Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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July 25,2001
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S Police News/Vancouver
Serial Killer Suspect Caught in River Chase
(A P ) - “C ow boy M ike,” a
su sp ect in the d isap p earan ce
o f four w om en and the sh o o t­
ing o f an o th er, w as captured
F r id a y a f t e r a c h a s e th a t
en d ed w ith an attem pted swim
to freedom in the Snake River,
alo n g the O regon-Idaho b o r­
der, p o lic e said.
M ichael John B raae, 41, a
tra n sie n t w ho favors cow boy
hats and b oots, was arrested
by P ay ette C ounty s h e riff’s
d ep u ties.
B raae w as spotted ea rlie r
F riday by au th o rities at the
B lack C anyon T ruck Stop on
In te rsta te 84 about 13 m iles
east o f th e O regon line, a po-
MichealJohn Braae
lice d isp a tc h er said.
Idaho State Police troopers
gave chase and pursued Braae
at high sp eed s on the in te r­
state, onto som e side roads in
the Em m ett area and back onto
the freew ay. T he d isp atch er
said spike strip s w ere placed
on the w estb o u n d lanes and
they succeeded in blow ing out
at least one o f B ra a e ’s front
tire s.
The su sp ect stopped his v e­
hicle on the bridge o v er the
Snake R iver, w hich is on the
Idaho-O regon line, andjum ped
o ff the north side o f the bridge
into the riv er. B raae eluded
o ffic ers for alm ost an hour, at
least once g o in g to shore and
try in g to hide in som e bushes
b efo re g e ttin g back into the
w ater.
O ffic e rs from th e Id ah o
State Police and O regon State
P olice a s sis te d th e P ay ette
C ounty deputies at the scene.
In W a s h in g to n , Y a k im a
C o u n ty S h e r i f f ’s L t. D an
G arcia said s h e riff’s d e te c ­
tives did the p aperw ork on
Thursday for an arrest w ar­
rant for B raae, “ probably for
attempted m urder,” in the shoot­
ing o f M archelle M organ, 50, o f
Yelm, near Olym pia.
M organ was found shot in
the head in the bushes by the
side o f a rural road on S un­
In the southern Puget Sound
city o f Lacey, also near O lym ­
pia, Braae is a “person o f inter­
est” in the m urder o f Lori Jones,
44, who was killed July 7 and
found dead under her bed at her
apartm ent, said Lt. Tom Nelson.
Braae has not been charged
with a crim e in the Jones case
or in three others w here police
say he was the last person seen
talking to women who have ei­
ther gone m issing or been found
Susan Ault, 39, a waitress
from Cathlam et, vanished last
month from W ahkiakum County
in southw estern W ashington.
She was last seen arguing with
Braae on June 24, Nelson said.
V e lin a L a rso n , 37, o f
G ladstone, a Portland suburb,
was reported missing in Sep­
tem ber 1997. Her rem ains were
found in a nearby vacant lot in
Ja n u a ry 1998, said A ngela
B la n c h a rd , a C la c k a m a s
County, O re., s h e riffs deputy.
A lso m is s in g is D eb
VanLuven, 45, o f the Lacey
area, who disappeared in north-
central W ashington’s Douglas
C ounty in 1997.
Prostitute Enters Plea in Murder Case
(AP) - A prostitute involved in
the murder o f Portland banker
W ayne E. Olson has been sen­
tenced to 17 years in prison.
Jessica C. Rydman, 32, pleaded
guilty to robbery with a firearm,
burglary with a firearm and kid­
napping with a firearm.
Rydman had faced aggravated
murder charges, but a plea agree­
ment spared her a possible death
Rydman said Olson was a cus­
tomer o f her private escort ser­
vice. Police believe she was cal led
to O lson’s home Aug. 20, the day
after his wife left for a business
Police suspect Rydman was
later joined by her one-time boy­
friend, Calvin S. Davis, 23, and
friend, 18-year-old Medero Prince
Davis and Moon have been
charged with aggravated murder
in O lson’s execution-style slay­
ing. They and Rydman are ac­
cused o f ransacking the house
and stealing everything from
O lson’s wedding band to snake-
skin cowboy boots and cigars.
Olson, a 53-year-old Bank of
A m erica vice president, was
found by his wife Aug. 23. He
was bound and gagged and shot in
the head.
O lson’s 1998 Jeep Cherokee
and 1998 BMW were stolen but
recovered the day after his body
was found.
