Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2001, Page 5, Image 5

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    July 25, 2001
P o rtian i)
Page A5
(Elje Jlo rtta n h © bseruer
C aldw ell to G uide B lazer Boys and G irls Club
Ja so n C a ld w ell is th e n ew d ire c ­
to r o f the B laz er B o y s and G irls
C lu b at 5250 N .E . M artin L u th er
K ing Jr. Blvd.
C a ld w ell p re v io u sly serv ed as a
c o m m u n ity sc h o o l o u tre a c h c o o r­
dinator for the S alem -K eizer School
D istrict an d as an o u trea ch c o o rd i­
n ato r fo r th e B oys an d G irls C lu b in
Salem .
G irls C lub o f P ortland.
C aldw ell cu rren tly p ro v id es v o l­
u n te er lead ersh ip fo r the A m erican
L ead ersh ip F orum , Y o u n g L ea d ­
ers F orum , S alem T ran sit D istrict
B udget C o m m ittee and the G o v e r­
n o rs L eg islativ e T ask F o rce on
Search and Seizure.
“ I am proud to be a m em b er o f
B oys and G irls Club o f Portland
H is w o rk c o o rd in a tin g parent
in v o lv e m e n t an d fam ily activ ities
m a d e h im th e p erfec t ch o ice for
th e P o rtlan d p o sitio n , clu b o ffi­
cials said.
“ C a ld w e ll’s d e d ic a tio n an d se r­
v ic e to y o u th an d fam ilies are a
tre m e n d o u s asset to th e B lazers
C lu b ,” sa y V irg in ia H en sen , e x ­
ec u tiv e d ire c to r o f th e B o y s and
Jason C aldw ell
team ,” C aldw ell said. “ B oys and
G irls C lubs is a great organization
because it gives every child across
cu ltu res the best ad v an tag e p o s­
sible.” Since 1947, B oys and G irls
C lubs o f Portland h as provided high-
quality after-school and sum m er pro­
gram s designed to give kids w hat
they need m ost to b eco m e resp o n ­
sible citizens and co m m u n ity lead­
ers. C lubs offer kids safe, clean fun
places to go w hen they are not in
school; caring adults w h o respect
and guide them; and challenging
program s that teach them life skills.
T he clubs are dedicated to help­
ing all youth reach their m axim um
potential, w ith special concern for
those from disadvantaged circu m ­
Fairs Take Precautions for Foot-And-Mouth Disease
The furor over an outbreak o f foot-
and-mouth disease in the United King­
dom has died down. But animal health
officials are not going to relax —espe­
cially w ith this su m m er’s county fair
hum an disease concern.
A nim al health officials are hoping
county fairs can provide som e op­
portunity this sum m er for proper
biosecurity and disease control.
A lthough hum ans are not suscep­
posting o f signs at ticket booths and
around all anim al holding areas. The
signs w ould w arn people w ho had
traveled overseas w ithin the
previous tw o weeks to not visit
anim al exhibits.
W ithout alarming exhibitors or fair-
goers them selves, a set o f recom ­
m ended guidelines has been issued
to fair m anagers in hopes o f dim inish­
ing the risk not only o f an outbreak o f
foot-and-m outh, but other com m uni­
cable livestock diseases as well.
Foot-and m outh is a severe, highly
com m unicable viral disease o f cattle
and swine. It also affects sheep, goats,
deer and other cloven-hoofed ani­
mals. M ost affected anim als recover,
but the disease causes severe losses
in m eat and m ilk production. It is not
a food safety problem , nor is it a
tible to foot-and-m outh disease, they
can serve as carriers. T he virus can
exist on a p erso n ’s clothing or hair or
even respiratory system for m any
days. T h a t’s w hy anyone w ho has
recently traveled to affected coun­
tries needs to be aw are tat they can
unw ittingly transm it the disease.
A special task force o f veterinar­
ians and industry officials has devel­
oped a series o f recom m endations
issued to O reg o n ’s fair m anagers in
preparation for the upcom ing sea­
T he first recom m endation is the
A second recom m endation
has to do w ith the placem ent
and use o f footbaths— co n ­
ta in e rs h o ld in g a sp o n g e
soaked w ith disinfectant. Fair-
goers w ould be asked to step
into those footbaths before
entering anim al holding areas.
W hile footbaths can raise con­
sciousness about biosecurity,
they actually could enhance
disease tran sm issio n i f not
kept clean. U nless footbaths
can be scru p u lo u sly m ain ­
tained, the task force reco m ­
C om m unity m em bers are
jo in in g c ity p lan n ers for a
series o f fo u r neigh b o rh o o d
w alks this m onth and next
th ro u g h N o rth w e s t P o r t­
P ublic input from these
w alks w ill help shape the
c ity ’s N o rth w est A rea Plan.
T he p ro je c t com es at a
critical point in the develop­
m ent o f N o rth w e s t P o rt­
land, now faced w ith d y ­
nam ic new opportunities and
challenges provided by sev­
eral conv erg in g trends.
N ot only has the area re ­
cen tly seen the em ergence
o f N orthw est 23rd and 2 111
A v e n u e s a s P o r t l a n d ’s
m ost bustlin g “m ain streets’
but developm ent in the Pearl
D istrict is booming.
