July 25, 2001 P o rtian i) awví& W arner Heipiwig'HbipawiiC'Wcnnen/ $ <5? $ & & 55 & 5? 5? $ 5? V & $ ÿ & & & & Egg Donors Needed... 5? WOMEN OF ALL ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS WELCOME TO APPLY . For infertile couples. If you are age 21-32, healthy, under 170 lbs, and a ÿ non-smoker you could have the satisfaction of helping someone in a special way. 55 Women of Hispanic ancestry are especially needed. <0 & Donations are anonymous. ¡5? $ Contact the Portland Center for Reproductive Medicine at 55 55 Walks to Set Priorities Public input to shape Northwest development m ends against their use at fairs. In relation to general disease control man­ agement, the task force reinforces the (503)241-0979 $ ÿ 55 o f a transform ation that will include new com ­ 5? m ercial and residential & development. “These walks will take planning to the people who live in the neighborhoods to ensure they will have a say about their future,” said M ayor Vera Katz. P la n n e rs w ill re c o rd participant’s ideas in writing and volunteer architects will sketch <5? o? V <0 for more information. Compensation of $2,500 for First Donation Compensation of S3,000 for Second Donation Alcohol, Drugs Linked to Student Failure and Crime lent behaviors. new state survey B arbara C im aglio, adm inis­ s a y s O r e g o n s tu d en ts who use a lc o ­ tra to r o f the d e p a rtm e n ts’ O f­ hol or drugs are m ore likely fic e o to f A lc o h o l and D rug A buse Program s, says the re ­ fail school, com m it crim es and sulting data show the stark behave v io len tly . “ T his rep o rt confirm s w hat c o n se q u e n c e s o f su b sta n c e abuse by young people in each teach ers, p o lic e o ffic ers and social w orkers see every d ay,” o f the three grades surveyed. say s G o v . Jo h n K itz h a b e r. R e s p o n d e n ts w ho re c e n tly “T here is a stro n g co rre la tio n used alcohol or drugs skipped betw een d rin k in g alcohol or classes, earned failing grades or receiv ed suspensions at far taking drugs w ith tro u b le at higher rates than those who sch o o l, and ju v e n ile d e lin ­ did not use such substances. quency T he sam e pattern occurred T he O regon D epartm ent o f w ith crim inal and violent acts. H um an Services released “O r­ For exam ple, a d isp ro p o rtio n ­ egon P ublic School D rug Use ate num ber o f recent alcohol Survey 2 0 0 0 ,” a b ien n ial poll or drug users brought hand­ o f 12,000 O regon 6th, 8th and guns to use as w eapon in a 11 th grade students conducted last spring in 159 schools. fight, or stole a car. Every tw o years, the state S u rv ey re sp o n d e n ts w ere survey also co llected in fo r­ asked about recent alcohol and m ation about the use o f alco ­ drug u se, ac ad e m ic p e rfo r­ m ance, and crim in al and v io ­ hol and drugs am ong O reg o n ’s A students. W ith a few e x c ep ­ tio n s , s u b s ta n c e u s e f e ll slig h tly in each o f the three grades polled. “ The good new s is that our a n ti-d ru g and a n to -a lc o h o l m essages are w o rk in g ,” says C im agllio. “ The bad new s is that substance abuse rem ains a m ajor problem for young p e o p le a n d s o c ie t y as a w h o le.” A ccording to the 2000 re ­ port, 41.8 percent o f 11 th grad­ ers, 26.4 percent o f 8th grad­ ers (up from 26 percent in 1998), and 7.8 percent o f 6th graders rep o rted d rinking a l­ cohol recently. S ig n ifican t num bers o f O r­ egon stu d en ts also continued to use m arijuana in 2000. A l­ m ost 18 p ercen t o f 11th grad ­ ers rep o rted using the drug in the 30 days p rio r to the su r­ vey. » Just think: Your son is b rig h t, h e a lth y a n d h e a d e d fo r college one day You love the direction your career has taken. You're doing a lot of the things you planned and even a few you didn't. Living life to the fullest is easy when you have family behind you. Am erican Family Mutual Insurance. Call and talk to one of our helpful, friendly agents. You'll find out w hy we're consistently rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best the insurance rating authority Then, go on. Dream Plan. What you do next is up to you and w e ll be here to help you. Oregon Gallery Guide Available The O regon A rts C om m is­ sion has re le a se d th e 2001 O regon G allery G uide, a d i­ recto ry o f nearly 400 g allery listin g s from across the state. “ T he A rts C om m ission is com m itted to pro m o tin g the w ork o f O regon a rtists and suppo rtin g the arts as an eco- > nom ic developm ent strateg y ,” said C hristine D ’A rcy, com ­ m ission director. “ The O regon G allery G uide focuses a tte n ­ tion on the visual arts in our state and the v itality o f the art m arket h e re .” The g allery guide is a v a il­ a b le o n - li n e at th e c o m m is s io n ’s W eb s ite at h ttp ://a rt.e c o n .sta te .o r.u s and at art galleries, convention and visitors bureaus, w elcom e cen­ ters and O re g o n ’s reg io n al arts c o u n c ils. To req u est a copy, call 503-9 8 6 -0 0 8 2 in S a le m or e -m a il Oregon.artscom m @ state.or.us. All Your Protection Under One Roof. 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