Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 20, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    June 20, 2001
(Ttje Jlnrtkniò ©bscruer
Page B5
i Classifieds/Bids
Marketing Manager
Colum bia Credit Union is looking
for an organized hands-on m arket­
ing innovator. Use your creative
w riting and a rtis t's eye to coordi-
nate/design a wide variety o f cam ­
paigns and com m unity events to
prom ote C olum bia’s visibility and
m em ber benefits! Please visit our
see complete requirements for this
position, and ways to apply.
Position is open u ntil filled . Inter­
views will be by appointm ent only,
no phone call please. Equal Op­
portunity Employer/AA
P r o g r a m A s s is ta n t-
M a r k e t in g
C o o r d in a tio n
School of Extended Studies
Portland State University
Program A ssista n t fo r C ontinuing
Education/Graduate School o f Edu­
cation-M arketing Coordination
Prim ary re s p o n sib ilitie s: co o rd i­
nate web and print m arketing and
m aintain publication schedules;
m anage and use d a ta b a se s to
provide inform ation and generate
publications; track stu de nt enroll­
m ent. The su ccessfu l candidate
w ill have: a b a c h e lo r’s degree;
m a rk e tin g e xp e rie n c e ; d e m o n ­
strated s k ills in project m anage­
ment; computer experience; strong
com m unication s k ills ; cu stom er
service o rien ta tion ; self-directed
and organizational skills; dem on­
strated ability to w ork with range
o f people; knowledge o f academic
p ro c e d u re s p re fe rre d . Tw elve-
m onth, fixed term , renewable, 1 .0
FTE unranked academ ic position,
review o f a pp lica tion s will begin
June 1 8 and co ntin ue u ntil the
position is filled.
For application information and job
d e s c r ip tio n ,
www.hrc.pdx.edu/unclsjob.htm , or
call 5 0 3 -7 2 5 -8 2 7 9 .
An EO/AA Institution.
The M u ltn o m a h C ounty H ealth
D epartm ent is currently recruiting
fo r the follow ing position:
Application m ate ria ls and form al
jo b announcem ents are available
a t: w w w .c o .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s /
jo b s /, in p e rso n o r by m a ilin g a
self-addressed stam ped envelope
requesting application form s to:
Mutlnomah County Human
Resources D ivision,
1 1 2 0 SW 5 th Avenue,
First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 ,
P ortland OR, 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 .
A ssiste d a ccess to M ultnom ah
County job information and web site
is available a t County Libraries.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty H e a lth
D ep artm en t is actively recruiting
from various e thn ic and cultural
backgrounds to enhance service to
our diverse communities. B iling ua l/
btcultural candidates are encouraged
to apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer.
Local Pentecostal Church in need
o f organ p la ye r/p ia n ist to play
tra d itio n a l/c o n te m p o ra ry gospel
m usic. Salary is negotiable. If
co nta ct Aniel Yates @ (5 0 3 ) 771-
Systems Application
C a re O e g o n is a p ro g re s s iv e
M edicaid m anaged care health
plan com m itte d to th e values o f
diversity, empowerm ent, and open
com m unication. Team m em bers
w o rk in an e n v iro n m e n t th a t
e n c o u ra g e s d e c is io n -m a k in g ,
initia tive, flexibility, and creativity
in m eeting the needs o f our pian
m em bers and th e ir com m unities.
CareOregon is currently recruiting
fo r S ystem s Application T ra ine r/
Analyst to provide technical support,
training, and to research issues for
a n e tw o rk o f h e a lth s a fe ty n e t
clinics. The firs t 3 to 6 m onths in
th is p o s itio n w ill involve system
set-up, the follow ing year will be
heavily focused on training, and
then will m ost likely evolve into an
a p p lic a tio n s h e lp -d e s k a n d /o r
data analysis focus; as well as,
in te rn a l c o n s u ltin g on sp e cia l
p ro je cts. The T ra in e r/ Analyst
should have expert s k ills and 3 to
5 years experience in one or more
o f th e fo llo w in g a re a s : b illin g ,
in fo rm a tio n technology/system s,
r e p o r t a n a ly s is o r fr o n t o ffic e
operations, or any work experience,
e d u ca tio n a n d /o r tra in in g th a t
would likely provide the ability to
perform the essential functions of
the position. This position will include
travel inside and outside the state
o f Oregon. Normal hiring range is
$ 3 4 ,4 5 2 to $ 4 5 ,9 9 3 .