T he P o rtla n d s tre e tc a r
now runs through the area
and historically industrial ar­
e as n o rth o f N o rth w e s t
Lovejoy m ay be on the cusp
concept that all anim als entering the
fair be checked by the fair veterinarian
and that fair boards and managers
support the v et’s decisions. The treat­
ment and reporting o f sick animals is
important. Animal housing should be
Hííf>awví& W arner Heipiwig'HbipawiiC'Wcnnen/
Egg Donors Needed...
. For infertile couples. If you are age 21-32, healthy, under 170 lbs, and a ÿ
non-smoker you could have the satisfaction of helping someone in a special way. 55
Women of Hispanic ancestry are especially needed.
Contact the Portland Center for Reproductive Medicine at
Walks to Set Priorities
Public input to shape Northwest development
m ends against their use at fairs. In
relation to general disease control man­
agement, the task force reinforces the
o f a transform ation that
will include new com ­ 5?
m ercial and residential &
“These walks will take
planning to the people
who live in the neighborhoods
to ensure they will have a
say about their future,” said
M ayor Vera Katz.
P la n n e rs w ill re c o rd
participant’s ideas in writing
and volunteer architects will
for more information.
Compensation of $2,500 for First Donation
Compensation of S3,000 for Second Donation
Alcohol, Drugs Linked to
Student Failure and Crime
lent behaviors.
new state survey
B arbara C im aglio, adm inis­
s a y s O r e g o n s tu
d en ts who use a lc o ­ tra to r o f the d e p a rtm e n ts’ O f­
hol or drugs are m ore likely
fic e o to f A lc o h o l and D rug
A buse Program s, says the re ­
fail school, com m it crim es and
sulting data show the stark
behave v io len tly .
“ T his rep o rt confirm s w hat
c o n se q u e n c e s o f su b sta n c e
abuse by young people in each
teach ers, p o lic e o ffic ers and
social w orkers see every d ay,”
o f the three grades surveyed.
say s G o v . Jo h n K itz h a b e r.
R e s p o n d e n ts w ho re c e n tly
“T here is a stro n g co rre la tio n
used alcohol or drugs skipped
betw een d rin k in g alcohol or
classes, earned failing grades
or receiv ed suspensions at far
taking drugs w ith tro u b le at
higher rates than those who
sch o o l, and ju v e n ile d e lin ­
did not use such substances.
T he sam e pattern occurred
T he O regon D epartm ent o f
w ith crim inal and violent acts.
H um an Services released “O r­
For exam ple, a d isp ro p o rtio n ­
egon P ublic School D rug Use
ate num ber o f recent alcohol
Survey 2 0 0 0 ,” a b ien n ial poll
or drug users brought hand­
o f 12,000 O regon 6th, 8th and
guns to use as w eapon in a
11 th grade students conducted
last spring in 159 schools.
fight, or stole a car.
Every tw o years, the state
S u rv ey re sp o n d e n ts w ere
survey also co llected in fo r­
asked about recent alcohol and
m ation about the use o f alco ­
drug u se, ac ad e m ic p e rfo r­
m ance, and crim in al and v io ­
hol and drugs am ong O reg o n ’s
students. W ith a few e x c ep ­
tio n s , s u b s ta n c e u s e f e ll
slig h tly in each o f the three
grades polled.
“ The good new s is that our
a n ti-d ru g and a n to -a lc o h o l
m essages are w o rk in g ,” says
C im agllio. “ The bad new s is
that substance abuse rem ains
a m ajor problem for young
p e o p le a n d s o c ie t y as a
w h o le.”
A ccording to the 2000 re ­
port, 41.8 percent o f 11 th grad­
ers, 26.4 percent o f 8th grad­
ers (up from 26 percent in
1998), and 7.8 percent o f 6th
graders rep o rted d rinking a l­
cohol recently.
S ig n ifican t num bers o f O r­
egon stu d en ts also continued
to use m arijuana in 2000. A l­
m ost 18 p ercen t o f 11th grad ­
ers rep o rted using the drug in
the 30 days p rio r to the su r­
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Oregon Gallery Guide Available
The O regon A rts C om m is­
sion has re le a se d th e 2001
O regon G allery G uide, a d i­
recto ry o f nearly 400 g allery
listin g s from across the state.
“ T he A rts C om m ission is
com m itted to pro m o tin g the
w ork o f O regon a rtists and
suppo rtin g the arts as an eco-
nom ic developm ent strateg y ,”
said C hristine D ’A rcy, com ­
m ission director. “ The O regon
G allery G uide focuses a tte n ­
tion on the visual arts in our
state and the v itality o f the art
m arket h e re .”
The g allery guide is a v a il­
a b le
o n - li n e
th e
c o m m is s io n ’s W eb s ite at
h ttp ://a rt.e c o n .sta te .o r.u s and
at art galleries, convention and
visitors bureaus, w elcom e cen­
ters and O re g o n ’s reg io n al
arts c o u n c ils. To req u est a
copy, call 503-9 8 6 -0 0 8 2 in
S a le m
e -m a il
Oregon.artscom m @ state.or.us.
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