Page A2 July 25,2001 (Tip? fjortimth ©bseruer S Police News/Vancouver Serial Killer Suspect Caught in River Chase (A P ) - “C ow boy M ike,” a su sp ect in the d isap p earan ce o f four w om en and the sh o o t­ ing o f an o th er, w as captured F r id a y a f t e r a c h a s e th a t en d ed w ith an attem pted swim to freedom in the Snake River, alo n g the O regon-Idaho b o r­ der, p o lic e said. M ichael John B raae, 41, a tra n sie n t w ho favors cow boy hats and b oots, was arrested by P ay ette C ounty s h e riff’s d ep u ties. B raae w as spotted ea rlie r F riday by au th o rities at the B lack C anyon T ruck Stop on In te rsta te 84 about 13 m iles east o f th e O regon line, a po- MichealJohn Braae lice d isp a tc h er said. Idaho State Police troopers gave chase and pursued Braae at high sp eed s on the in te r­ state, onto som e side roads in the Em m ett area and back onto the freew ay. T he d isp atch er said spike strip s w ere placed on the w estb o u n d lanes and they succeeded in blow ing out at least one o f B ra a e ’s front tire s. The su sp ect stopped his v e­ hicle on the bridge o v er the Snake R iver, w hich is on the Idaho-O regon line, andjum ped o ff the north side o f the bridge into the riv er. B raae eluded o ffic ers for alm ost an hour, at least once g o in g to shore and try in g to hide in som e bushes b efo re g e ttin g back into the w ater. O ffic e rs from th e Id ah o State Police and O regon State P olice a s sis te d th e P ay ette C ounty deputies at the scene. In W a s h in g to n , Y a k im a C o u n ty S h e r i f f ’s L t. D an G arcia said s h e riff’s d e te c ­ tives did the p aperw ork on Thursday for an arrest w ar­ rant for B raae, “ probably for attempted m urder,” in the shoot­ ing o f M archelle M organ, 50, o f Yelm, near Olym pia. M organ was found shot in the head in the bushes by the side o f a rural road on S un­ day. In the southern Puget Sound city o f Lacey, also near O lym ­ pia, Braae is a “person o f inter­ est” in the m urder o f Lori Jones, 44, who was killed July 7 and found dead under her bed at her apartm ent, said Lt. Tom Nelson. Braae has not been charged with a crim e in the Jones case or in three others w here police say he was the last person seen talking to women who have ei­ ther gone m issing or been found dead. Susan Ault, 39, a waitress from Cathlam et, vanished last month from W ahkiakum County in southw estern W ashington. She was last seen arguing with Braae on June 24, Nelson said. V e lin a L a rso n , 37, o f G ladstone, a Portland suburb, was reported missing in Sep­ tem ber 1997. Her rem ains were found in a nearby vacant lot in Ja n u a ry 1998, said A ngela B la n c h a rd , a C la c k a m a s County, O re., s h e riffs deputy. A lso m is s in g is D eb VanLuven, 45, o f the Lacey area, who disappeared in north- central W ashington’s Douglas C ounty in 1997. Prostitute Enters Plea in Murder Case (AP) - A prostitute involved in the murder o f Portland banker W ayne E. Olson has been sen­ tenced to 17 years in prison. Jessica C. Rydman, 32, pleaded guilty to robbery with a firearm, burglary with a firearm and kid­ napping with a firearm. Rydman had faced aggravated murder charges, but a plea agree­ ment spared her a possible death sentence. Rydman said Olson was a cus­ tomer o f her private escort ser­ vice. Police believe she was cal led to O lson’s home Aug. 20, the day after his wife left for a business trip. Police suspect Rydman was later joined by her one-time boy­ friend, Calvin S. Davis, 23, and friend, 18-year-old Medero Prince Moon, Davis and Moon have been charged with aggravated murder in O lson’s execution-style slay­ ing. They and Rydman are ac­ cused o f ransacking the house and stealing everything from O lson’s wedding band to snake- skin cowboy boots and cigars. Olson, a 53-year-old Bank of A m erica vice president, was found by his wife Aug. 23. He was bound and gagged and shot in the head. O lson’s 1998 Jeep Cherokee and 1998 BMW were stolen but recovered the day after his body was found. In the trunk o f the BMW, po­ lice found numerous items stolen from O lson’s home. They also found an issue o f Exotic, an area magazine that advertises nude dancing establishments and pri­ vate escort services, including Rydman’s with her phone num­ ber. A grand jury indicted Rydman on Aug. 28. Rydman went to California but returned to Port­ land and turned herself in Sept. 2. Two days later, police arrested Davis at an apartment in North Portland. Moon turned himself in Sept. 25. After negotiations between her a tto rn e y s and p ro se c u to rs, Rydman divulged details about the killing for the first time last week. Multnomah County Chief Deputy District Attorney Norm Frink would not discuss what Rydman told prosecutors about the night o f the killing. P ro se c u to rs d o n ’t th in k Rydman pulled the trigger, he said. Rydman declined