Please send your cover letter and
resume to CareOregon-HR-TA, 522
SW 5 th Ave., Suite 2 0 0 , Portland,
OR 9 7 2 0 4 , o r fa x to ( 5 0 3 )
4 1 6 -1 4 6 2 . Position may close at
a n ytim e . EEO/AA
Health/Wellness Services
Providing regional services * Cre­
ating livable com m unities
C onservation Program A ssistant,
Oregon Zoo. $ 1 3 .2 9 - $ 1 7 .8 2 ,
hour, PT, Deadline 6 / 2 6 / 0 1 . As­
sists curatorial and research s ta ff
in various conse rva tion -re la te d
activities such as studbooks, na­
tional breeding programs, conser­
vation m ee ting s, c o n s e rv a tio n
projects, and research. Prepares
reports as directed by the curato­
rial and research s ta ff. Provides
program administrative support as
Required a p p lica tio n m a te ria ls
available at: M etro Hum an Re­
sources, 6 0 0 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR. Resumes are not
accepted. Please call (5 0 3 ) 797-
1 5 7 0 if you would like application
m aterials m ailed to you. Web ad­
dress: www.metro-region.org
AA/EEO Employer
PIST - For day treatm ent, African-
A m erican s p e c ific , a d o le s c e n t
m ales program. M A/M SW in re­
lated field. Focus on individual,
fam ily and group therapy.
MSW or in a mental health related
field and CADC/A&D e xperience/
A&D COUNSELOR - Experience
necessary, certification a plus.
PIST - M A/M SW in related field.
Encourage people or color to ap­
ply. C om petitive wages and ben­
e fits. Send resume and cover let­
te r to S. R oberts, Ex. Dir., CCMH,
5 0 1 0 NE 3 3 rd Ave., Portland, OR
9 7 2 1 1 ; or Fax to 5 03 -2 49 -1 7 39 .
Energetic Registered Nurse with
b achelor’s degree and m inim um
o f three years related experience
in a ll a s p e c ts o f c o m m u n ity
health, one o f which should be a
supervisory or m anagerial capac­
ity, needed to operate a small clinic
w ithin a reside n tial youth voca­ Immediate opening for full and Part-
tional training setting. Please sub­ time attendants with Portland’s
m it resum e and cover le tte r to:
leading parking Co. We are seeking
Human Resources
dependable individuals with a neat
3 1 2 2 4 E. H istoric Columbia R iv e r1 appearance and a Positive attitude, i
$8.00 + startingwageHugeovertime '
Troutdale, OR 9 7 0 6 0
A d v a n c e m e n t'
Responses M ust Be Received No opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K
Later Than Friday, June 2 9 , 2 0 0 1 available Applicants must submit to
As an affirm ative action employer, drug test and background check.
we are seeking qualified minority, Apply in person daily between 12-1, ,
fem ale, veteran and disabled ap­ Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK
plicants; however, all qualified ap­ Portland, OR
plicants w ill be considered.
for college publications to work
with students, professionals on
advertising sales. Degree in busi­
ness or advertising, 1 year experi­
ence, be know ledgeable about
advertisers and agencies, capable
o f m otivating stu de nts and devel­
oping job o pp ortu nities in Oregon
region. Part-time, fixed term , effec­
tive 7 /1 / 0 1 - 6 /3 0 /0 2 , renewable
subject to funding. For jo b qualifi­
cation criteria and application pro­
cess, call 503-725-5687. Review
o f applications w ill begin on June
2 2 ,2 0 0 1 ; the position will remain
open until filled. An EO/AA institu­
20 Tennessee W alking Horses
4 Sale, M ares, Gelding, Stallions.
All Ages And C olo rs. $ 1 5 0 0 -
$ 3 0 0 0 Each Days 5 4 1 -6 77 -9 1 99
Advertise in
The Portland Observer
Call 288-0033
e c t
Cascade AIDS Project
$ 2 ,4 0 1 - $ 2 ,9 1 7 / month
C loses June 29, 2 0 0 1
$ 4 ,6 7 9 - $ 5 ,6 8 1 / month
Closes June 2 9, 2 0 0 1
Call (503) 8 4 6 -8 60 6/T T Y (503)
8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n .
C ou nty a p p lic a tio n and
supplem ental application form s
required. Women, m inorities,
and people with d isa b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
H illsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
m j i i f t i—
W M M mô-rerw*
ClarkCounty, Washington
Job Opportunities
We are seeking qualified candi­
dates to be p a rt o f our dynamic
public services organization.