In the trunk o f the BMW, po­
lice found numerous items stolen
from O lson’s home. They also
found an issue o f Exotic, an area
magazine that advertises nude
dancing establishments and pri­
vate escort services, including
Rydman’s with her phone num­
A grand jury indicted Rydman
on Aug. 28. Rydman went to
California but returned to Port­
land and turned herself in Sept. 2.
Two days later, police arrested
Davis at an apartment in North
Portland. Moon turned himself in
Sept. 25.
After negotiations between her
a tto rn e y s and p ro se c u to rs,
Rydman divulged details about
the killing for the first time last
week. Multnomah County Chief
Deputy District Attorney Norm
Frink would not discuss what
Rydman told prosecutors about
the night o f the killing.
P ro se c u to rs d o n ’t th in k
Rydman pulled the trigger, he said.
Rydman declined to speak before
she was sentenced. Davis and
Moon are scheduled to go to trial
October 1.
O u r id e a o f a b e a u t if u l
On October 6, hundreds
of PGE employees and
their families will once
again volunteer to pick up
w as standing w ith the gun in
tons of trash during the
his hand. D u ilio shot B row ne
Fall Beach Cleanup.
in the arm and leg a fter o rd e r­
We also signed on to
ing him to drop the gun.
two days of SOLV's
row ne has said he
inaugural Oregon Legacy
did not hear the com
which will raise
m an d to d ro p the
gun, alth o u g h th e o f fic e r funds
to support volunteer
ord er was pick ed up and re ­
efforts. And there will be at
corded on a p o lice radio.
least one PGE employee
The ju ry did indict the man
w ho allegedly first attacked
B row n, L eM arr J. H arris. He
is accused o f attem pted m u r­
der and assault.
walking every mile.
Dumpsite cleanups,
graffiti removal, planting
projects—PGE employees
are there.
PGE is proud to support
SOLV because we share
their goal: to leave a
clean, beautiful legacy for
our children.
For information about
SOLV, or to volunteer, log
on to solv
Grand Jury Clears Police in Store Shooting
M ultnom ah C ounty
g ran d ju ry
cleared a P ortland
p o lice o ffic er w ho shot the
w rong m an during an assau lt
at a c o n v e n ie n c e s to re on
M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd.
F o r ty - y e a r - o ld
B ru c e
B ro w n e o f V a n c o u v e r w as
shot by police m om ents a fte r
he successfully defended him ­
s e lf from an a tta c k e r at the
Fast T rip gas station.
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortiand O bserver
O ffic e r K enneth D uilio a r­
A man was mistakenly shot by police during a disturbance at the Fast
rived at th e scene as B row ne
Trip gas station on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Portland General Electric
Police Arrest Washington Park Rapist
Portland police say they have
made an arrest in a rape case
that has gone unsolved since
Police arrested 44-year-old
David George Alden last week
for allegedly raping a woman
who was w alking in W ashing­
ton Park on January 15th.
The wom an, who is in her
thirties, was walking home from
work around 10 p.m. when she
was attacked.
A ld e n w a s a rr a ig n e d on
charges o f rape, kidnapping,
menacing, criminal m ischief and
. ■4»
R lewis 1 B Toylo«
Dianne Reeves
Joshua Redman
2 O T H
possession o f child explicit
m aterial. He is being held
in the M ultnom ah County
D e te n tio n C e n te r on
$510,000 bail.
Suspect Arrested
on Murder Charge
O ffic e rs w ith the V ancouver G ang T ask Force rec o g ­
nized a su sp ec t w anted for hom icide that took p lace in
the C ity o f Y akim a. W hile on p atrol Ju ly 13, an o fficer
saw the su sp ec t, A m u lfo C. A rias, 21, in the apartm ent
co m p lex at 1806 E. F ourth Plain B lvd.
A s a d d itio n a l o ffic e rs resp o n d ed to th e area, A rias ran
into the co m p lex and d isap p eared from sight. W hen a
p o lic e c a n in e unit w as sum m oned, he w as located hiding
in an ap a rtm e n t.
P o lic e said A rias cam e out the apartm ent and su rren ­
d ered to o ffic e rs w aitin g o u tsid e. He w as later booked
into th e C la rk C ounty Jail on a no bail w arrant.
1 V
C harlie H ad en g, G o n ta lo R u b aicab a
James M oody
M T. H O O D
David George Alden
te - '
Pat M artino
H o u k Armstrong 100th Birthday"
eyres >
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