to speak before she was sentenced. Davis and Moon are scheduled to go to trial October 1. □ O u r id e a o f a b e a u t if u l DAY AT TH E BEAC H . •org On October 6, hundreds of PGE employees and their families will once again volunteer to pick up w as standing w ith the gun in tons of trash during the his hand. D u ilio shot B row ne SOLV Fall Beach Cleanup. in the arm and leg a fter o rd e r­ We also signed on to ing him to drop the gun. sponsor two days of SOLV's row ne has said he inaugural Oregon Legacy did not hear the com Walk, which will raise m an d to d ro p the gun, alth o u g h th e o f fic e r funds ’s to support volunteer ord er was pick ed up and re ­ efforts. And there will be at corded on a p o lice radio. least one PGE employee The ju ry did indict the man w ho allegedly first attacked B row n, L eM arr J. H arris. He is accused o f attem pted m u r­ der and assault. walking every mile. Dumpsite cleanups, graffiti removal, planting projects—PGE employees are there. PGE is proud to support SOLV because we share their goal: to leave a clean, beautiful legacy for our children. For information about SOLV, or to volunteer, log on to solv Grand Jury Clears Police in Store Shooting M ultnom ah C ounty g ran d ju ry has cleared a P ortland p o lice o ffic er w ho shot the w rong m an during an assau lt at a c o n v e n ie n c e s to re on M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. F o r ty - y e a r - o ld B ru c e B ro w n e o f V a n c o u v e r w as shot by police m om ents a fte r he successfully defended him ­ s e lf from an a tta c k e r at the Fast T rip gas station. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortiand O bserver O ffic e r K enneth D uilio a r­ A man was mistakenly shot by police during a disturbance at the Fast rived at th e scene as B row ne Trip gas station on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. A B Portland General Electric Police Arrest Washington Park Rapist Portland police say they have made an arrest in a rape case that has gone unsolved since January. Police arrested 44-year-old David George Alden last week for allegedly raping a woman who was w alking in W ashing­ ton Park on January 15th. The wom an, who is in her thirties, was walking home from work around 10 p.m. when she was attacked. A ld e n w a s a rr a ig n e d on charges o f rape, kidnapping, menacing, criminal m ischief and . ■4» L R lewis 1 B Toylo« Dianne Reeves Joshua Redman 2 O T H possession o f child explicit m aterial. He is being held in the M ultnom ah County D e te n tio n C e n te r on $510,000 bail. Suspect Arrested on Murder Charge O ffic e rs w ith the V ancouver G ang T ask Force rec o g ­ nized a su sp ec t w anted for hom icide that took p lace in the C ity o f Y akim a. W hile on p atrol Ju ly 13, an o fficer saw the su sp ec t, A m u lfo C. A rias, 21, in the apartm ent co m p lex at 1806 E. F ourth Plain B lvd. A s a d d itio n a l o ffic e rs resp o n d ed to th e area, A rias ran into the co m p lex and d isap p eared from sight. W hen a p o lic e c a n in e unit w as sum m oned, he w as located hiding in an ap a rtm e n t. P o lic e said A rias cam e out the apartm ent and su rren ­ d ered to o ffic e rs w aitin g o u tsid e. He w as later booked into th e C la rk C ounty Jail on a no bail w arrant. A N N IV E R S A R Y S E A S O N 1 V Í */■ ■ F C harlie H ad en g, G o n ta lo R u b aicab a James M oody M T. H O O D David George Alden te - ' Pat M artino featuring presented by TESORO PETROLEUM CORPORATION GRAMMY WINNERS t WWW. PORTLANDGENERAL. COM AUGUST RAMSEY LEWIS DIANNE REEVES' RAY BARRETTO MT NICHOLAS PAYTON S H o u k Armstrong 100th Birthday" DAVID SANCHEZ BUSTER WILLIAMS OR eyres > Suite* lk*rh 0 »£ • MHCC Is easy to get to. Just two miles South of 1-84. ’Ä I--- N Hotki reservations A vnwtor mtormetton 1 87 PORTLAND (1 877 878 ToM free • GA seating on the grass or In the shady grandstands. • Great food! "A talent lineup that looks capable o f delivering one o f the strongest shows in the event’s history.’ — Marly Hughley, The Oregonian 3Í® 0*100». *»rt lU u r o n lv MBER&FRANK FARGO H O O D C O M M U N IT Y C O L L E G E , G R E S H A M T i c k e t s a v a i l a b l e a t a ll S a fe w a y /F A S T IX X O u tle ts , T ic k e t C e n t r a l a t P io n e e r C o u rth o u s e S q u a re , B o rd e rs B o o k s & M u s i c ( G e n e r a l A d m is s io n o n ly ), ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 4 8 4 9 9 , o r o n th e w e b a t m th o o d ja z z .c o m ROY HARGROVE W IL L S “This is the best jazz lineup o f the summ er.“ -PaU de Barros, music writer, Seattle Times • Come early, slay late. Come and go as you please. CHARLIE HADEN peitiON Btad M eb ld au • Plenty of on campus parking. "Celebrating Sarah Vaughan" with the Mt. Hood Jazz Feittvol Orchestra X o * R8GUE Regina C a tte i Ü J • O B M Q »ORTLANO J L “ 8 9 -1 ÇT matta ., OPB - (B T err^lfrei