Cascade AIDS Project (CAP), the leading HIV prevention, education,
housing, advocacy and services, organization in Oregon and South­
w est Washington, seeks two career-minded individuals to join our
Finance team . It’s a whole new day at CAP, as we have matured from
our grassroots activist beginnings into a successful, professional non­
profit health and human services agency. CAP has long-term strategic
plans, clearly focused program goals, m ulticultural diversity, financial
health, business strength and m arketing savvy. Come join us in sup­
p orting 3 ,6 0 0 m en, women and youth affected by HIV, educating
3 0 ,0 0 0 youth and adults about HIV prevention, and advocating for
sound HIV public policy through our Portland, Hilisboro and Vancouver,
Washington O ffices.
Finance Assistant
Description and responsibilities: As a member o f the agency's 3-
person Finance dep artm en t in a $ 3 .6 m illion non-profit health and
hum an services agency, s ta ff will be responsible for reviewing pay­
able invoices for accuracy, coordinating tim ely payment to vendors,
com pile and m aintain A /P records, provide adm inistrative support,
a s s is t with reception/sw itchboard back-up, and other duties as as­
signed by the Finance Manager. Requirements: Three years related
professional experience, excellent verbal and written communication
skills, strong administrative and organizational skills, good attendance,
se lf-sta rter with ability to m ulti-task in a fa st paced environment and
m eet critical deadlines, proficiency using automated accounting sys­
te m s and MS O ffice products including Excel, multi-line rece ptio n/
switchboard experience helpful. Compensation: $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 - $ 2 6 ,0 0 0
to s ta rt depending on qualifications and experience: employer paid
health, dental, long-term disability and life insurance: generous vaca­
tion, tax deferred annuity plan; and flexible work schedule if appropri­
Court Assistant I/Il
(New position)
$ 9 .7 1 - $ 1 4 .3 6 /h r. DOQ
Mental Health Services
$ 4 ,3 2 3 - $ 6 ,1 1 0 /m o . DOQ
Office Assistant II
$ 1 1 .5 9 - $ 1 4 .7 9 /h r. DOQ
Rural Planning Team
$ 4 ,3 2 3 - $ 6 ,1 1 0 /m o . DOQ
SR. Programmer Analyst
$ 3 ,9 3 5 -$ 5 ,0 2 3 /m o . DOQ
Transportation Model
$ 2 4 .1 1 -$ 2 8 .7 4 /h r. DOQ
Job inform ation, applications,
and benefits inform ation are
available from: Clark County
Human Resources 1 0 1 3 Franklin
Walt Walker 1974 P.C.C.
Sheet M etal/H usband o f Crissy,
Dick Weber
Your W elding/Dixer Brother would
love to see you.
M essage (3 6 0 ) 8 9 2 -8 7 3 0
Alberta Cooperative Grocery is hir­
ing cashiers and a FT produce
buyer. W e’re looking fo r natural
fo o d s or previous co-op experi­
ence. All are welcome to apply.
Wages from $ 8 .0 0 - $ 1 0 .0 0 an
hour based upon experience. Call
5 0 3 -2 8 7 -4 3 3 3 fo r more inform a­
tio n . C loses 6 /3 .
The Sunnyside School D istrict has
an opening for D irector o f M igrant
Student Records System . BA re­
q u ire d , M a s te r’ s p re fe rre d . 3
years experience in the M igrant
Education Program or 5 years in
an educational se ttin g preferred.
S a la ry $ 6 5 ,7 7 8 -$ 7 5 ,7 7 8 . Re­
q u e st a pp lica tion at Sunnyside
School D istrict, 1 1 1 0 S. 6 ,h St.,
Sunnyside, WA 9 8 9 4 4 , (509) 837-
5 85 1. SSD com plies with all state
and federal rules and regulations
and does not discrim in ate on the
basis o f race, color, national ori­
gin, gender, or disability.
Eves 5 4 1 -4 4 0 -6 7 5 5
G a s c a d e
Description and responsibilities: As a member o f the agency's 3-
person Finance d epartm ent in a $ 3 .6 m illion non-profit health and
human services agency, s ta ff will be responsible for maintenance o f
general ledger, ch art o f accounts, monthly journal entries, revenue
recognition, bank reconciliations, account analysis, variance research
and accounts payable oversight. Reporting to the Finance Manager,
s ta ff will a s sist with month-end closing, financial statem ent prepara­
tion and other related duties. Requirem ents: Bachelor's or Associ­
ates degree in accounting: at least four years related professional
experience; excellent verbal and w ritten com m unication skills and
s e lf s ta rte r; proficiency in autom ated accounting system s and MS
O ffice Products, including Excel. Com pensation: $ 3 2 -0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
to begin, plus full benefits.
