokesm an.
tre a te d
r e le a s e d ,
wo o th er w orkers H e e s a c k e r s a id . A th ird
at th e s o u th e a s t w orker w ho tried to help the
P ortland p lan t su f­ v ictim into a safety show er
fered m inor chem ical w burns
as treated and released at
w hen they tried to help the th e sc e n e . T w o O c c u p a ­
m an, H eesack er said.
tional Safety and H ealth A d­
T h e tw o w o rk e rs w e re m in istrato rs agents w ere in­
tak en to L egacy E m anuel v e stig a tin g the accid en t.
F our g rie f counselors also
w ent to th e plant to help
w o r k e r s c o p e w ith th e
d e a th .
“ W hether I know him or
not, i t ’s ju st d ep ressin g , b e ­
cau se you know th e re ’s a
fam ily out there,” said a tear­
ful e m p lo y e e w ho d id n ’t
w ant her nam e used.
Armed Robber Sought by Police
P o rtla n d P o lic e B ureau
R o b b ery In v e stig a to rs, in
c o o p e r a tio n w ith C rim e
Stoppers, are asking for your
help in id en tify in g and a p ­
p reh en d in g the suspect re ­
sp o n sib le for a robbery at a
local je w e lry store
On T h ursday, July 12 at
about 3 o ’clock in the a fte r­
n o on, the su sp ect w alked
into C arl G reve Jew elers,
731 S.W . M orriso n St. a sk ­
ing to see an expensive Rolex
w atch. Im plying he had a
w eapon, the suspect left the
sto re w ith the w atch.
T he su sp ect is d escribed
as a w hite m ale, 20 to 25
y ears o f age, 6 ’ 1 ” tall, with
a slim build, dark blond/light
brow n hair, and a slight m us­
tache. H e was w earing a
ov. John Kitzhaber
After children turn 4, it’s le­
signed into law a
gal to strap them into the
bill that’s aimed at
car’s adult seat belts.
red u c in g tra ffic -re la te d
lie bill signed by the
deaths and injuries among
governor today will
children by requiring children
require children
up to 6 years old to be se­
weighing 40 to 60 pounds to
cured in booster seats.
be secured in a safety seat or
Oregon law currently re­
other device that elevates
quires only that children
them so that a vehicle’s seat
younger than 4 or weighing
belt fits properly.
less than 40 pounds to be
The new law takes effect
buckled into a safety seat.
on Jan. 1.
Witness to Beating Wanted
An expensive Rolex watch is taken during a daring robbery.
light color polo shirt, dark color
shorts, sandals, sunglasses,
and a baseball style cap. Both
the shirt and cap had unknown
logos on them . D uring the
incident, he was w earing a
replica Rolex watch.
The stolen w atch is a gold
Rolex, with a slate gray col­
o re d fa c e a n d d ia m o n d s
around the m ovem ent.
C rim e Stoppers is offering
a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000
for inform ation, reported to
Crim e Stoppers, which leads
to an arrest in this case, or
any unsolved felony crime,
and you can rem ain anony­
m ous. C all Crim e Stoppers at
503-823-H ELP.
Store surveillance video shows
Survey Finds Racial Profiling Common
Am ericans who say they have
been the targets o f racial or
ethnic profiling by law en­
forcement. One in five Latino
and Asian men reported they
had been the victim s o f ra­
cially m otivated police stops.
But racial profiling is only
one o f m any exam ples o f in­
tolerance that m inorities say
they continue to confront.
More than a third o f all blacks
interview ed said they had
been rejected for a jo b or
failed to win a prom otion be­
cause o f their race.
One in five Latinos and
Asians also said they had been
discrim inated against in the
w orkplace because o f their
race or ethnicity.
Overwhelming majorities of
Portland police investiga­
tors, in corporation with
Crim e Stoppers, are asking
for help in locating a w it­
ness to an altercation be­
tween two men that resulted
in a death.
On W ednesday, May 9,
at approxim ately 6 p.m. on
S.E. 30,h and Haw thorne,
near the Express Grocery,
45-year-old Joseph Nesby,
who was a transient, was
seriously injured in a fight
with another man.
Nesby was transported
to a local hospital and later
to a care facility, where he
eventually died from his in­
In v e s tig a to rs b e lie v e
there were several people
in the time that w itnessed
the altercation. Investiga­
tors are asking for anyone
who witnesses the alterca­
tion to call either sergeant
Paul Larson, at (503) 823-
0835, sergeant John Brooks
at 503-823-0757 or Crime
Stoppers, at 503-823-4357
(H ELP).
an armed robbery suspect.
(AP) - About h a lf o f all
black m en report that they
have been the victim s o f ra­
cial profiling by police, ac­
cording to a survey published
iü the W ashington Post.
O v erall, nearly 4 in 10
blacks - 37 percent - said they
had been unfairly stopped by
•police b e c a u se th ey w ere
black, including 52 percent of
;all black m en and 25 per
Cfnt o f all black women.
> T T h e s u rv e y w as c o n ­
ducted by The W ashington
Ppst, the Henry J. K aiser
F a m ily F o u n d a tio n and
H arvard U n iversity. The
K aiser Foundation is an in­
dependent philanthropy fo­
cusing on m ajor health care
Blacks are not the only
New Law Toughens
Booster Seat Rules
blacks, Latinos and Asians
also report they occasionally
experience at least one o f the
fo llo w in g e x p re s s io n s o f
prejudice: poor service in
stores or restaurants, dispar­
aging com m ents and encoun­
ters with people who clearly
are frightened or suspicious
o f them because o f their race
or ethnicity.
Guards Investigated for
Supplying Contraband
(A P) - State police de­
tectives are in v estig atin g
alleg atio n s that four c o r­
rections officers supplied
co n traband to p risoners
at the O regon S tate P en i­
tentiary in Salem .
The fo u r o fficers have
been o rd ered n o t to w ork
at the m ax im um -security
prison pending the o u t­
com e of the investigation.
O f f ic ia ls w o u ld n o t
m ake public the o ffic e rs’
nam es. N or w ould they
identify the type o f co n ­
tra b a n d a lle g e d ly s u p ­
plied to inm ates.
T o b acco is the m ost
com m on type o f c o n tra ­
b a n d w ith in O r e g o n ’ s
prison system .
Mother Shot
Dead in West
Hills Home
Stephen Howard
A P ortland m an is su sp e c te d o f
sh o o tin g to death h is m oth er, July
31 at the fa m ily h o m e a t2 7 0 0 S .W .
T albot R d near C o u n cil Crest. P o­
lic e s a id S t e p h e n C r itte n d e n
H ow ard, 2 5 ,has bcen ch arged w ith
murder. H ow ard apparently called
911 from a h o u se in the c it y ’s
u p sca le W e st H ills n eig h b o rh o o d
to sa y that h is m other w as dead.
' • O ffic er s arrived and fou n d S u -
Safeway Club Price
H fi M ercad o H ow ard , 6 3 , s h o t to
death in the k itch en . P o lic e fou n d
a han dgu n at th e resid en ce.
Now the savings are in the Card!