Mail or fax resum e and salary history to:
Cascade AIDS Project
Attn: Finance Manager
6 2 0 SW Fifth Avenue
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4
Fax: 503 -2 23 -0 4 11
Equal Opportunity
& Affirm ative Action Employer
Cooks Helper
needed for residential treatm ent
facility for children. Experienced in
preparing large quantities o f food,
salad prep experience h elpful.
Maintain M ultnom ah County Food
H andler's Card. Apply: M-F, 8 :3 0
am - 4 :3 0 pm. No C alls Please.
Trillium Family Services, Parry Cen­
te r for Children, 3 4 1 5 SE Powell
Blvd., # 9 Tri-Met busline, Non­
sm oking facility, EOE.
The Oregon Air National Guard has
several part-tim e positions avail­
able. Let the Oregon Air Guard pro­
vide you w ith the experience to
enhance your civilian m arketabil­
ity! Not only will the Air Guard train
you, but pay you to learn! For more
inform ation on pay, travel, training
& various educational benefits -
call 1 -8 0 0 -3 9 2 -1 8 0 1 & inquire
about our enlistm ent eligibility.
• Office Specialist 1
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 2 2
• Document Specialist
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 9 0
Customer Servlce/Enforcement
• Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer
These are just a few of the current job openings
available with the State of Oregon. A more
com plete announcement listing, application forms,
and additional job information are available at:
a) local Employment Departm ent field offices, or
b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregon,obs.org
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud
to be equal opportunity employers.
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 1 1 2
• Transportation Serv. Rep. 1/Part-Tim e Russian
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 2 0
• Project Team Leader
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 8 9
• Designer/Drafter/W riter
Facilities Division
Principal Contributor 3
State Engineer
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 9 1
The Departm ent of Administrative Services. Facilities Division in Salem is
seeking an experienced State Engineer. The State Engineer is responsible
for planning the systematic development of projects on the Capitol Mall and
SS^B V • • r
Salem Headquarters Compound - Ph. II
Date: June 26, 2001 @ 11:00 am
Plans and specs are available in LCG’s plan room.
16427 N.E. Airport Way, #B, Portland, Oregon 97230
(503) 256-3016
Fax (503) 256-3684
CCB 4132982
experience in an engineering related position with responsibility fo r 1)
• Fiscal Coordinator 2
alternatives 4 ) building consensus, and 5) Implementing solutions; and a
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 3 5 6
Bachelor's degree m any Engineerlngrelated field. Three additional years'
Information Systems
experience In engineering for occupied facilities may substitute for the
• Security Administrator
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 3 5 3
OB one year' experience must be equivalent to a Principal
Contributor 1 and show responsibility fo r 1) analyzing complex statewide
systems, 2) identifying problems. 3) generating alternatives. 4) building
• Computer Support Desk Analyst
consensus, and 5) implementing solutions; and an advanced degree in any
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 3 5 3
Engineering-related field. Salary range is $ 4 .1 8 6 to $ 5 .8 9 1 a month, with a
benefit program contribution toward family health and dental insurance, term
life insurance, short and long term disability insurance
Other benefits
A nnouncem ent
4LE D A 1059
For detailed job announcem ent, visit
Management/ Professional
• Highway Construction Project Manager
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 2 8 0
www.oregonjoba.org. or call (9 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 6 2 2 . Close date is June 2 7 ,2 0 0 1 .
To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropnate announcement number,
which provides full details, qualifications/requirem ents and how to apply
instructions. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for the hearing
ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and
em ployer ODOT is com m itted to integrating the prom otion and
management of woikforce diversity and affirmative action into every facet
services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day
of our business
impaired), or visit wwwodot state.or us/hrod jobindex cfm As an AA/EEO
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority,
women i, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises.
include a retirement program, p a d holiday, vacation, and sick leave
LCG co.
Announcement 4 0 C D T 1 3 0 5
other state<w ned and leased property. Requirements include two years
analyzing large complex systems. 2) identifying problems. 3) generating
M c -----------
Oregon Department of Forestry
• Survey Research Analyst/CADD Map Specialist
W W W . 0
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